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  1. Love2act1989


    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. Love2act1989
    It told me that too...and my bathroom is right next door to my room. lol. What if Peter is in

    oX Angel confuseing head hurts!
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Love2act1989
    My gosh I asked him what my fav color was he said
    Yes she likes you. What in the world. lol.

    Well....DJ what was in the bathroom? lol.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. Love2act1989

    Happy Feet

    Ah it was alright...kinda....corny to me....idk...
    I think yall should see Spirited AwaY!
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Love2act1989
    Well...I get on alot. lol...but I don't think I'm addicted...yet. It has happened before, when I role
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. Love2act1989
    I dont care if it's a trick...i just wish the stupid thing would give me a anwser. I asked if I would ever go to sleep tonight...he said go to the bathroom...there's a suprise in there. Sounded kinda dirty or something...*Shivers*
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. Love2act1989
    MAn this guy is snobish. "Please don't waste my time and my great wisdon" WTF?
    Man I hate this He wont give me a stright answer and he is makeing me mad. lol.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. Love2act1989
    heh its like a magic eight ball, only anoying...
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. Love2act1989
    YAY! I just got back from Chucky Chesse and it was AWSOME!

    Here are pics!

    Before the Awards at PARTY CITY! Me and My best friend trying on glasses. We rock it. lol.
    Me and my bud, lizzie. we gangsta. Don't hate. lol
    Heh I dont know if I know what Im doing. lol. But im a shoot something!
    katie Tanya and Lizzie being Gangsta. They are the best man. Love em!
    Me and D on a ride, smileing....*glass breaks because of me*
    Me Before I saw creepy purple thing behind me
    And me after....
    [​IMG] he scares not kidding....
    Stupid RAT stole my hat....
    On the way back and end of GREAT NIGHT!
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Love2act1989
    My problem is kinda religon based.

    Ok, so I am a huge christian or thats how it ust to be but things change for me. ok.

    Sit down cause this may take awhile.

    See my mom has this thing wrong with her. It is a mental Illness and she thinks things that arnt true, such as cameras being in shower, or in tv, or computer. etc..
    She also thought my dad cheated on her with next door nieghbor, and tried to kill the next door nieghbor. So she went to hospital. She is also bipolar and her emotions switch like crazy. Like one time I was watching tv and she came upstairs and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? She got all mad and I said nothing, then she started cussing and yelling, and my brother Chris came in and asked what was going on. I told him she just started yelling at me, and she was all "You'r lieing, you'r lieing son. And your going to hell, and I was just becoming a christian then so it hurt. and she is in the state of depression alot, and has tried to kill her self several times. She has been to the hospital for months and months at a time, and she often uses this little kid like voice, like she is 7. So It anoys me, but I still love her....but its hard.

    My dad is a drunk. Hes a great guy and everything, but he doesnt drink all the time, but last week he came home very drunk and he said he hated me and never wanted to see me again cause I threw out his beer. but he is trying to quit now...but we were really worried about him that night. He never took off and got drunk without at least calling. We though something happend to him so I was pretty mad that he didnt at least call...

    My younger brother (Chris) who is like 16 is hanging out with the wrong people. My wonderful younger brother has started drinking smokeing, never home, and as a younger brother I worry over him ya know?

    My younger brother (Ryan) is becoming more and more like he is going through the phase you go through at 12.

    Ok my problem. I normally depend on God to get me through certain problems with my family, but laitly I just lost a lot of faith. I know he is there and I know he didnt leave me, and I know he is watching over me, but this is HARD to get through. Last week my mom thought she was pregnet and was rushed to the hospital, and she can't get pregent again...also I just feel empty. I am trying to start going back to church but I just can't. I don't trust the people at church anymore, and I just have school problems and trying to raise money for Peru and I just feel like I wanna give up sometimes. So yeah. Thats my problem...
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Love2act1989
    Wow very nice. I have some of those brushes, but I just don't know how to use them well yet. lol. It is very well faded, cause I can still see the image. lol. Very Nice.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Love2act1989


    Well I do get jelous, over really silly things. Like right now, my X who is my Best friend is secretly meeting with some guy, because I found out by her mom, which I don't know why she would tell me, maybe to make me jelous, or cut me deep, but I don't see this helping me. I am sure at certain cases that Jealousy could possibly help, but on other things...I just am not sure.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. Love2act1989's like everyday. I check my myspace then my Kh-vids. lol. I try to post....but I don't post too much. I post on Khinsider, which is another of my things to check along with aim and use my photoshop...but yeah I am this Kh-vids thing everyday. lol.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. Love2act1989
    Aw. Your cute!

    I'm going to Chucky Chesse tonight for a theatre award thing and Im takeing lots of pictures. I may post some. I havent been to Chucky Chesse since I was 7. I cant wait!! lol.:D
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Love2act1989
    lol they dont have to man. It's their choice. lol.

    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  16. Love2act1989
    K man. Thanks.

    keep the request coming people. lol.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Love2act1989
    Lol. I am really glad you like it. It was so hard to render the pics out, but the end result I think worked. Glad you like it.

    *Waitrs for people*:D
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  18. Love2act1989
    Aw! You have a very cute bird too. And your not to bad on the eyes either.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Love2act1989
    Here you are Hunted Hunter


    and here is your's KeybladewarriorNexus1993

    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  20. Love2act1989
    Yeah the backgrounds are hard to see.
    I'll get started when I get back from school today.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Art Shop