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  1. Love2act1989
    Bump? Please can some one comment?
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jul 8, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Love2act1989
    Here is a 10 min play I wrote. k enjoy

    The Rerun
    By Josh Harris

    Jessica-The Star
    Megan-The Brat
    Max-The Lover
    James-The killer
    Sue-The Granny
    Jane-The Director
    Producer-The Producer

    (The stage is showing a living room set with a couch on stage left and Sue sitting in a rocking chair knitting a sock, rocking back and forth. Dramatic music plays as Max enters from stage left.)

    Max: Mrs. Bennot, have you seen Jessica? I need to talk to her about something.
    Sue: No honey, I haven't.
    Max: Man, I really need to tell her something.
    Sue: Well I am sure she will show up sometime.
    Max: I suppose…
    (Enter James)
    James: Max! We need to talk, now!
    Max: What? Oh! Have you seen Jessica?
    James: Yeah I did, with you, last night!
    Max: Dude? What’s wrong?
    James: What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I’ll tell you what’s wrong! (Pulls out knife)
    Max: Dude! What the heck?
    James: How could you? How could you do this to me?
    Sue: Oh my! James put the knife down!
    James: Not until Max's blood is on it...
    Max: Dude!!??! (Ducks behind couch)
    (Enter Jessica)
    Jessica: What’s going on?
    James: Jessica? Hello Jessica. How are you? (Hides knife behind back) Are you feeling well?
    Max: He has a knife Jessica!!!
    Jessica: What? (Backs up)
    (Enter Megan)
    Megan: Is this the house of Jessica Bennot?
    James: Who are you? (Pulls knife from behind back)
    (Megan screams)
    Megan: Please! Please! Don’t kill me! I’m just looking for my mother.
    (The knife drops to the floor)
    Megan: Jessica...I’m your daughter.
    Director: CUT! (Director Jane walks on stage and throws the clipboard on the couch) Horrible! Treacherous! Get your acts together people! The producer will be here in (looks at watch) five minutes. We need to show him a show he wont believe!
    Jessica: Well, we are doing the best we can. I can’t act with out more to work with so if you would give us more to work with, we could do a better job!
    Director: You want more to work with? FINE! I’ll give you more! I don’t see your emotion. Where is the pain? Were is the terror? A madman is going to kill you, surely you can do better then that!!!
    Max: I thought she did a fine job.
    Director: You have no right to talk to speak. I saw no emotion from you either. You love her Max, you want to marry her. Shout it! Be excited when your asking Sue about where Jessica is. AND Sue when James pulled out the knife, you seemed calm and said oh my. Your terrified that you are going to get killed. Shout to the heavens “OH MY†Scream if you must you don’t want to die. As for you James, you’re a crazy loveless man who lost your one and only love to Max. Your out for blood. Show it, FELL it. Be the killer!
    James: I’m about to…
    Director: What was that?
    James: Nothing
    Megan: How do you think I did?
    Director: From the top! (She leaves stage)
    (Megan, annoyed walks off the stage mumbling)
    (Enter Max)
    Max: Mrs. Bennot, have you seen Jessica? I need to talk to her about something.
    Director: CUT! Max work with me. Get excited. Think about your true love and go with that. Use that emotion.
    Max: Fine...Mrs. Bennot have you seen…
    Director: Have you seen Jessica?
    Max: Have you seen Jessica? I need to talk to her about...
    Director: I need to talk to her about something.
    Max: I need to talk to about her something.
    Sue: No honey I haven't.
    Director: Don’t sound so mad Sue! Be kind! You’re a kind grandmother!
    Sue: No honey I haven’t.
    Director: Not that kind! It sounds like your flirting with him. Don’t do that. A grandmother flirting with her granddaughter’s secret crush that would get a horrible rating. Sue:
    (Annoyed and slightly ticked) NO HONEY I HAVEN’T!
    Director: My gosh Sue, can’t you do anything right? Now you are yelling at him. Save the anger for when you yell at your grand child for the daughter.
    Sue: Can we just go on with it. My back is starting to hurt and if we don’t hurry I’m going to miss my program at seven.
    Director: Proceed.
    Max: Man, I really need to tell…
    Director: I really need...
    Max: I really need you to let us get through this once! I need to meet a date at seven at the “Blue Rosesâ€.
    Director: Well you will be late cause the producer will now be here in (Looks at watch) four minutes. Four minutes people. Proceed.
    Max: I really need to talk to her about something.
    Sue: Well I’m sure she will show up, sometime.
    Max: I suppose...
    (Director makes a motion to say something but max glairs at her and she is silent.)
    (Enter James)
    James: Max we need to talk now!
    Max: What? Oh! Have you seen Jessica?
    James: Yeah I did with you last night.
    Max: Dude? What’s wrong?
    James: What’s wrong? What’s Wrong? I’ll tell you what’s…
    Director: WRONG! You are supposed to be crazy. Where is the rage? Where is the anger?
    James: Oh it’s coming!
    Director: GOOD! Use it. I want to see the fire in your eyes. Proceed.
    James: What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I’ll tell you what’s wrong?
    Max: Dude? What the heck?
    James: How could you? How could you do this to me?
    Sue: Oh my…
    Director: OH MY
    Sue: Oh my, oh oh my. Oh My?
    Director: OH MY! It’s not that hard Sue.
    Sue: OH MY! James put the knife away!
    Director: Down.
    Sue: What?
    Director: DOWN! The line is put the knife down! Now away! Say your lines right Sue!
    Sue: James put the knife DOWN!
    James: Not until there is blood...
    Director: James. Crave the blood. Your character must want Max dead! So you must make your character crazy. Crave the blood!
    James: I’m really starting to…
    Director: Proceed
    James: Not until there is blood…
    Director: Not until Max's blood is on it. Learn your lines people. Why do we rehearse?
    James: Look will you just…
    Director: Proceed.
    James: Not until MAX’S blood is on it!
    Director: James! Why are you looking at me? It seems you want to kill me? I’m not in the scene. Talk to Sue. Look at SUE! NOT ME! Max say your line.
    Max: Dude? (Ducks behind couch like before)
    (Enter Jessica)
    Jessica: What’s going on?
    James: Jessica? Hello Jessica. How are you? (Hide knife behind back)
    Are you feeling alright?
    Director: Well.
    James: What?
    Director: Well James! Your line is WELL!!!
    Max: It was close…
    Director: It WASN’T THE LINE!
    Max: But…
    Director: Proceed.
    James: Are you feeling well?
    Max: He has a knife Jessica!
    Jessica: What? (Jessica Backs up)
    (Enter Megan)
    Megan: Is this the house…
    Director: JESSICA! Get scared! He has a knife. Scream or something.
    Megan: How did I do?
    Director: Alright people! From the top! Start over! And this time impress me! Like that’s goanna happen...
    Megan: WHAT?
    Director: Start over! Did I stutter?
    Megan: Start Over? Oh no no NO! Listen! I have been back here for God knows how long trying to memorize my lines, study for school, and do my homework. I want to live my DREAM! ACT! I’m sixteen years old! Sixteen! I have a life of acting and everything but if you don’t let me rehearse I wont get any better. So you are going to sit down be quiet and let me say MY LINES!!!!!
    Director: MY Gosh! This is what I get I get for hiring a little child! A little brat. FINE. Stop crying and go on!
    Megan: Ok. (Wipes tears) Is this the house…
    Director: BUT KEEP in mind people we now have only (Looks at watch) four minutes until the producer gets here.
    (The room is silent)
    Jessica: Um… I think her watch is broken.
    James: I think her brain is broken…
    Director: Now. Proceed.
    Megan: Is this the house of…
    ( A phone goes off)
    Director: Hello? OH TOM? How are you honey bear? Me? Oh I am just directing a masterpiece, working with actors that have no experience. Really? Oh you got me reservatons to the “Blues Roses� (Max sighs) Ok honey. Well I really should go. Yeah I know. Ok. I love you too. Kiss kiss. Bye.
    (Hangs up)
    Director: Ok proceed.
    Megan: (Annoyed) Is this the house of Jessica Bennot?
    James: Who are you? (James pulls out knife)
    (Megan screams)
    Director: What was that? What kind of scream was that? Where is the terror? The fright?
    (Megan screams unsure)
    Director: That sounds like a cat dying!!!
    (Megan screams and holds it)
    Director: STOP SCREAMING
    (Megan holds her scream for five more seconds annoyed)
    Director: MEGAN! STOP!!!
    (Megan stops)
    Director: PLEASE proceed!
    Megan: PLEASE! PLEASE! Don’t kill me! I'm only looking for my mother!
    (James accidentally drops the knife on his foot)
    James: OW my foot! (He causes a chain reaction by tripping the couch over causing Max to jump from underneath the couch causing Jessica to trip over James. Megan goes up to the wall and leans against it clearly getting ticked off)
    Director: CUT! What are you guys doing playing circus?
    James: My foot! My foot! I think I’m bleeding! Someone get me a band aid!
    Megan: Oh suck it up James. Be a man.
    James: Listen you…
    (Jessica gets up, blood dripping down her forehead)
    Jessica: Guys stop fighting.
    Megan: Look who’s talking ketchup head. Tried to make the scene dramatic I see.
    Jessica: What? (She runs to her purse and pulls out a compact mirror.)
    OH MY GOD! I’m DYING!!!!!
    Megan: Your not dying.
    Jessica: Yes I am. My brain must have exploded or something.
    Megan: What brain? I didn’t know you had one.
    Jessica: Why you spoiled little brat. Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? I am the star of this program. With out ME we would have nothing,
    Max: Um we kind of already do have nothing…
    Megan: Bring it!
    Jessica: Oh I am going to rip out your hair! (Jessica lunches to Megan)
    Sue: Guys! Stop fighting!
    Megan: Stay out of this granny. This is between Airhead and me!
    Jessica: Um who’s Airhead? Isn’t that candy?
    Sue: Now I KNOW you did not call me “granny†little miss Brittany Spears!
    Megan: OH! How dare you insult me! I’m goanna get my daddy to sue you!
    Max: Guys stop it!
    James: Please! Can I get a band aid???
    (Jessica grabs the knife)
    Jessica: That’s it I cant take it. I don’t know who air head is but I don’t care!!! I am going to kill myself and none of you can stop me.
    Megan: Fine go ahead.
    James: Why do I care?
    (Max thinks)
    Sue: OH MY
    Max: NO don’t do it.
    Jessica: I’m going to! I’m going to do it. (Brings knife up and attempts to slice through.)
    Jessica: Oh my GOD!
    Megan: Its…
    Jessica: BROKEN!
    Megan: (Rolls eyes) NO! It’s fake. (Looks at James) How could you get hurt with a fake knife? You are such a drama king!
    Max: I can’t believe it’s...fake…
    Director: CUT!!!! Tell me you got that! That was brilliant! WONDERFUL! I Saw so much emotion, so much terror. I LOVED it! Superb! Jessica when you lunged for the knife I held my breath. I laughed! I cried! It’s genius! I’m a GENIUS!!! Now do that again! The producer will be here in two minutes and this drama will nock him dead!
    (The room is silent)
    Jessica: WHAT? I almost killed myself with a fake knife? And you want us to do it over again? What do you think I am? Stupid?
    Megan: Don’t answer that…and I STILL haven’t gotten far with my lines! My daddy will hear this!
    James: I’m bleeding...I think...
    Sue: My back hurts, and I’m missing my program…
    Max: I am really getting a headache and my date just text me saying she hates my guts and that its over...
    Director: WHINE WHINE WHINE! Get over yourselves. This is about creating a masterpiece! I am the director and you will do what I say!
    Megan: You are not my daddy and I don’t have to listen to you! I QUIT!
    Director: Quit? You can’t quit! You signed a contract!
    Megan: And ill have my daddy destroy. Good bye! (Megan Exits)
    Director: FINE! I don’t need you! (Takes a breath) Ok! This time Jessica go mad and pull the knife on Sue...
    Sue: NO! I don’t think so. I’m getting way to old for this and my program is almost over. If I leave now I can still see if Marry still loves Jack. Good day.
    (Sue Exits)
    Director: Fine! Your character’s not that important anyway! Jessica pull the knife on James to defend your only love max…
    Jessica: No! My brain exploded and all you care about is protecting a guy I don’t even find attractive. No. I’m going home! Maybe I could like got o the doctors or something...
    (Jessica Exits)
    Director: Oh my gosh! I hate actors. James and Max fight over the knife but then in the moment you both realize that you both truly deeply love each and kiss to show affection toward each other…
    Max and James: (Back away from each other glaring) HECK NO!!!!
    (They exit opposite sides)
    Director: Fine I don’t need any of ya. NONE OF YA!!!
    (Producer enters)
    Producer: Hello. I am here to view a drama scene from “Love or dieâ€. I am with ABC’s Soap Opera Incorporated and I don’t have all day so please proceed.
    Director: (Clearly crazy) FINE!
    (Director drops knife on her foot)
    My foot! My foot! I think I’m bleeding! Someone get me a band aid!
    Oh suck it up James. Be a man.
    Listen you…
    ( gets up, blood dripping down her forehead)
    Guys stop fighting.
    Look who’s talking ketchup head. Tried to make the scene dramatic I see. What? (She runs to her purse and pulls out a compact mirror.)
    OH MY GOD! I’m DYING!!!!!
    Your not dying.
    Yes I am. My brain must have exploded or something.
    What brain? I didn’t know you had one.
    Why you spoiled little brat. Who do you think you are to talk to me like I am the star of this program. With out ME we would have nothing,
    Um we kind of already do have nothing…
    Bring it!
    Oh I am going to rip out your hair! (Jessica lunches to Megan)
    Guys! Stop fighting!
    Stay out of this granny. This is between Airhead and me!
    Um who’s Airhead? Isn’t that candy?
    (Producer gets up annoyed and mutters)
    Producer: I hate a one man show…
    (The scene still plays out and blackout)
    Thread by: Love2act1989, Jul 3, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Love2act1989
    Sorry guys I was gone for so long. I had a week staying at the church to get ready for Peru....and while I was dad checked my computer and thought there was a virus and wiped everything on there...including Photoshop....and when I tried to re install it....there was a scratch. I was SO angry. I try to take it to a shop and they said it couldnt be now I have no photoshop and I cant make Tags right now. Sorry guys.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Love2act1989
    How do I break the links? And do I get the permission or trinity?
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Love2act1989
    Yeah I know what you mean. Hmmm Maybe sora or something?
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  6. Love2act1989
    Ok looks hard ill its a bad pic in my opion...I mean you cant even see a face....but ill try :-D

    and Trinity, here is your sig


    Was kinda hard but FUn. I hope you liek it :-D oh and your avy...

    Hope you like them!
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  7. Love2act1989
    OoC: SO MUCH READING!!! GAh!:eek: What happend?
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Love2act1989
    Wow....ok I'll take it...but who in the pic do you want? I can't just use the whole thing....that would be ripping...
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  9. Love2act1989
    Wow....your pics seem hard to use....mind if I play around and try something diff....your pics seem hard for me to render out...

    Ok here it is...if you don't like it Ill try again....cause its not what you asked...


    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  10. Love2act1989
    kool...can you try to do KeybladewarriorNexus1993 request?
    I can't do it....cause I am having a hard time with I am busy with something else right now...

    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Love2act1989
    AHH I got a hair cut.....:eek:


    Ekkk...I am still trying to get use to it......
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Love2act1989
    Ok....but right now...lets stop chating this me if need to talk to me....

    Ok, now you people can post your request.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  13. Love2act1989
    OoC: NUUU! MINE! lol

    Bic: Josh walked outside with HIS Nachos and walked over to the beach. He saw Bree and she looked upset....again. "Hey, whats up?" Josh said eating Nachos.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Love2act1989 gotta stop comparing yourself to DJ are fine at making sigs tags and what not...better then me. Anyway it don't what you want. See ya when you get back.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  15. Love2act1989
    OoC: a drama queen....:D
    BiC: Josh went downstairs and saw Bree eating her peanut. "HI!" Said Josh with nachos in his hands...
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Love2act1989
    Wow...ok. Sorry I have not been able to get on much. I have been REALLY busy and I am afraid it may get worse....cause I got a mission trip I am preparing for, and I have to go to meetings and Discipleship week and so much SO I may not be able to get on as much as I would like. Therefore...I ask iPraise and iChristian to do what they can. I will TRY to get on but no promises ppl.


    Info we need.

    Matching avy:

    Please fill that out... :-D
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Love2act1989
    OoC: yeah I am dramatic. Well my X Girl friend came over today...weird. lol.
    Anyway I could. Oh and when I said I was leaving for TONYS I meant the Tony awards. The theatre awards and the musical I liked didn't win, but now I like Spring Awakening ...Its kool.

    Josh looked up. "Hey Bree." Josh looked up and turned his head down. He knew bree liked that other guy. Was he jealous? He didn't know..

    OoC: Is that dramatic enough?
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Love2act1989
    OoC: Wow lol. lost of LoooVE going on. Sorry I have been real busy

    Josh walked down the stairs. He went over to the his chair sat down and watched tv.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Love2act1989
    Wow...that is a bad you have any more pics? Also I need to know what colors you want the sig to be...
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  20. Love2act1989
    Um ok. Thanks. I thought you could not get on for 2 weeks? Anyway iC is also gonna help us out.
    Post by: Love2act1989, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: Art Shop