I think......she is a trans!!!!!....kidding!!!!
I am ROXAS!!!!
What about me??
You copyd my Avatar!!!!....o well, sup?
you all have to add a picture of yall selfs to!!!!!
Thanks, nice profile!!!
Thank you I LOVE your pic to!!!!
Go to the group that says " the world ends with you fanclub" That is the only one with my user-name.
Hay!!!, why dont you join the TWE group I made it my self!!!!!
Check it out!!!!! :woohoo: Click here to see Video
I Know that is RIKU!!!!!....but ROXAS is better!!!!
Need a friand.....
Thanks rikuxking!!!!
Here is XION!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXXQW8XMtGM&feature=related
XION Revealed!!!!!!!!!:woohoo:
She looks like kirie if you think about it.......
Ummmmmm..... Ultima from KH1 and KH2 combind!!!!!
fine!!, but i get them both as individuals....because I ROXAS
Hey, sup!!!!