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  1. Anti049
    Profile Post

    Hello! Welcome!

    Hello! Welcome!
    Status Update by Anti049, Sep 7, 2008
  2. Anti049
    I play one card facedown, and then I play Sharingan Seal!
    Which activates my trap! Time Seal Collapse![​IMG]Now it is my turn again! I use Sharingan Seal's effect to change it in coordination with Time Seal Collapse!
    And just to be nice, I'll destroy my Time Seal Collapse right now, and dicard three cards from my hand!
    Now, I'll play one card face down and play this! Mass Rebirth! Summon the cards I just discarded!
    Attack Jinzo, Obelisk! Fist of Fate!
    Now, Slifer! Attack Dark Necrofear! Thunder Crash!!
    Finally, Ra! Attack Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon using the power of the three Dark Magicians of Chaos that I am sacrificing!
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Now he has 8400 Attack Points! Sun Ray!!!
    Your move!

    Um...if we're playing with just 400 life points, then I think I won, because, total, I inflicted 6900 points of damage to him just now.

    To 778MasterMarluxia, I think.

    Who wants to duel me again? And who thinks I should challenge Keyblade Spirit?
    Post by: Anti049, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  3. Anti049

    Hahahahaha no, not yet, I want to have some fun before I get totally beaten by Keyblade Spirit. Also I won't be able to get on for a week or two because I can tell that my Internet is about to give out again.
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 10, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  4. Anti049

    I know what he's capable of I went through the whole thread and all the posts before I made my very first post to see just what skill levels and cards I was going up against. You wanna duel again?
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 8, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  5. Anti049

    Sorry I haven't been on for a while my Internet comes and goes, it can take a week or two for it to come on, I'm currently trying to fix that, sorry!
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 8, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  6. Anti049
    Activate one of my face down cards!
    Now your Super Saiyan is destroyed!
    Now I summon the Winged Dragon of Ra and attack you directly in Immortal Phoenix form!
    Then play two more cards facedown and seal Ra in my castle. That ends my turn.
    Post by: Anti049, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  7. Anti049
    Reveal face down card! Sakuretsu Armor!!!(Hehehe, you said he was basically immune to spell cards, but you never said anything about TRAP cards!)
    Then summon Slifer and attack, since I have seven cards in my hand.
    Attack HFIL Fighter 17!!! Now I seal Slifer in my Castle Oblivion card, and play two cards facedown.
    That ends my turn.(I just wanted to get rid of that Super Android 17 card.)
    Post by: Anti049, Jul 26, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  8. Anti049

    Okay I'll play Obelisk in attack mode!
    Then I'll play this!
    And seal Obelisk in it!
    Then one card facedown and end my turn!

    You make them at
    Post by: Anti049, Jul 19, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  9. Anti049
    can some one give me a working code on AR max for having FAKE weapon? i know it looks like kingdom key but could i have it anyway? also what are the codes for detection saber and edge of ultima? and i know that there probably isn't a working one but if there is whats the codes for way to the dawn and mickey's keyblades, even if they look like kingdom key, and if they don't work let me know plz. also whats the code to play as HOODED mickey? in any world except twtnw or maybe hollow bastion. if you can have a code to play as mickey in hollow bastion but NOT in space paranoids that would be great! also 1 last code srry if these are dumb questions but whats the code to be able to wacth cutscenes with mickey? thnx and srry for all the dumb questions:stupid:

    oh and one more srry is there a code that lets you be DW with SORA? like take the part of the DW roxas code that makes him DW and put that in Sora's code? i know theres probably no chance of that happening but there might. but i think i remember some1 else asking that and i think its a no go srry:nono:. but could you answer anyway? even if its impossible? thnx anybody:)
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Anti049
    thnx jlhack7! this is awesome!
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Anti049
    thats ok videogamecrazyboy i can try both thnx!
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Anti049
    can someone convert these 2 codes to AR max for me plz? I tried the link to max convert but the domain is unavailable srry.

    Press R2 to have Full Party
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000

    DW Roxas
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Anti049
    can someone convert these 2 codes to AR max for me plz? I tried the link to max convert but the domain is unavailable srry.

    Press R2 to have Full Party
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000

    DW Roxas
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Anti049
    I'm sorry if I'm bothering anyone with this question but what's the code to play as dual wield roxas in his story and can you play as him in sora's story? Thnx and sorry if it's a dumb question I'm like brand new to this site.
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Anti049
    Thank you very much!
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Anti049
    Thnx DarkRikuMan! also to anyone whats the code for all drive forms? Thnx:)
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Anti049
    that's ok i can just test it
    also do you know the code to have axel as an ally and not an enemy that replaces one of your party members? for AR max plz if you know it

    srry that last one was for DarkRikuMan but he signed off does anyone know the code to have axel as an ally in AR Max format? Thnx
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Anti049
    Thnx a million DarkRikuMan!!!
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Anti049
    can someone convert this from gameshark to AR max plz? and if you can could you tell me what it's supposed to do? Thnx

    4450B508 56B4571C
    66D09569 3430C10C
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault