evry time i go on this website i turn on my fave song and listen 2 it until i get sick of it....but inevr do:D becuz it is so asum>D
all of the clips of bbs r allin japanese,icant undrstand japanese, but it sounds awsum wen mickey speaks in japanese.:D
plus the creatrs of the kh sieres r RE:makin kh2!?!?!y wuld they DO such a thing!!?!?! theres one thing i know is that the remakes r good but the...
i dont even know how 2 entr the kh2 cheats in!?!?!? i trid putin it in my computr but my computr is old and coplicatd and i lukd in the game in...
ya... it felt like it tuk me 4evr 2 type all that in at one.heh:}
did u now there r kh2 cheets that can chang the caractr from sora 2 riku or roxas or sum uthr caractrs!?!and that thr r 2 keys that hav a level...
ya!! yayayayayayaya!!!!!!!!!!
i wuld luv 2 dress up as a kh caractr.
sumday i wuld like 2 go 2 a cosplay convention, hopefuly theres sum in north carolina.
my uncle looked it up on line.
im wathin vid on utube on how 2 make kh weapons!!!!! >D
my uncle said kh3 is cumin out sume time next year!!!
i 4 got but my uncle says that kh3 is comin out summ time next year!!!:D
the art is very cute. and i have 2 log out becuz dinr is done and my 2nd hour is up.i' ll talk 2 u 2maro.:D
hav u evr herd of chibi?[its anime charactrs in a very cute and small form]
and if the website says that i am on line i might hav 4goten 2 logout.hahahaha,i do that alot!
just 2 tell u if u leve a messag and i dont respond until the next day its bcuz i hav used up my 2 hour limit.[my mom lets me play on her laptop...