When I took algebra in high school I went in a month late because I transferred from a horrible teacher who really didn't teach you anything. I utterly failed that class in every way possible, I finished 50% of my final and I'm sure that 90% of the answers I did fill in were wrong. It took me three hours to do a 90 minute test. (I had more time because of my disability.) I passed with a D. And it was the best, proudest grade I ever had in my life. The teacher passed me because every single moment I wasn't in class or in study hall I was in that classroom with him trying to learn the concepts that were way beyond my comprehension at the time. I fought for every inch and he saw me try to do so, he worked hard with me but I was so lost before it even began I would never catch up. But it depends on the teacher, you have to be able to want to work for every inch that you need to pass, but your teacher either has to be willing to help and/or be good enough/flexible enough to really teach or you have to find tutors who are willing to help you. Math, even algebra can be brutally hard when the teacher's teaching style doesn't match yours. It took me three tutors and two separate classes (the second teacher was horrible also which REALLY didn't help.) to get algebra. I even tutored a bit of it later on after I nailed down the concept. It sounds like your teacher isn't a good match and though you need the class, it might not be the best choice to keep with it especially as you're getting frustrated about it. I would take a step back, get some tutoring without the pressure of the class, and then take another shot at it with another teacher. When you find the right teacher, you'll be amazed how much of a difference it is. I thought I'd never like math, that I would never understand it. Jeff Yopp was my college tutor who worked with me for hours to teach me how much math can be fun and entertaining, how it makes you think. He literally challenged me not with problems, but seeing the depth of why you do every step and why it's important. You'd be amazed, by the end of my algebra class, I wanted to go and buy every book he mentioned because of how fascinating math became.
Hey guys!!! I was gone most of the weekend, sorry!!! :( Thanks for all the birthday wishes. :) They're awesome.