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    Honestly I couldn't tell you because I only see him on weekends and this weekend he was sick but the weekend before that everything was okay.

    I mean.. I don't know. He always puts me through these little challenges like "Well how would she react if I did this.." or "How will she handle this situation."

    He told me so.. and I hate it when people do that, but he said the reason he challenges me with random stuff is because he wants to learn more about who I am.

    I guess I really am over reacting.. I feel like an idiot..
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    Hmm.. I found this website that says previous version of Dr. Holt's treatment in the 1980s was unsuccessful. If the government is withholding it for money it will be found out about and people will be very ticked.

    Normally I would say more but for some reason I'm very not very opinionated on this matter.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
    I'm pretty sure this is the right place for this, I don't see where it could fit in anywhere else and its not spam because I'm looking for meaningful insight and advice... (If this is not the place to post this I'm really sorry I thought it was! Please tell me why it wasn't and where to post something like this next time!)

    I come seeking guidance from people I hardly know yet because my friends are all very biased and on my side and claim my boyfriend is a ****** bag and that they "Love their Tiffy forever! She's the best!" Its nice to know I have such caring and loyal friends though =]

    Alright. When me and my boyfriend got together a month ago, he always called me every night and on every break he had at work. (6:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 11:00 PM and he gets off at 2:00 AM). It was wonderful and I could talk to him for hours about all types of meaningful things AND nonsense alike. Most times he just liked listening to me talk and trying to figure out my character and the way I think and work. (He's pretty good at that!) He also used to talk to me before he had to get ready for work (Approx. 2:00 PM)

    Due to the fact that he works and I babysit/nanny all week we only see each other on the weekends.

    I'm sorry you only have my side of the story to go on because he hardly tells me anything about how he feels about something or not. If I knew anything I'd post it up here too. All he's really said on the matter is that he doesn't want to come off as too clingy, but if that were really the case how come he can't even answer when I call him?

    Well here lately, the past week and beginning of this week, I only talk to him twice, maybe three times a day if I'm lucky for intervals of 5 to 30 minutes before either he has to get back to work, he falls asleep, or for some reason or another the call was ended/lost and I call him back but he doesn't answer or he never calls me back.

    I called him at 12:30 PM today and he answered and I talked for maybe 5 minutes before he rushed me off the phone and said "I have to get ready for work I'll call you later." He called me at 6:00 PM but I never heard my phone ring I didn't even know until I opened my phone and saw that I missed a call. He called me again at 8:40ish before we got disconnected and he never called back. He didn't call me at his 11 PM break and I have yet to hear ANYTHING from him at all.

    I tried calling an hour ago to talk to him about it because it was bugging me AND the fact that he usually calls me after work but for some reason today he didn't. He couldn't call me, but he found the time to read one of my new blogs on myspace and tell me everything I wrote in it was wrong?

    So since I couldn't talk to him about it and all my friends are asleep I had to resort to sending him a message on myspace and leaving a voice mail to make sure he knew it was there to read. I've NEVER had to resort to something so ridiculous. I'm the type of person to either say it to your face or if that's not possible tell you over the phone, not send stupid messages! >_<''

    So I also sent him a text message stating that I would never again bother to call him, that from now on if he really wanted to talk he should call me. It just breaks my heart that I miss talking to him so much and I'm always here for him when he calls, but my calls are NEVER answered, and his calls are a SOMETIMES close to a RARITY.

    So I guess what I'm asking is that if I'm being irrational or if I shouldn't worry about it? And what do you think is going through his head, why he might not be calling? Should I let it hurt me as much as it does, or should I try to be strong and ignore it?

    EDIT: Alright. I just found out he's been putting in extra hours at work and he didn't get home until about 6:20 AM but still, why not message me if he could criticize my blog?! x_x"
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    *Runs into walls too* I dunno.. its a conspiracy!

    The government is out to get us by making us run into walls and get concussions!
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    I think a policy on how foreign countries punish visitors from other countries should be made.

    Imprisonment & fines would be fine. But is it fair if someone from the UK gets lashes over there where as someone over there would never even get in trouble for blasphemy in the UK? I could understand if she killed someone and it was a death sentence or something on her, or if she was trafficking drugs or something that would be obviously wrong and against the law. But the teacher didn't know any better.

    So as I said before, a policy should be made. However, that would be very hard seeing as there are so many different countries and so many policies would need to be made for each and every one.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Current Events
    Nice and valid points, Darkwatch =]

    But I never had my parents or anyone else sit me down and tell me cloning is wrong. When we learned about cloning in Biology and whatnot the teacher didn't speak of it as if it were wrong. So I formed my opinions on my own based on my beliefs and how I think we would treat it in the future.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
    Yeah.. I think I would rather watch a dubbed Japanese version then the new English versions. I was a weird girl. In kindergarten I watched an awesome show like power rangers, but I also watched the lamer shows like Barney! xD

    Actually last weekend me and my boyfriend watched this super-lame home made dub version of a super sentai episode. I think it must have really just been a parody of it or something cause this dub sucked so bad it was funny.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
    I am almost totally against cloning so this is rather ridiculous to me. I know all the advantages to cloning, and some would be nice to have, but because of how corrupt we as humans can be I would rather not have to deal with it.

    The things I think we would take advantage of is this:

    Organ donations - Say a human is cloned in all our likeness so that one day if we were on our deathbed we could get a nice healthy organ supply from them. Hello, has anyone heard of Dolly the sheep? She IS a sheep, but she does have her own sheepy life. She's even given birth to her own little lambs. So does that mean in the future its okay if we're dying to take organs from our clone who probably would have a mind and life of their own?

    Clone slavery - This is more likely than the latter. To clone the more healthy, athletic humans with a lot of skills and desired traits for the military to make our own little slave clone army. That way we don't have to go to war, but they can be reared and trained their whole life to. Anyways, they're just a clone they have no soul or mind of their own, so who cares?

    So, again I bring up Dolly. Genetically she is just like her "mother" but in all honestly, genetics aren't what make you who you are. I look just like my mom AND my dad in a nice even mixture, but I think NOTHING like either of them, though honestly I do act like my mom sometimes. I'm also a bit more mature than both both of my parents put together. I believe in God but I don't believe we all have our own little individual soul. I think we are given a part of one big soul the moment we are conceived. Is God so cruel that he would allow us to have the technology to create beings with no god and no little piece of soul? Or are we as humans just that cruel to create a being that is doomed to never walk in heaven or hell because they were never meant to be part of the cycle of life and death anyways?

    No I do not believe our mind can be put into that of a clone to live forever. Dolly was a baby once, and now she's a mother sheep, soon she'll be a grandmother sheep and die and had lived a wonderful sheepy life. If clones are really clones, then they'll grow old with time and die just like we do.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner

    Trading up

    Actually, the PSP doesn't necessarily mean the internet in your hands.

    The PSP uses a wifi connection to the nearest wireless Ethernet/router. With the newer wireless routers you're required to provide a keypass in order to access the internet through that router. I know this because I tried to access the internet through my neighbor's wireless connection but I didn't know their keypass so I couldn't.

    If you have wifi at home obviously you have a computer so it wouldn't make sense to have a PSP because you couldn't always guarantee that you could connect to the internet outside of your home.

    Sorry not trying to rain on your parade but if that was one of the main reasons you wanted a PSP I just wanted to make sure you knew the reality of it.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Gaming
    I believe that the Wii is going to win. My reason being that it stretches out to a wide range of age groups.

    For example, my uncle bought a Wii, and we had a small family reunion at his house, and both sets of my grandparents, my dad, all my aunts and uncles, all people who typically NEVER play video games and HATE them were playing it. My girly girl cousins who don't even LIKE playing video games enjoyed it, not to mention its so easy for little kids to play.

    So despite whatever awesome games come out for X Box 360 or PS3, those games only appeal to people of certain groups where just about every game on the Wii is easy and enjoyable for youngsters of about 4 to old timers of any age.

    I'm actually glad that Nintendo is doing so well. NES had been around since 1983, 5 years before I was born yet when I was about 4 or 5 I remember playing Super Mario Brothers 3, and Mario and other loved Nintendo characters have always been kid friendly and around since the beginning. When I think of Nintendo, I think of fun and simple games, of Zelda and Kirby.

    PS3 nor X Box have any notorious characters associated strictly with them. I could say Lara Croft since that was a popular PS game, but Lara isn't exactly a member of a kid friendly-ish game that parents and children alike could enjoy.

    Don't get me wrong I love X Box and PS very much, in fact a PS2 was my very first game counsel, but truth is that a Wii has just too much to offer to hardcore gamers and families alike that it could be surpassed by the other counsels.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Gaming
    Any of our late teens and twenties members remember watching this everyday after school on Fox Kids?

    I just remembered because my boyfriend still likes power rangers and stuff, and he had the whole first season on DVD.

    Now don't confuse MIGHTY MORPHING PR with shows before and after it.

    I'm talking about the particular series of it with Trini, Kimberly, Billy, Tommy, and those other two guys I can't remember because these four were the only ones I liked xD!!! Mighty Morphing is the one I grew up watching and I haven't been interested in it much since then, but to be completely honest I'm interested in the new Jungle Fury coming out on Jetix soon.

    It makes me feel kinda lame because I am a girl, and I'm 19, and I've found a long lost love of power rangers. Is that a bit odd? Lol
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
    My love of orange soda stemmed from that show. At first I just drank it because Kel did, and now actually I enjoy orange soda its my favorite along with Sprite =]

    I remember how at the end Kenan always had this funny joke when they were on stage like.. "Kel, go get a bucket and an octopus!" Or something random like that.

    And you can't forget the infamous... "I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes, yeah!"
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
    Oh.. now what I HAVE heard about in my current issues class is that some people won't hire you in the business world because your name sounds lazy. like someone with the name "Joseph" is more likely to be hired than a person with the name "Tom."

    I'm not sure if THAT is true either, though. It was just something my teacher kinda brought up for fun and she said "I'm dead serious its true." but I don't know what her source was.

    Hmm.. I should try and look that up.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
    Ahh I see now. I was a little behind on the times.

    I remembered learning about inflation/deflation in US History and I thought it still took effect.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Current Events
    Hmm.. I think I'm Lulu.

    Depending on the quiz and which characters are involved I've gotten Lulu and Vivi a lot, though I'm not very familiar with Vivi.

    I guess I'm Like Lulu (And forgive me for over analyzing it) because...

    I take things seriously if not always, most times, but I do have a softer side that peeks out every here and there. I love my bf who is a bit goofy and sometimes my complete opposite, but he is pretty intelligent once you get to know him. I always try to analyze and study things, and often I come off as cold or uncaring and at least when I'm writing or typing such as right now I pick my words carefully. I am very devoted to what I believe in and my loved ones. Not to mention if I found purple eye contacts and grew my hair really long I could probably make myself look like Lulu. I'm very often lost in thought, and I loved stuffed animals!

    Well thats a mouthful, but also I'm new here so it kinda gives a little insight as to who I am =]

    EDIT: Now that I think of it, that kinda sounds like Auron as well. I guess the difference between me and Auron is that I have that softer feminine side, which makes me more like Lulu.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Gaming
    Hmm.. well I thought it had been established already that Sega was reduced to making video games now? They just released a new Sonic game I'm sure you've all heard of for the Nintendo Wii. I've played it, its actually really fun with the interactive Wii remote. Actually, everything is, but to get back on track..

    If Sega was planning on creating a new console why release all their awesome Sonic games to the other consoles? Why not save them for the new console they're developing?
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Gaming
    I'm probably going to sound stupid when I say this...

    I thought we experienced inflation/deflation depending on which of the two precious metals backed out money, and how much money was backed? Businesses desire gold-backed money because then people are more likely to go into debt and get caught up in interest rates and owe more money.

    The public desires silver-backed money because then there is a larger quantity of money out there and its easier to buy things and pay them off.

    How does a countries debt factor into this? The only thing I can think of is the fact that we are in debt and losing gold/silver to pay off those debts to other countries.

    I'm just a little confused. If we were in debt wouldn't the actual cost of the American dollar go up? Why is Canada's going up, are they in debt or something too?

    I'm sorry I'm a bit ignorant on this matter but I ask questions to learn =]
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Current Events


    The way I see it, man has been making mistakes and destroying himself since we were first born into this world many years ago.

    Either we will continue on this way OR It will all build up until something dramatic happens and we all meet our end. Either way, it probably won't happen until years and years from now.

    I try not to worry about our fate too much. It depresses me, and the fact that I can't do much to change it because no matter who I try to sway or warn there is no guarantee that people will change their ways.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
    Okay.. so I looked through the past few pages and didn't find anything and searched "katamari" and still nothing came up. So if this has been brought up before I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any topics on it so I made a new one =]

    So who here loves Katamari? I know its a few years old, but I recently (less than a month ago) started playing it because my boyfriend bought it. Its addicting! The title is so perfect for it.

    I don't get it. All you do is roll random objects into a ball. But its so captivating!

    My favorite level is the one where you eventually get to roll up whole cities and godzilla and stuff, and the islands and giant whirlpools. I don't even really pay attention to what the characters are saying and the little cut scenes, I just roll stuff up. I think its funny how you always get criticized because its not big enough or you're too slow, though. My favorite cousin is June =]

    So do you guys think its stupid, or is it fun? Whats your favorite level? Who's your favorite cousin?
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
    The only way this theory would apply to me would be by my interests. I didn't make the best grades in school (my initials are TMM) but my grade point average was ALWAYS a little higher than a 2.5 which is average.

    But I love tuna salad.
    And I absolutely love music so yeah the double M makes sense.

    But anybody could think of something that they enjoy that matches their initials.

    So basically... I don't believe this.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion