Looks pretty cool so far but I won't rly know untill that storie gets kicked off. =)
YAY!!!! Thank you! =)
I didn't do anything that would leav a mark of hurt in then next few minuets. Don't think I'm that mean. And for some strange reason, I can't see...
It was just funny! -shrugs- IDK y it just was.
lol!! =P ur funny
Thx. OK. onething though. If it's not too much to ask, would u plz call me Edel or Haruhi. IDC which. =)
lol!! ur feeling angelic? That's a new one. Nm. That was rude of me. -Haruhi smile- will u forgive me?
Looks cool. I'll join!! I wanna b Xion!! Plz plz plz!!
uh. Turned him down on a date. He punched me first but he wasn't standing when the fight ended. -nervous smile- Why on earth did I jsut tell you...
Nothing wrong with that. -Haruhi smile- I know this is random but my jaw still hurts from when thet 10th grade guy punched me.
'=/ ur odd
=P what's ur point?
-roles her eyes like Haruhi- Why not??? hmmmm???
Yah but I wish the language wasn't so bad and it wasn't so.......erm......IDK how to say that
Of course. -roles eyes- Now IDK what to say.....
Y, You're very welcome! ^-^ lol!! wow. I'm about to fall over laughing. I'm watching OHSHC and these episodes r SO funny.
Which host do you look like most? Or is that Honey?
Welcome back.
It's just anoying. -facepalm- I just remembered that I look like The Host Club's Princess. -_- ug. -shrugs- what ever. It's cool! ^_^
Honey is pretty cool (still doesn't get why armicans use the japanies terms.)