I'm guessing that insignia is sort of a reference to Riku's time as a villain. Anyway, I kinda hope we can pick more awesome looking Dream Eaters as allies at some point.
Sora's falling scene kind of looks lke something from Alice: Madness Returns. Holy crap.
Wonder if Sora will get a TWEWY based keyblade? Pin it will look like Goofy's Seven Elements Shield.
Wonder if whatever new keyblade appears here will look as weird as the X-blade?
So, out of all the organization, Braig returns? Crud.
So Sora and Riku see themselves as their younger selves when asleep? Weird.
Yay. Must get game.
So I'm guessing a mix of all that was good in the series. Yay.
Where do you get your Avatar images?
Wonder if Sora can still do limits like in KH2? That would be pretty awesome.
Now I want to see Sora with a pegasus.
Wonder how many Ho Yay/homosexual references will the fangirls use between Sora and Riku?
Maybe Volume 2 will explasin why Mickey said he knew the location of Aqua in Re: Coded's secret ending.
So I guess we know where Aqua was when Ansem (fake) unleashed the Heartless to the world.
Maybe Aqua, Ven, and Terra get out of their respective fates in Volume 2. Then KH 3 is all three of them helping Sora beat the complete Xehanort.
Yay! Wonder if Sora will play like his KH self? I miss his old limits.
Wonder if any of these mechanics will be around for KH 3?
I still kind of miss the first Trinity Limit. There was something awesome about that version.
So no Kairi on the Re: Coded picture? That's interesting.
Somehow I can see Eraqus being connected to the Secret Episode or something. Hopefully he's part of the new Secret Ending.