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  1. Anti049
  2. Anti049
  3. Anti049
  4. Anti049
  5. Anti049
  6. Anti049
  7. Anti049

    Does anybody know how many shots Wisdom Form fires by default? Like when you press Shoot how many bullets does he shoot?
    Post by: Anti049, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Anti049
    Thnx! Do you know what the digits are for Two Across/Fated Encounter keyblade and Goofy's Black and Red vexen shield?
    Post by: Anti049, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Anti049

    Is there a UWM for this game? If so can some1 post it or PM it 2 me or at least tell me what page its on? Thnx in advance!
    Post by: Anti049, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Anti049
    Hey, may I have the UWM and UCM for this game, if there ios one?

    If not, then may I have the AR MAX code for Sora to wield the Dark Keyblade and Soul Eater and Mickeys Keyblade, if there are such codes?

    NTSC codes obly, please.
    Post by: Anti049, Aug 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Anti049
  12. Anti049
  13. Anti049
  14. Anti049

    My cousin uses this account too while i'm not able to, srry bout that videogamecrazyman. I'm gonna take that out soon. Also, even though I'm un-grounded, I'm not gonna be able to get on that much, because my uncle took my Internet Broadband card with him to Philadelphia (I think I spelled that right) for a while to visit his girlfriend, but he'll be back with it soon. I'll only be able to get on this Tuesday, I think, but I think I've figured out how to get around the school filter system, so I'll be able to get on this site at school. Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm so clever.
    Post by: Anti049, Dec 21, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  15. Anti049
  16. Anti049
    Yes I am. Sorry but I've been grounded so all I can do is watch every now and then for a while, but I don't think I regret it, seeing as I get to watch this. Losing my title, I mean.

    Go, Dark!!! (Sorry, Kyblade. You took the title back by default, so I wanna see you lose it again.) :D
    Post by: Anti049, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  17. Anti049
    [​IMG]Now, Shade, while keyblade spirit is open! Attack! Chaos Inferno!!! I believe I win, keyblade spirit!
    Post by: Anti049, Nov 21, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  18. Anti049
    Sorry keyblade spirit that was my cousin messin' around wif my account I fixed it think, oh and did u read my card? It can't be effected by any card effects so sorry. Even though ur card says it's effects must be negated in order to destroy my monster, it still doesn't work against Shade. Although my monstr says it negates effects, tat was so my other monsters wouldn't be targeted. Shade's effects also iludes the fact that cannot be affected by ANY card effects, not even an equip card from me that powers it up! So ur card does not affect my monster, therefore I do not lose life pints, therefore u do not win! Muahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! So yeah, sorry about the sig, my coin men aoundt, should take it as a compliment.He only puts other peoples cards in my sig if he thinks it's really good, so he mustve really liked ur card! :D
    Post by: Anti049, Nov 15, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  19. Anti049
    Play this card!!!!!

    I play THIS CARD!!!!!
    and summon [​IMG] end my turn!
    Post by: Anti049, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  20. Anti049

    All my three Egyptian Gods attack VideoGameCrazyMann's Ancient Gear Golem! Now he's gone, and you lose 13400 Life Points! (I think I have to wrap it up for this duel, internet going out again, but I'll still be able to see how it ends when it comes back, sorry!!! That's the main reason I don't chalenge the champion, maybe next time!!! BYE!!!
    Post by: Anti049, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: The Playground