My mom got a car with 18,000 miles 2014 last year for 20k with taxes. Not including registration. I need a car that runs to go to the bus and do errands every week day. I'm looking for less than 100k at the most mileage wise with no bells and whistles that's automatic. The cheapest is $7,000 for over 100k, multiple owners and a 2008 from somewhere where you know won't rip you off. When you're lucky you run into a car for sale by an older lady with 50k miles at the most for 1.5k, but there's been nothing like that for years. The registration, taxes and fees for the car would go at least 2k alone. That's what my mom said. Sorry if I sound snippy or rude, I just feel frustrated. I got a ride home from my supervisor tonight because I had to stay late for an emergency. My ride was super pissed about it, too.
Thanks... It doesn't, At least I didn't add one... For now even posting it on facebook and other social media might help get interest from others. Thank you again for your support and take care... *bows* So I got this great job after a horrendous job from before and am happy, then my grandmother cracked her pelvis and someone stole my identity with four mortgages. I've been trying to save up for a car for a while now and thought I was close enough, but with the four mortgages, I'm nowhere near close enough. It will take months to remove all the litigation from it and the car sales place refuses to give me one for a low payment because of the mortgages. I posted a Go Fund Me account to try to earn some more money which is above. If you just advertise it in facebook and spread the word, I would appreciate it, I lose my ride at the end of this month and losing this job will destroy me. I don't need a new car or even close to one, just to get to the bus and do some errands. I was aiming for a budget of 10,000 at the most. Please, any help will be a huge help. Thanks. This is close for my mom and I, both of us suffering from many issues. (including skin cancer) and her not having health insurance for a decade before the Affordable Care Act was passed. Me having health care through government and it crippling basically any chance I had in getting a full time job. She got ACA as soon as it came out, and this was (despite it's flaws) the only insurance she had in a long time. I thankfully have it through my university now and no longer have to worry about my own insurance. Finding out that this would've destroyed any health care chances my mom had, it would've killed me. I'm glad it hasn't passed and at least for now been shoved to the back burner.
I posted on the info list. (Basically where you post an ad asking for a ride all over campus and a branch of it.) But no one has replied, and it's been about three weeks.
I could do that, but right now we have three to six feet of snow. *lives in Maine* So it would be hard for at least another month, I'm guessing. They do have a bike rack in front of the bus, so if I could bike there, I can strap my bike there and then just bring it in.
I recently started a new job about 30/45 minutes away from home. I don't have a car and am on six months probation. As is the rules of my employment with all new employees. (Ending my fifth next Friday.) I looked everywhere to find this job and it was mostly dumb luck I found it and got hired. It's nearly my dream job with a great supervisor and perfect benefits... But.... I don't have any way to get there. My town banned public transportation years ago, and the buses that do run in the next town over costs 100 dollars a month for a ticket, including the fee I would have to pay an uber driver to bring me to the bus stop and home every day, we're talking about 620 dollars a month. I only get about 1,600 a month. I had a ride for months from my mom and then my grandmother cracked her pelvis when she fell. I got a ride for a few months but my driver made it clear that at the end of this month she's going to stop. I've been posting ads everywhere in campus asking for a carpool with helping pay for the gas and fees with only one response from someone who works at a different campus and wants me to walk on the highway to meet her. (I'd take a bus to work from her campus to mine and back again at night. Which adds about another hour to this.) Does anyone know anything else I can do to get a ride? I've tried carpool sites with no luck, btw...
I have high-functioning Aspergers, I also enjoy a lot of childrens books, even to this age I still go back and fondly read my old favorite books. I also read several adult books. I never had dolls, I had action figures and video games along with videos. (My television sucked.) But I always used my imagination to make things up. I still like to imagine things even now. I keep it quiet except to my close friends because my mom thinks it's "weird" and doesn't understand why I do it. But I never outgrew it and actually enjoy making new ideas and use it as an outlet via rp'ing with my imagination. It has helped my ideas IMMENSELY to actually in my spare time to use my imagination and pretend on what to think of next. I think nothing should be crushed that isn't bad for you... (i.e: Smoking) Because who knows what ideas you can use with them to create your own things. Game developers I'm sure wouldn't. Fun fact: The creator of SSB was a HUGE collector of dolls and action figures while he was growing up and there's a theory that he incorporated his love for them in the games.
My aunt worships Fox news and I 100% agree with you. And yes, she voted for Trump and thinks that Hillary and Obama are Satan. *rolls eyes* And yes, I know what they were doing isn't true... They do it in a lot of other states, too... Also illegal, but no one stops them. What scares me the most right now is what the children are learning from this. There's racist chants and comments going around all of the schools, and we're not talking about colleges.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this election was rigged... I also honestly wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. Here's a thing a lot of people don't know about the U.S.: They rigged themselves. I'm not kidding, the republicans, and democrats, being fair... Had made it over the decades and centuries harder for people to vote depending on what county/city/state you're in. In my state they were handing out flyers saying you need a license and a car registration, and my state has four electoral votes. The process called Gerrymandering named by the guy who started it in the 1800's reshapes counties so it's harder for poor people to go out and vote. They make it harder for them to go and get ballots easily, they make it harder for people to think about voting... Nothing has changed since then. We say it has, but honestly: **** will never change in this country until probably we're all dead. Trump won, (if he did fairly) because he knew what states were rigged against people who can't get out and vote for Hillary because of how the system is set up. He figured it out and went for the states that he knew would give him the electoral votes to win. Which again, was made by politicians to make it easier for their president of choice to make it. The U.S. ****ed up badly, and sadly everyone is paying for it. Also, about the press: I never listen to them anymore, I haven't in decades. They go after the stories people watch, even if it's a reality show star mooning a cameraman. They get paid for what they show, so why show anything bad that no one will watch? Sorry if I sound bitter, but one of the poor white Americans who might get everything stripped away from me because of this f'ed up election... And have no home, family or money... I think I have a right to be so. EDIT: And yes, I might seem lucky, but you do have to realize this is going to hammer the poor white Americans, too. Not as hard as everyone else, but with no social security, no minimum wage, no work regulations, and no funding for any research (which is where I'm working now if they decide to cut it) I will literally have no money, no health insurance (which I have skin cancer and need) and horrendous work conditions with no money to get to a job.
Technically Gamma/Gary, but close enough... *gives cookie*
To quote Red vs Blue: "The End is Near, The Great Destroyer has arrived." Cookie for who can guess said that correctly. And no Burn, you don't count... :P I know you watch the show. I think if I got shot today I would've had a better day.
Alright, follow up on previous question/thread: I did get the approval for work on the site and my ideas, we're going to be working with the survey and mine combined to remake the Intraweb, I am in the future going to get computer classes about this, for now, I need three things: Menu: Side with drop downs *there's a top with drop downs that will be adjusted to suit the needs of who goes there* Updatable calendar: One where I can post new events when needed. News: An easy way to post news. It would be in the middle of the left menu and calendar. If anyone can help me, I would deeply appreciate it, I'm throwing this out there, I know there's different methods of coding and when I see more what I'm working with, I'll update the post. Thanks in advanced.
It's a website for applications, info what we do, etc... For a department of a university. It has three menus stacked one after another. *one very dark gray menu over white and tan colors, a menu that looks like sticky notes and one that looks like torn sheets of paper from a notebook. The colors are extremely dull to the eye, no pictures even. I literally swore under my breath when I saw it.
Here and pulling my hair out... :P
Alright... I'm not sure where to put this: I have been asked to make survey questions for a Intranet website that is........ Not well made. It's one of the worst I've seen. We're trying to improve it through a survey. Does anyone have any idea what to post to get some very insightful answers on how to fix it?
I'm going to be glad to have an extra hour of daylight in the morning. Waking up at six am and waiting for the 7 o'clock bus in a crime-ridden, poorly lit area in the dark is not my idea of fun. Though the job is fun... =3 And exhausting. *clonks head*
One thing I have noticed about Trump is he seems (disturbingly) like the Governor of my state. In fact: Lepage is going to join his cabinet it seems if Trump is elected. If you look at the non-Presidential things: You're looking at a person's character. The person who is president isn't just some guy who sits in his office all day making decisions for the U.S. and the world. He is an ICON of the United States. He represents what the U.S. is, he's the same as the Queen of England/Royal family. He goes out and talks to international leaders, he shows what our country represents and how the rest of our country is represented to them. Lets for a second look at Trump's character: No accusations, no hatred, just what has come out of his mouth so far: He has shown that he's willing to ban at least one if not several religions. One group that is very pissed at us for a majority of reasons, including two wars that were poorly handled where we killed God-knows how many families and brought more into prison in the U.S., but we have a huge community of the same religion living peacefully in the U.S. He's willing to ban at least one or several races, including another large group of people who we're bordering with and have a free-trade agreement with. (NAFTA, controversial, but still a point.) He's willing to have Russia hack into top secret e-mails of the U.S. Government to find out if Hillary did something wrong. I am now working at a University, even they don't allow anyone outside access to any of the work I do. Including even having e-mails touched by anyone. This is the U.S. Government's Secretary of State with millions of documents that one alone could cause a massive security breach that could ruin the U.S. Even IF there's nothing about this whole controversy. He has a low opinion of the people who defend this country, he has called them weaklings. Nothing else, the last paragraph talks about someone going to a leader of Great Britain, Japan, China... Or even one of the smaller countries and talking to them and representing our country. Or even how the countries look at us from an outside perspective. The final question is: Bill Clinton was nearly kicked out of office for having sex with an intern. Why do people judge his character for that when they don't judge Trump for his character?
If you see a lump that's larger than your roomate in the other bed one night... Find another place to stay.
They don't like the looks of it... My town is a rich community that pretends the poor don't exist in it. They banned begging, solicitation, public transit and god-knows what else... And they barely have any jobs, all the good ones are in Portland or around there.