OOC:zecktal you are AWESOME BIC:So my little friend do you need answers? Find a golden heart piece and bring it too me But watch out i see you
So number XIII whats the matter? Need Some help against yourself?
because i have no brain Why is my computer slow?
Nobodies appeared on Destiny Islands,and a voice came out of nowhere:Need a little help:D?
wow it would be awesome:cheers::sly:
OOC:wel i dunno were you must start:sideways:
OOC:That thing with the destiny islands is very cool Xaldin BIC: ummm axel we have a problem... i cannot read this...! Its some kinda very very mysterious writing
OOC:sorry that i was not here 10 days BIC:Thanks Axel. . . Xemans was siting and writing in his room: Xemnas Report XX: The writing was by Sephiroth
if you live that long. Hmmm its the writing of some kinda...:nono:it cannot be!!!
What do you mean!:yelling: What do you mean Saix!:yelling:
okay mr.berserker-said Xemnas laughin
Saix let him go its his story not your
but Roxas has a keyblade and i give him a little power to controll the nobodies and he gaved for him the power to controll the nobodies Xemnas summoned a huge nobody -zip it in
Xemnas voice camed in Roxas head: You can be yourself if Sora Exist youre a Nobody. But if sora dont exist you can be somebody Good day number VIII What have you bring to me?
yes that was the Creature Xemnas called his assistent to help him searching some books Xemnas called his assistent to search for that paper what was outpluged from the report number 3 Ummm Have anyone played Kh2? Or Kh2:FM Because i dunno how to learn that DOuble jump or what
Xemnas Report #3 Xemnas Report #3: Where Larxene and Saix has gone is not far the Chamber of eternality There is a Powerful Beast who can dissapear like magic. The only way to defeat is this: (its plucked out)
hey Xaldin wanna be mine asiistent?
Xemnas Report #2: The golden heart is a ultimative weapon and with the golden heart i can open kingdom hearts Kingdom Hearts can fill me with the Darkness and i will rule the Galaxy!
Xemnas report #1: Maybe it was not a good idea too cheer the others for becoming hearts:blink: The Golden Heart has 4 pieces we now that. That heart can give for everybody the power to steal others heart.
Ok i let ya go this time but,When i got u or somebody else opening my door or stealing without to ask!:yelling::yelling:You see what happens