that and my town has banned all public transportation.
Yeah... That's pretty much what my last boss was like... The only downside is I have to wake up at dawn to get to the bus on time. *yawns* It's exhausting. T_T
Nah... It was there when I was home from work, my mom got it. I'm working full-time for a university. It's a great job, and I love the people who work there. Much better than my last one.
Here.... Had a long week getting used to work again. *waves slice of pizza*
This is a personal story I ask not to be spread around... I spiraled into depression my last year in college, and yes... My last year as admin here. I had a lot of bad things going on in the family, at the forum and a lot of other things I won't divulge in. I barely did my homework, studied or even leave my room for classes. A few weeks before the end of college, I found out I was failing and tried to kill myself, right before I did it, something took over me and I called my mom at 2 am in the morning and confessed everything. Including the fact at how badly I was failing. She surprisingly wasn't angry despite all the money I owed at the point and helped me through the last two weeks, including begging the teachers with help from the local disability center for an extension until September, which they reluctantly gave. I can't say I miraculously got cured overnight, that the phone call saved everything from going down that summer when I struggled with it. I had a great and kind employer at the time who really helped me along the support of my family and friends. The biggest change was Aiden, my little fluffball of a cat I got as a kitten that fall. He is something that I wake up for in the morning and cling to no matter how bad it gets and he returns with unflinching love and silent support no matter what happens. I still get depression once in a while, for a while nearly as bad as I had it before, but it's slowly been getting better. The best I can say is: You have family and friends out there that care about you, even if you don't know it. Even if they're just online. Maybe even a pet that you adore that no matter how bad it gets: They're always with you.
A week from now. :) I have to fill out paperwork next week. =3 I put it under volunteer work. :D
It's administrative assistant at a university working behind the scenes to help economic projects for the community, organizing grants, getting more funds, helping with projects to help the community... Things like that. I really wanted a job like this, and the benefits will be a huge help to me in my life.
I want to thank the three people who volunteered their time to give the university their recommendations from here: Shuhbooty, Mish and Misty. I wouldn't have had a chance if they didn't accept my asking them to do a reference after they asked for three here. Thank you DEEPLY libre who took his time out and helped me get in touch with Misty which I couldn't have done on my own. I couldn't have done it without them... Actually... This forum because I pulled a lot of my answers during the interview from my work here.
I've been working HARD for this one job for a month, phone interviews, two in person interviews and six references. They called me today and said I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!1
I failed my first... Though there was a lot going on during that time... Including my instructor met me an hour before the test and didn't shut up during all of it and made me more of a nervous wreck. I burst into tears because he wouldn't stop nagging me about how wrong I was doing things and lecturing me on how to drive for an hour. I went in shattered and failed miserably. That and the tester acted like it was the military and barked directions. I didn't have a chance... The second time my mom got pissed at the guy for destroying me like that for an hour. *It was a different instructor, the other guy I had quit and we didn't know until the day of the test he was replaced* And ripped him a new one, he was much more subdued and confidence boosting, that and the tester made jokes the whole time and helped me relax. I passed with flying colors and was happy as a clam. As for driving too close to parked cars: Cars open doors at random intervals, usually without looking. That and if it's a kid and they jump out and run across the road... Yeah... There's a reason they don't let you get close. It's just something to keep in mind for next time. =3 I remember a bus was going down a narrow street and hit a parked car. Ripped the side mirror right off and literally had to wait hours for the owners to come back to exchange insurance. I took the bus at the time but got a ride without knowing that was going to happen. I was very glad that I wasn't needing the bus.
There's patreon and comission. I visit Deviantart a lot of the times and artists post on Patreon for their sponsors and then a few days later post it on Deviant. Another recommendation is Financial Aid: There's several programs, including FAFSA. *look it up if you don't know, it's no loan, they go by income of how much you and if you're dependent, your family earns and give you an amount based on that with no strings attached, though the form is a ROYAL pain in the ass* Scholarships, work study... There's a lot of options out there. Also: Universities, and colleges: Give you an advisor to sit down and help with your decision making. Even if you don't know what you're majoring in, they will arrange an appointment with you and talk to you about your options. In my university it was MANDATORY it sit down with your advisor once a semester to sign up for the classes. Without his approval, no matter how early you signed up, you couldn't take any classes. They really can cut it down, especially when it comes to classes you've already taken. Classes also can be dropped: The earlier the better... They'll give you full to half of your money back depending how deep the semester is in. This really helps when you got a class you don't like. *I dropped out of my philosophy class after my first time, the guy was a religious nut who spent four hours trying to convert us* You have to probably take a different class to meet the requirements later, but you don't have to stick with a professor you don't like for a short time. Online classes, ITV and many other options are very available now. I know the universities are hiring out of country professors to teach classes via online to reduce their costs. If you think it's really expensive, see if you can go for an online degree, it's a lot cheaper because of lack of overhead. One thing about it: You still have to run their schedule, they expect things due and you HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD INTERNET THERE OR CLOSEBY!!! I took two classes online and my computer crashed three weeks before they ended. The library allowed you to use a computer for 30 minutes if you were lucky and it was a ROYAL pain in the ass to finish the classes. I did, but it's something to keep in mind. Think about your options, look further into it if you think you should and go for it if the success rate is high. I have heard good things about both of them being successful. If you're really aren't sure, google about the careers and make a decision there, how much is a salary for them? Is there a high demand compared to supply of people with an actual degree? I jumped blindly into my degree and regret it even now. This is something to consider. And good luck. =3 I hope it works out for you.
Pretty much... And it was my fault and the warranty is long gone.
I just killed my Xbox 360... T_T
Yes, the state of Maine loves the influx every year. :P Happy Turtkey Day!!! =3
*points and laughs, falls out of chair* OW!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy guy who enslaved thousands of natives and other horrible crimes day!!!!!!!!! I went to a bbq... Charity event for domestic violence.
He did, especially since his last incident caused a near anarchy in the Government. If you don't add he blackmailed the university. *he threatened to cancel all funds to the uni if they hired the politician, they were forced to choose between money for the school or a professor* And has done several other questionable acts as Governor. Including racism, tantrums, trips out of the country for diplomacy... (Bahamas or something like that) Trying to stop laws passed from Washington that's Nation law from entering Maine... (Obama care is the biggest example of this. Nation law overrides state every time there's an issue. The Courts at the end are the only ones who can overturn nation law after it's passed.) Threatening to cut all funding for several programs, threatening whoever stands in his way... Firing hundreds of people and covering it up so it wouldn't go public... The list is probably very close to many other bad Governors. There are reasons why people wanted him to resign, what happened was one. He got I think 39% of the vote. Also a third party member admitted the day before the election he didn't have a chance but didn't give a crap to see how many people would vote for him. He got 15% or something of the vote. There has been some great third party politicians. Some even Governor... But at some point it should be removed because of how badly it screws up the election when they DON'T have a chance of making it.
This came up in a thread, so I decided to cut the staff a break and bring the debate to it's own thread. :P There are usually two parties who run in the U.S.: Republicans and Democrats, the electoral vote decides who is voted in. But once in a while: A third party comes in and tries to be elected. Usually it's something small: Senate state seat, House seat, sheriff, judge, etc... They also seem to pop up a lot (at least in my state) during the Governor election, and usually once in while a Presidential one. Sometimes they have a chance, sometimes they don't, but it skewers the election each time. Being fair: I like Third Parties, but living in a state where for 30 years of elections for Governor hasn't been majority vote because of a third party taking as little as 2-8% and up to 10-15% of the vote... We've had several problems. Google: Governor Lepage. Voted in twice, read his record so far, and what he was voted in by. If you're not shocked, I'd be amazed. So the question is: Should there be more limitations on a third party joining a major election? Should they have more restrictions to a third party joining? Or should it stay the same?
The biggest problem I see with third party contenders is: They aren't there for winning. They're there to see how many people will vote for them and will stay to the bitter end to see how much of the pie they can get. In my previous post: There was a guy who got 2-8% of the vote, for over 16 years of elections. He needed 10% *yes, only ten* to be able to run via party's funds. He didn't care: He kept on running on his own money and threw off elections so he can brag that he did so. And yes, that little CAN throw off elections, look at Gore and Bush 2000 if you don't believe me. *which had a third party member* Though there was more going on, they had enough of the vote thrown off to cause a MASSIVE problem. There have been candidates days before the election admitting they don't have a snowballs chance, but are still running to see how many people vote for them. There have been good third parties, but most just ruin election outcomes when they don't have a chance. Even if it's just putting themselves on the map, they should have tougher limits for elections that matter. Anyone can run a third party, hell, a lot of Democrats and Republicans DO that when they get frustrated or disagree with the policies of their party. As for Trump: Gerrymandering caused a large amount of the trouble, and I bet the Republicans and probably Democrats very much regret what they did to the system. *Gerrymandering is basically you redraw the districts for nire votes, it's been used to keep the poor and other groups that can't go far to be unable to vote by making the voting areas in the district impossible to get to for people who are at a disadvantage travel-wise, its' also completely legal* Trump I'm sure found the perfect ways through it and exploited it completely to his advantage to get this far.
i personally DESPISE third party politicians if they don't have a snow balls chance in hell. Before everyone hates on me, here's why: I live in Maine... The last three DECADES *yes, three...* have never been majority vote. Sometimes it's 31% who elects these Governors. Why? Because a third party candidate comes in with 10-15% of the vote and throws off the election enough. Want a perfect example, Google: Governor LePage. He's Maine's governor right now by 31 PERCENT. TWICE. We almost had him resign about a month ago or so because he threw yet another tantrum and has been playing the system to have people fired, lose jobs and other corrupt things. He actually blackmailed the university system to not hire a politician who disagreed with him after the politician resigned from his senate seat. Third parties work, but there needs to be much more control over how it works and how it affects the election before I even agree to it.
Like I said: A lot of people are doing what they're told. My dad and aunt are huge fanatics of Trump. Why...? Because they were told to be by other people to do so. My aunt believes that Hillary and Obama are Satan, Communists, haters of the rich, destroyers of free will and rights... The list can go on. My mom can literally sit and listen to her rant for an hour non-stop about how horrible democrats are. Her husband is about as big as a follower and is a huge gun nut. The news hasn't helped the situation. Fox especially, I know some Republican will jump down my throat on how bad CNN and other media are, I don't watch the news anymore. But at least the other outlets try to be neutral on what I've seen. Fox I haven't seen any of that. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm taking what I see. Fox fully supports and adores Trump... They defend him heavily, probably a lot of Churches defend him heavily, and trust me: If you go to a huge following of people and tell them: Vote for Trump or you'll burn in hell because Hillary is the anti-christ... A lot of people will listen. My dad believes that, my aunt during her rants believes it... If you're part of the circle and believe what they're saying will save the nation, the people will vote that way because they were told to do so. Hillary... I would say she can be a tough *****... Whether or not people don't like her because of that or some other things... *again, don't watch the news* I don't know. I would vote for her any day over Trump. It could also be the VERY far end right wing Conservatives are throwing a fit because we've had our first African American president and now we have a woman president running. The South especially would have problems over this. I also know Hillary for a long time was in a Southern state and didn't play by the "rules" of the South. Which is at the least something that they despised her over. The South has it's own dress code and standards, at least they did until as late as 1970's... A woman wearing shorts would have a priest showing up at your door lecturing you over "proper" behavior. True story from my mom who lived Mississippi for a while. They loved Bill... But despised Hillary for her lack of proper attire.