wow. That is all I have to say.
thanks. =)
I just can't do that kind of confusion.
I just don't have time & when I do post the others don't seam to notice and there is too much chaos!!! Ppl being other ppl's ppl!!!!
lol!!! Funny
lol!!! wow!!!
huh? sorry. Take me off the RP. I can't keep up.
Too tired. Too bored.
How are you?
Time nearly has me swallowed. There isn't enough time in a day for all the things that need to be done.
Hi. Haven't talked to you in a few days.
lol!!! vry funny
Lunatic. It's a good book so far?
Playing video games, going to get new books. Just busy.
busy. very busy
Xion laughed.
"Yes sir." Xion said and looked down.
Xion slipped into her desk when Vexen was distracted.
(Wow I fell behind.) Xion walked in, tardy for class. 'Great,' she thought, 'I'm going to get in trouble.'