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  1. Jasper Cullen
    So I finally found my itunes file on my old broken, computer that my brother fixed for his senior project. And so I downloaded itunes and after all my songs,tv shows, movies, etc were finished uploaded onto itunes i tried to watch a tv show that i thought i had lost. But when i double clicked on it it told me to authorize itunes so i put in my username and password. However, it told me that i could only have 5 computers authorize. And it said i already had 5 computers authorized, which doesn't make any sense since i only have four computers in my house. So my question is how do i unauthorize a computer? or should i just make a new account? will that make is so i can or can't listen to my old downloaded music?
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Feb 7, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  2. Jasper Cullen
    on KHI.

    just fyi for anyone who really didn't care
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Feb 5, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jasper Cullen

    Yes so here is my latest kh1 hack me and janime6 did this(however i created the video). I know i'll make a Riku and kairi verson soon i just didn't feel like having all of them in one video. And there might be a chance that i'll post the same video again but with animations.

    If the video above doesn't work here is the link to it-
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Feb 1, 2009, 35 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  4. Jasper Cullen

    To a keyblade

    One day after saving the worlds Sora and Riku made a bet. This bet happened to be whoever won in a fight would get to the keyblade(sora that it was a joke). And they sealed the bet with blood. However, since Sora has Roxas inside of him all of the nobodies including Organization 13 joined in on the bet. And since Riku was once a member of darkness all of the people who use darkness was also included in the bet.
    Right after they sealed the bet in blood, organization 13 appeared on sora's side and members of darkness appeared on riku's side.

    "Look's like this bet has become bigger then anyone has every thought of, we must relocate," Xemnas said and clapped his hands and they all appeared in traverse town. "The rules are as following, last one alive gets the keyblade or in sora's case gets to keep it, it would be advised to make friends while on this quest. Now you must all be on a different world, now once i clap my hands again the quest will begin," Xemnas said and then he clapped his hands.

    Characters to play as(also many characters have been split into more then one of them selves because they change what they look like)
    Sora(kh2):sora is cute
    Valor/Brave form:
    Wisdom form:
    Master form:
    Final form:
    Anti form:
    Limit form:roxasrikusora
    Replica Riku:
    Xehanort's Heartless:
    Any Nobody(you choose and you can command and play as that nobody):
    Any Heartless(same as the nobodies):
    Also you can make an original character if they use darkness or are a member of organization 13
    Original Characters
    Sora is cute: Name: Cladibelle
    Age: Unknown (possibly in the forties or fifties)
    Bio: She has a very kind and gentle nature, but seems to be very mother-like to those dear. She'd rather make friends then fight, but her soul has now been trapped within a mannequin, and with the Keyblade, she believes to get to her granddaughter.
    Appearance: Look at the .JPG to the right. On the left is her granddaughter, but this is an old sketch, sorry.

    Also everyone can use anything they have ever had, even if they gave it up. For example both kh1 and kh2 riku's can use Souleater and the Darkness keyblade but only kh2 riku can use Way to the Dawn.

    The rules other then what Xemnas said would just be to follow kh-vids rp rules.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 31, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Jasper Cullen

    Hikaru no Go

    So did anyone else read this manga? I know its not all the way finished in english, it is in japanese. I have read it, just wanted to know if others have also read it and liked it.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 31, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Jasper Cullen
    Did anyone else realize that after you beat Zexion he forget to pause on one of his lines.
    The Subtitles say-
    After all your protests, you're still like us, on the side of darkness.
    But he say's them like this-
    After all your protests, you're still like us on the side of darkness.

    Accident or Purpose?
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 26, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Jasper Cullen
    Every time I leave hot places, for example hot tub,showers,heater I get a massive headache and I lose my vision for about a second.

    So should I go to the doctor or is this just natural after being in heat?
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 24, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. Jasper Cullen
    yeah i'm still on riku's story(even through i got the game when it came out) i need help on the Riku vs. Hades battle. I keep dying,here are my stats-
    Level: 24
    attack points:18
    Dark Points:16

    normally i just train not stop to beat a boss but i thought I would ask here instead.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 24, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  9. Jasper Cullen
    So did anyone ever play it, I know its pretty old but still. I just restarted again, and I don't play online.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 23, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Jasper Cullen
    Here is my first chapter to my Kingdom Hearts FanFic The Journal of the Heartless Angel. It starts out not very FanFicy but it will get more into the Kingdom Hearts Universe it just happens to not be about sora, riku, or kairi.

    Chapter one A New Beginning

    I never really thought about how the earth would end.
    If it were to die prematurely, I would have guessed Global Warming.
    I was wrong, very wrong.

    I turned off my Nintendo 64 and grabbed my backpack. My door flung open, which shocked me.
    “Mom?†I asked no one ever goes into my room unless I tell them. An old woman walked into my room, the reason I could tell she was old was that she had wrinkles that made her look over 300 years old. “Who the hell are you?†I asked.
    “Do you really need to know?†she asked.
    “Yes,†I said eyeing her.
    “Well I guess I can say I’m a magician,†she said.
    “Okay, but why are you here?†I asked.
    “I’m here to give you a message. Watch your back,†the woman said.
    “What does that mean?†I asked, however right then she disappeared. I walked out of my room and into the living room. Turned my head both ways and realized no one had seen her.
    “Goodbye,†I said walking toward the door to leave my house.
    “Goodbye Hayate,†both my parents said. As I opened the door, I remembered the quote from Romeo and Juliet so I said it to them before I left.
    “Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.†I walked across the street to get to the sidewalk to I could go to school. However, half way across the street a car flew by hitting me. The last thing I remember was seeing my blood and thinking how hard it would be to get out.
    “First name Hayate, Age 14, Height 5†6’, Weight 95, Gender male.†A Doctor said.
    “The weight, did he lose a lot because of blood lost?†the nurse asked.
    “No, according to his mom he has always been skinny,†the doctor said. I opened my eyes after that and looked at the mirror next to me. My hair was still bloody, long and bloody. I touched my hair to feel it again, it felt the same but it seemed different. My hair has always been long, about half way down my back. My whole body felt different like I was just bitten by a spider that had special powers.
    “What’s wrong with me?†I asked with my rasping breath.
    “If only I knew, your body healed after the first hour of you going to the hospital.†The doctor said. I wanted to know why but no one knew. After another series of tests the doctor left and I was alone, or was I. The old woman who I saw in my room appeared about a minute after the doctor left.
    “I told you to watch your back, but then again I was trying to stop destiny,†the old woman said.
    “Who are you?†I yelled at her.
    “My name is Maleficent, I was named after earthling’s story of Sleeping Beauty,†Maleficent said.
    “Okay, so what’s with my body?†I asked.
    “Puberty?†Maleficent said.
    “No! I meant how my body was able to heal my broken ribs so fast,†I yelled at her.
    “Darkness, I gave your body a sample of it, and it seemed to react the normal way. Now do you want the rest?†Maleficent asked.
    “What? No I don’t want any darkness, I don’t even know what this darkness is?†I said.
    “It gives you the most of your life, everyone has darkness but only those who are given darkness can use it. Go to school tomorrow and test it out, maybe on a bully you don’t like?†Maleficent said.
    “You want me to kill, never!†I yelled at her.
    “Your chose,†she said and disappeared. I ended up going to school the next day even though a car hit me. I had bandages on my rip cage because that is where the car hit me. In my Physical Education was when I really get to use darkness. The radio was messed up so it only kept playing I Hate Everything about You by Three Days Grace. When it turned on once again I saw the only person in the whole school I hated everything about him. I then knew what she meant; the power was flowing through my body.
    “Hey loser come over here and I want to show the world what you truly are!†I yelled at the bully. The bully himself was probably just what they tell you on television, a kid having a crappy life so he takes it out on other people. He ran over at me with a fist yelling,
    “Time to die you nerd!†All of the lights turned off now; maybe it was luck so no one could tell that I did it. I used darkness to freeze his hand right next to my chest and I whispered into his ear,
    “No one ever calls me a nerd,†right after that, I used darkness and flung him into the wall killing him. However, the darkness was too strong for me and I fainted.
    When I woke, I heard a voice next to my ear telling me to go back asleep; I listened to it and fell asleep. My dream was the weirdest dream I have ever had because it was real.
    “Hello Hayate,†Maleficent said.
    “Where am I?†I asked her.
    “I’m using magic to talk to you so I can tell you a story you need to know.†Maleficent said.
    “Okay, I’ll be quit when you tell the story,†I said sitting down in the ground. The place we were in was a bright room with white for the walls, ceilings, floors everything however there was no doors.
    “My story begins in the galaxy called ‘The Living Worlds’ the galaxy holds every world that has life on it except earth. Now earth was once part of this galaxy however, it left because they were hard headed. The worlds founded a thing called the UW, or the United Worlds. This group monitors each world including earth, now the reason earth left was because they felt that the UW was invading their privacy. So they casted all of the magic users who lived on earth the fling earth to a different galaxy, it worked however everyone who could use magic died. Heartless have always lived on every world, but since they are attracted to magic, they never came to earth. Magic is the easiest thing to use; power of darkness is a bit harder since if you have a weak heart you will lose it. Right now, we the people who use darkness are shunned since we are called evil. Nevertheless, we are not, we control the heartless and use it for our own ideas. We make decisions on our own, like destroy earth using the heartless.†Maleficent said.
    “Wait, what?†I asked in confusion.
    “Earth is going to lose its heart, you will learn more about it later in your journey,†Maleficent said. Right then everything disappeared and the world returned. However I returned to hear some things I didn’t need to hear.
    “Are you telling me he’s dead!†I heard my mom yell.
    “Yes, he died in Physical Education. None of his organs are working, no pulse no nothing,†the doctor said.
    “Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow to get him ready to his grave,†my mom said and left. The doctor also left right then to probably make some paper work. Right then my body was flung up and on to someone’s back.
    “Shush, we must be quick,†Maleficent said and ran to the top of the hospital. She let me down from her back and then started a fire.
    “What are you doing?†I asked.
    “No evidence should be found,†Maleficent said and dropped the fire onto the hospital and muttered a few words. Then the whole hospital was on fire burning, once again, she grabbed me and we jumped to a neay building. After that, I fainted only to wake up once again at the worst moment. I looked down at the ground and heard two people talking.
    “So since the whole hospital was burned down your son’s body is gone,†the doctor said.
    “At least we know he’s with god now,†my mom said and walked away.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 16, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Jasper Cullen
    A Twas the night before christmas edit with the code vault added in. This was passed from coder to coder but other then that it wasn't given to many people. So here it is-

    Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the forum
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a Erkz.
    The codes were hung by the threads with care,
    In hopes that St Antiweapon soon would be there.

    The users were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of no T-stance danced in their heads.
    And Janime6 in his ps2dis, and I on my codebreaker,
    Had just settled our codes for a long hacking day.

    When out on the forums there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from my user profile to see what was the matter.
    Away to the vault I clicked like a flash,
    Tore open the thread and opened to the last page.

    The post on the breast of the worlds computers
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to user below.
    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature picture, and eight tinny codes.

    With a little old coder, so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment it must be St Anti.
    More rapid than eagles, millions of post came,
    And they whistled, and shouted, and called them the codes by names.

    "Now cloaked roxas! now, dw riku! now, UCM and UWM!
    On, Mickey! On, Diz! on, playable Kairi and Namine!
    To the top of the thread! to the top of the forum!
    Now hack away! Hack away! Hack away all!"

    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
    When they meet with an stance, mount to the post.
    So up to the forum-top the coursers they post,
    With the sleigh full of codes, and St Antiweapon too.

    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the thread
    The prancing and pawing of each little code.
    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
    Down the chimney St Antiweapon came with a bound.

    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
    And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
    A bundle of codes he had flung on his back,
    And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

    His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
    His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
    And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

    The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
    He had a broad face and a little round belly,
    That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

    He was chubby and plump, a right jolly coder,
    And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    And filled all the request, then turned with a jerk.
    And laying his finger aside of his nose,
    And giving a nod, logged off he did!

    He sprang to his side forum, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
    But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
    "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 7, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Jasper Cullen


    I happened to buy the first volume of this(since i watched the movie) and on the back it said crosses over with Tsubasa volume one. So i was wondering if i should read Tsubasa volume one before reading Xxxholic because i might not get it, or is it crossed over easily that i wont get confused?
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 4, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Jasper Cullen
    We all know sephiroth is the hardest boss, but can you beat him? And just to tell you i wrote this guide while fighting him and I beat him.
    Sephiroth Tutorial
    Just like the Ice Titan Sephiroth is in the Coliseum, and when you talk to Phil he is the last one down. Let us start with Start, Customize, Sora, from there put cure and aero, I would suggest X and square as aero and triangle as cure. Now Items, you are going to need Elixir, so put Elixir for all of the slots(but not Donald’s and Goofy’s). Use the strongest keyblade you have, now let us start the fight! Go talk to Phil and click on Platinum Match, you are about to fight the strongest boss in kingdom hearts. Right when the battle begins cast aero, and start attacking him. If you have scan on you will notice that is hp is not going down, well that is because his hp is higher than the highest so don’t worry about thinking not doing any damage to him. Once he starts the flame wall use one of the attacks that shows up on the last box of the command table. After a little while, he will say “Sin Heartless†or something around that area that is when you use your Elixir, you will get a little halo above your head that is when you know it is too late to stop it. If you hear it and are close to Sephiroth it him, it will stop his attack. However if your unlucky and your away from him after the halo leaves and removes all but one hp and zero magic use the Elixir. After more normal attacks Sephiroth will then he will pretty much god mod on you with a furry of attacks use Ars Arcanum or Sonic Blade to even the playing field. After more attacks he will get a green circle near him which means he’s about to use his strongest attack ever, he will summon meteors try to dodge them they do hurt you when you touch them. Then for the rest of the fight he will summon purple ball like things that hurt you. After you beat him you get 18,000 exp, and if you have final mix you will also get one-winged angel.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 4, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: FAQs and Guides
  14. Jasper Cullen
    Have you had trouble trying to beat the ice titan? I know I did when I first played Kingdom Hearts, so here a little guide on how to beat him.
    Ice Titan Tutorial
    Therefore, before we begin where the Ice Titan is, well the ice titan is in the Coliseum. Talk to Phil and it is the second to the bottom. However before we go into the battle, lets customize our shortcuts. So hit start and then go to customize. Click on Sora, and now you should have a table like thing that say’s Triangle button:, Square button:, and X button :. Now what to put in them, make them all three cure. That is the only magic you need for this fight. Now go from the Customize page to the Equipment page. Now if you do not have Ultima Weapon, use Divine Rose; that is what I used before I had ultima. Then check to see if you have guard on if you do keep it on, if you do not put on. Now leave the start menu and go talk to Phil, and click on Gold Match. Now before we begin I just want to say, never and I mean never use aero in this fight. It makes his ice attacks so big you cannot deflect. When it begins stay, where you are and just let the ice attacks come to you. Once they get about half way to you use guard, and they reflex back at him doing him damage. After doing that twice he should slam his hand on the ground and make ice appear on the ground that damage you. Move away from them but do not go too far that he has to move. Once you guard enough to make him fall to the floor, run up to him and attack his head. After about ten seconds, he will start to stand up; that is when you jump glide to the stands. Once he moves himself near you he will do a freeze attack with his breath, dodge that by jumping when it is near you. After that, you will start making ice boulders appear over your head and drop it on you. To dodge it all you need to do is guard, however it will not go back at him so if you want you just glide away or dodge roll away from it. After all, of those attacks and you refluxing his attacks back at him he should fall again. Glide over to him and start hitting him, once he starts to stand up again glide to the other stands. Everything should be the same as before except this time he has his last attack to show up. It pretty much a super freeze, if you are in his eyesight range it will freeze you. Does not matter if you glide or not you will still get frozen. You will know he is about to do the attack because his hands to next to his head. After that the rest of the battle should be the same, you can probably tell why I told you to shortcut for cure’s. Once he dies you get 5000 exp, however if you are playing Final Mix you also get Diamond dust.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 4, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: FAQs and Guides
  15. Jasper Cullen
    Isn't his dodge roll overdramatic, I mean he jumps after he rolls. Sora never did that, don't you think its a bit to overdramatic?
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 3, 2009, 28 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Jasper Cullen
    I checked at and it said that the third volume is coming out February 2010. Is this true, or does anyone else have any other due date for the number 3.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 3, 2009, 64 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Jasper Cullen
    Never knew we had a thread for posting a kh video's or i would have posted them long ago.
    This one happens to be the last kh video i've made, and yes i'm playing as a heartless. Its sadly only for one room, so whatever room you choose don't leave that room or you will lose being a heartless(well you can just turn your cheat devise back on and do it again lol)
    Finally here's the video-
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Jan 1, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  18. Jasper Cullen
    I was wondering about this game with a few questions. First is this SMB 1 with more levels or is it a different game to begin with. and second is it in japanese or english(i mean the Virtual Console version).
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Dec 14, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Jasper Cullen
    So i've noticed that everytime i go on a heartless killing spree(different heartless each time) the hearless the i kill a lot of appear in traverse town. Is that supposed to happen or what? anyone else have this happen to them?
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Nov 30, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Jasper Cullen
    There is nothing here.
    Thread by: Jasper Cullen, Oct 17, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives