Josh looked at the Ferret. "Aw your cute." He said. "Is he allowed to have some?" He asked Angie.
ooC: Wow lots of reading again. BiC: Josh walked downstairs to get some lunch. Another day flew by with out him even knowing it. He went to the kitchen and started making Grill CHesse.
"CATCH THAT FERRET!!!!" OoC: I have got to go!!! I'll be on after Tonys.
"Um...then why is your door locked?" Said Josh. The ferret jumped out of Josh's hands and ran downstairs. "GET BACK HERE YOU!"
"Um Bree." Said Josh grabing the Ferret. "Are you ok?" He started peting the ferret. "He is kinda cute..."
"AW he's cute." Josh said. "Ah BREE." Josh ran after the ferret. "Get back here you!"
"Um...."Said Josh. "Why is there a my house?" He asked walking around Angie, to get a glimpse of the animal.
"Um what is that?" Said Josh glaring strangly at her. "AHCO!" He snezzed. "Is there a dog in here?"
"I'm.." Josh Began, but then he heard a scream. DARN IT everytime we make contact....something happens Josh rushed off the roof into the room to find Angie(I think) in a room with a spider. "You must be kidding." Josh took a shoe and smashed the spider. "There you go." OoC: lol. They spicey. *Gives Nachos*
OoC: Sorry for the wait. I was making Nachos! BiC: "Ha." Said Josh with a laugh. "No i'm not rich. I built this house years ago..." "Hey Bree." He said nicely. "How are you?"
OoC: Um ok We can leave it at To be continued since your with Kam and uh....he ant on. lol.
OoC: Oh great. That's the impression im giveing off. GREAT! Well I'm NOT. I can promise you that. BiC: Josh looked at Cameron. "Hey. I'm Josh. The owner nice to...." Josh stoped. He noticed that Bree was laughing. " she ok?" He said to cameron.
OoC: Oh well....then forget that first post. lol BiC: Josh, laying in the tree house, was snozzing away. All the stress from school, and stuff at home was gone. He was relaxing. What a great day it was too. His family always screwed up his day, so he avoided them...instead he always had his best friends. Kam and Bree. Sure they got into fights...but thats what friends do sometimes...
OoC: lol. Yeah, I had alot of fun fishing. A lot happend. lol. Oh btw...I am getting off at 8 cause of the TONYS!!!! WHOOO. Sorry i'm an actor and I am like that. lol. I may get on later though I don't know lol. BiC: Was that what I thought? Thought Josh. Did Josh smiled to himself and watched the sunset thinking that maybe things were not as bad as he thought.
OoC: lol...idk. Question are we at a school? lol. Josh walked down the street with thoughts in his mind. Starting a life in a new place seemed strange. He hated his parents for makeing him move, but their was just no choice. Hekept walking until he spoted the place where he would spend half of his life. His new school....
Yay. Glad you like it. Any others?
ooC: WOW Lots of reading. lol BiC: Josh felt the day fly by. Thoes words that Bree said stuck to his brain. Did Bree really care...and if things were so hard....why did she come? Josh went downstairs and outside to look at the sun set. It was truley a site to see. He jumped on roof and watched it as thoughts crowded his mind.
name: Josh (That's my real name ;) Age: 17 Type: Human Weapon: Keyblade Description of Appearance (DOA): Wears jeans, with white tee, and green color shirt. Wears a gold chain and has long blonde hair.
OoC: I got to go. Going FISHING! :-D Be back when I can "Um sure." Said Josh sitting up.
"Um..." He said slowly. "Sure."