This is a Kingdom Hearts rpg taken one-thousand years(give or take) after sora(who will be mentioned in this thread as "the legendary hero") finished his story. There are three races in this story, normal people(or humans if you like to call them that), those who use darkness, those without hearts. Now before i get this thread and everything started I'd like to say something about those using darkness, or those without hearts. First if you want to start out with darkness, or without a heart just say that on your "Character info". And lets say you want to not have a heart, or use darkness; well for darkness just find someone who uses darkness and asked them to give you some(don't worry people using darkness you won't lose your darkness). However, if you want to lose your heart all you have to do is die, and then make another post saying that now since you died you lost your heart. Please not that if you choose to start out without a heart or whatever but you don't have a heart you CAN'T get a heart just have to create a new character. For those who want to know where to meet if you use darkness the world that never was. However just like in Kingdom Hearts 1 there are portals to other worlds but if you go through the portal you'll end up in a fight that the legendary hero once fought(sora) example:Go to the portal to Hollow bastion you might end up in the fight against a 1000 heartless or sepheroth. It's all random you get to choose what boss you get to fight. For Organization 13 your world is just like in kh2 the world that never was. Nothing different. Now back on subject, weapons are just a keyblade doesn't have to be a real one from Kingdom Hearts it could be made up but please put a picture. I'll put more of this lower down in this post. OMG! I haven't yet talked about the plot silly me, it's now time for..... plot time! Alright so a rumor went around a little bit last month that there was a heart that made you immortal, so you and everyone else went after it. As everyone found kingdom hearts they went up and touched it, since everyone touched it at the same time it shattered into three pieces. And a booming voice said,SINCE YOU HAVE ALL TOUCHED THE HEART NOW YOU MUST GO AFTER AND FIND THE PIECES BUT I WOULD LIKE TO WARN YOU. IF YOU DO PUT THE HEART BACK TOGETHER THE RACE THAT ONCE GAVE THERE HEARTS TO CREATE THAT HEART WILL COME BACK AND ATTACK YOU. HOWEVER, IF YOU KILL ALL 20 OF YOU YOU WILL EACH BE GIVEN IMMORTAL LIFE! And that is where your journey begins, you can choose where you are but put it in your first post. Now before i get more serious about posting i just wish to add this one thing before i go all serious. Unless you post and say you don't wish to be on organization thirteen everyone who does not have a heart will automatically join organization 13. So here this list of everyone who is a member of organization 13 right now. 1.Demyx 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. If there is more i will add it so there is no limit. Alright serious time rules- 1. Don't spam as in make a post that has no action, no talking, no anything interesting. 2. Flaming people, just don't if your angry at someone write it all down on a notepad like thing(like Microsoft word) and write why your angry with the person and then delete it, ps don't save it. 3. Since there is no such thing has guns in kingdom hearts, you can't kill anyone with one hit. If a fight goes on for a long time(like a page or more) i'll just come in and say one of you are dead cause thats way to long for a fight one of you has got to die. 4. Speaking of dying if you die you get two choices, wait one day(you can cheat and die at 11 o'clock pm then go to sleep then the next day when ever you get back on you are now alive) or once you die you can choose to lose your heart and join organization 13 but please post that you did(lose your heart). Now that only counts as a human if you die using darkness you lose your heart now choice but you can go to kingdom hearts(the door) and then you can get your heart back. 5. As i kind of said in my last post if you lose your heart go to kingdom hearts to get it back, but this does not work for people who choose to not have a heart in the beginning.(cause you didn't have a heart to start with) 6. And then just follow the rules of kh-vids. Alright so we are almost done, i forgot to mention that if you are a member of organization 13 you don't have to use a keyblade.I also forgot to mention that you can warp to any world using the thing organization 13 did in kh2 without having to use darkness. And that you can go to any world(including earth) and Radient Garden is the whole world, and hollow bastion is just the castle. Now i will show you my first post and follow almost the same way without copying it. Name:Hayate Race:Human Keyblade:in normal mode i have ultima weapon(kh1 version), and in armor mode(look below for info) i hold ultima weapon in my right hand and metal chocobo in my left hand. Pic of self: <--- pretty much looks like that except my hair is longer. Forms: (you don’t have to have forms but I do) armor form- except with my pictures face. Now for my first post, please note that the info and your first post should be both in your first post. As I walked along the road, I said to my self. "Why us, why do we have to find the almost impossible thing?" I then took a turn and ended up in hollow bastion. oh and I forgot to say that you don't have to use only one keyblade, you can have two without using a form.
So after Sora and Riku came back to destiny island, something new has happened to the worlds. You have just left your old world to save all the worlds. You have one/two keyblade(s) on you. Which one(s)? Every world is here and they all need to be saved. Do you stay the path of good, or do you join the heartless, what about losing your heart and becoming an organization 13 member. Good luck I will be there as well.Everyone starts out at Traverse Town. The world you come from does not matter even if its made up you won't have to ever go there. Remember everyother keyblader is your friend unless you don't want them to. In your first post make sure you put you kh name, your keyblade(s) if you join the darkness(if you do join the darkness please post about how you joined them). Organization 13 Members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Please note there can be someone like namine but only ONE. people using darkness Lye(kh_namine_kh) me kinda(KingRiku aka Hayate) Waisilx(the last of the organization) Seth(soraspartanti) Rules 1.No cussing killing unless you ask the other person except heartless and normal nobodies. is okay but keep it under pg-14. 4.If you choose darkness, you can't use it over 5 times unless you want to lose your heart. 5. To be a nobody you must lose your heart look at 4 to find out how. 6.Any keyblade is okay but no make up keyblades without a picture. can spam but don't be like this "i then walked over to her" 8.Don't forget i'm also playing! 9. No godmoding Name:Hayate Keyblade(s): souleater and oathkeeper World came from:Wonderland Pic/clothing: Just a blank white T-shirt and blue pants. Darkness:No Please post it this but with your stuff.
hey I have had a account for sometime just now starting to use it I first started playing kingdom hearts last chrismas and now i have beaten all 3 can't wait untel the make the new 3 games