Xion looked down at her text book and tried her best not to laugh.
Xion looked at Sora and Roxas with a 'Riku's busted!' look
Xion giggled quietly.
"Yuck!" Xion whispered
"Wow. He changed but he's still just as terifying." Xion whispered.
Xion shook her head. "You couple of babbys." she said but wasn't so confadint when she saw Sepreorth.
"Oh, shut up!" Xion said, without even looking at who the vioce belonged to.
Xion covered her face with both hands. "I don't know him." Xion's vioce cam muffled through her hands.
"Oh, my gosh! Seriously?!" Xion said VERY embarased.
No she doesn't! She look beautiful!
I'll be there if you two would like me there. =)
ok. Let me know if you think of anything though. =)
ok. um...anything I can do to help?
"You're not the only one who has a weird dad." Xion said.
IDK. Sorry for the late reply. I had to practice my violin. I don't take you lightly. Believe me. When I'm in a bad mood, somebody is going to...
Why are you so upset?
O.o ok. bye
ok? -is totaly confuse-
whoa! You changed your Avatar
Xion covered her mouth with her hand to hide a laugh. "Good morning Mr. Cloud." she said.