Duh i know thats what makes this place cool lol.
For a matter of fact im 13.
I like yellow card and how to save a life.
step 1 You have to be her friend hang out with her be nice to her and let her know how each of you feel. step2 after being her friend a long time ask her on a date if she says no dont be mad is she says yes take here somwere good like the formal(its over) step3 when you take her on a date take on a few more than get to know her and stare at her eyes or her face not her chest step4 dont be nasty or just plain dumb just be yourself and if you have to be different do it step 5 dont come on o her when she kisses you or something let her do that to you and you have your self a GF step5 guys this is your part you get on your knees and ask her will you marry me if she says no then move on if she says yes your lucky. step6 have a nice wedding no drinks or nothing just shampane or something and dont be stupid or brag saysing yeah i'm getting married. Hope this guide helped i will update later.
First of all you dont need to ask someone you have to get to know someone like i knew mookiethekeytodestiny i got to know her first your just acting pathetic.
You read the titel me and Mookiethekeytodestiny opend up a new chat club come chat,party,and eat but most of all chat we have games ps2(100000) ps3(1000000 xbox360(100000) xbox(100000000) Wii(1000000000) zelda(1000000 kingdom hearts1(10000000) kingdom hearts COM(100000000) kingdom hearts2(10000000000) kingdomhearts3(100000000000) bowling(100000000) halo 1,2,3(1000000000) basketball(1000000000) here is all the food turkey chicken and rice tacos buritos cheeseburgers frenchfrys and all the food in the world drinks soda milk fruitjuice chocalate milk coffe snowcones rooms coffe room dinning room game room lobby chat room tv room . this place is run by me and Mookiethekeytodestiny.
I use the attack cards then i use some combos.
N00b you can't lock a thread your not a mod or admin lol.
I just noticed that yester day when i rented kingdom hearts there was dragons on the cave i just never posted it cause i was banned.
Demyx walked in the woods and started cutting wood and,he made a wooden bird then,he sat on a log,opening his favoriet book KingdomHearts.
No when i put in the IMG code nothing shows up on my sig.
I'm already married but if i wasn't married i would date mookiethekeytodestiny,mari,and mish
Um the sig is not working for me to you have to have a certain post count?
How do i give somebody a comment on there rep?
I hate him his purpel yellow suite and friend. hope he didn't hear me say that,oh god,OMG HE'S HERE TO KILL US!!!
No becaus i told darky i was srry and i sent him a pm.
But its a different color but its a shameless record in the past the past.
Yeah im not going to spam so much i've learned my lesson.
I know you ccan't get bye them f****** flames lol but its sad and i cant get over those flames.
Im going to work up my post lol.