Can you add me and mookie to the list we are married mookiethekeytodestiny=cloudfinalfantasy2
Could you be dumber here let me explain it in terms you can understand ZIMG@!!1!!! MAN WIS A=MALE~~~!!! WOMAN WIS A+FEMAL@!#$!@!!!! (no offensie)
You know the star keyblade well i have some ingrident called the star ingrediant if i use that does it make me have the keyblade?
Hi if you look in my sig i am married to mookie and she is married to me on the forums lol dont spam plz read the rules and if you need any help just PM me(private message)
What is AR max i bought this gamebreaker disc and it has all these codes.
Have you seen this i mean i wouldn't name my name marky(reffering to darky) or lari(reffering to mari) but one letter is changed in there name C M so do you think cookiethekeytodestiny has been looking at this site for awhile?
Can someone make me a sig with riku in it like the one at the bodom but it says oblivion or not and a different background color you can choose backgroun color.
I did'nt mean to say he killed himself i messed uo the titel but yeah being the heartless was so fun!!!
OMG!! this is the stupidest thing since stewy's dipear!!! or this is the stupidest thing since bill nye the science guy!!!
GOD its so embarrising i dont want to post it fine ill get it over with -3.:(
cloud walked in a dark creeped room that was on fire"HELP!!" it was a woman he hurried up the stairs to find a woman there. Demyx saw the fire and ran to the building"dance water dace!!" the water minions put out the fire.
Well imade another accout i will log in right now.
YAY I GET TO DIE UH HUH!! UH HUH!! lol ok thanks for the sighn ups.
Ill tell you who next week is.
Well ps3 are't so good i think they wont sell that much proambeley.
the new person of the week is "drum roll" becuase of being nice and generouse he ets to be person of the week go ...!!/
No hes an animal get it animal i dont know lol~~
He;s to funny lol im a member on his forum more people need to join his but im tired of bad rep.
*crys" congrats gos and plays dance dance revolution.
I love summer its my favorite no school no coldness you get to have girls and surf and be active.