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    My Pain

    I like the third verse as well =]

    Very nice! Its hard to write a poem that sounds right without it rhyming, or at least for me it is, but you pull it off quite nicely. Its easy to read into and kinda feel what you're feeling when I read that.

    But then again I have a fat dead skeleton in my closet.. well.. kinda.. everybody knows its there but I still hide it.. makes me feel safe <_<;;

    Anywho, hope to see some of your newer work soon, I'm off to read your other poems ^^
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Archives
    Hmm.. this isn't my most favorite of poems I've ever written, but it has a deep meaning. Basically right now, my boyfriend is totally different and hard to understand, and I'm not so sure if I'm happy with him or not, but I love him so much I'm not to the point where I want to lose or leave him. I'm trying really hard to find different ways to view or deal with it, but its very hard.

    Love You Forever... Maybe

    My fingers brush against the edge
    Of something dangerous, amazing
    To you I make this honor, pledge
    To love you forever... maybe

    We never seem to have time at all
    Your compassion does not exist
    You make my heart sputter and stall
    But I'm not raptured in bliss

    Your hand never wanders or searches for mine
    But our hearts still beat together
    And still you committed the worst of crimes
    You stole my heart forever

    My heart is deeply embedded again
    Within things I just cannot understand
    But if love was always perfect and zen
    Life would be dull and bland

    This is, however, a brand new poem by me ^-^ I just finished it a few minutes ago.
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
    Well I live in a pretty large town, possibly on its way to becoming a city with the increasing population, in the very north Tennessee so there isn't much of a local selection, if I am correct. Sometimes its hard for me to boycott cheap meat because even though I am 19, I live with my brother and go to school, but don't work. He's the main bread winner and whatever meat he buys we eat. He always looks for the better quality meat of all the cheapest, though.

    I loved it up north in Chicago, though. In my area we had an actual meat store where everything was fresh cuts & from a local farm that everybody knew. Its actually the only store I had ever been in where I kinda enjoyed the smell of raw meat. It was all perfectly fresh.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
    My birfday is November 9th ^_^
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone

    By His Hand

    This is the newest poem by me. I plan on trying to write another one sooner or later. I'm in one of those moods where I'm filled with so many emotions, but I just can't put them into words =\

    By His Hand

    Bending over backwards
    Crawling on all fours
    Crying to the sky and stars
    Hiding welts and sores

    Praying for a savior
    Worshiping a blade
    Rewards for your behavior
    In bruises of every shade

    Yelling at the mirror
    Spitting at yourself
    Can't explain it clearer
    Just play the card thats dealt

    You're knocked out on the floor
    His nails are in your flesh
    He was waiting at the door
    Screaming loud, blood is fresh

    Now you understand
    And this is the last straw
    No longer live by his hand
    Toss that card and draw

    Its about an abusive relationship, where you feel like you can't escape it, and you want somebody else to try and save you. Finally when you're attacked so bad that you could have or thought you would die, you know that you've had enough and have to better yourself.
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
    Lol, well thank you both very much ^-^

    Actually, recently I lost ALL of my poetry, but luckily I have most of it saved on a poetry website, but not ALL of it *sighs*

    I had all of my artwork, poetry, and family photos in my old dresser just stashed where no one could find it, and when Salvation Army came for our donations they took it even though they weren't supposed to. They won't give it back either, said I have to buy it back and never called me back with the location of the truck so I could collect my personals out of the drawer.

    I'm never donating to their stingy a***s ever again. That really irritated me, and thats messed up. I can never get all that I lost back, and I can't remember the exact words to 180+ poems that I've had since I was 14!
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Archives

    You Vs. Him

    You vs. Him

    How could I let you touch me that way?
    How could I say that I always loved you?
    How could I do with you the things that I hate?
    How could I once again, play so well the fool?

    Your love, it makes me feel so soiled
    Your love, it feels way worse than rape
    Your love left my heart dead and spoiled
    Your love is like hell without escape

    I can't believe he touched me that way
    I can't believe he said "I love you"
    I can't believe he makes me love what I hate
    I can't believe he won't let me act a fool

    His love, it helps make me believe
    His love, it feels better than a first high
    His love leaves me raptured in ecstasy
    His love is like heaven every single time

    It's you vs. him, and your chances are slim
    The comparison is foolish enough to make me laugh
    It's you vs. him, and I'm sure he's gonna win
    Just stop before I'm forced to rip your heart in half
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 14, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives

    A ball of pain, anger, disappointment
    Is me lying, trembling, on my bed
    And I sigh, I whimper, i groan
    I'm regretting words, goodbyes, left unsaid

    A daughter, forgotten, forsaken, non-existent
    Is me trying to make myself drop dead
    And I'm happy, oh now I'm pissed
    I'm an angry b**** who lost her addictive meds

    A fighter, gritted teeth and eyes closed
    Is me trying not to forget, lose my head
    And I no longer wanna feel this horrid pain
    I'm crying, evoking from veins a crimson red

    A lover, passionate, jealous, compulsive
    Is me bearing a heart that's easy to shred
    And a kiss from me can be worse than a curse
    I'm just trying to keep all my desires fed

    A mess, shattered, torn, destroyed
    Is me little more or less than depressed
    And I don't think that I'm worth s***
    I'm soon gonna find who's my real friend

    Don't worry.. I'm not depressed. I'm one of those writer's who can reflect to a point of my life and remember feelings and write about it, or reflect upon feelings of my friends, relate to it, and write about them. Most of poetry is about depression or heartbreak D:
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
    LOL Orange you're so gorgeous.. I thought you were a boy before I saw that though (No offense!) Just without pictures I try to guess who's a boy and who's a girl... x_x;;

    And here's me when I was a baby.

    And here's me now!

    And of the course the avatar and sig are me as well, just from spring. These are more recent ^^;;
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    Well, we probably know which companies are the ones doing it. The ones getting all of their meat recalled! D:

    And not pointing fingers, but I would believe that the cheaper meat companies would do this. Why else would their meat be just above USDA standards and so cheap? I don't know this for sure, just forming a conclusion based on what I know about the economy and what I learned from the FFA. I will do some more research on the companies who do this, though, so I know what meat companies to boycott.

    But wouldn't you think the higher quality & better tasting meats treat their animals better?
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
    Alright, so what do you guys think?! ^-^ Its my first ever video. Its supposed to be a little funny, but for me it was only slightly amusing.

    Kingdom Hearts - (What What In The Butt)

    I've been working on it since yesterday. I made half of it with WMM but it kept freezing and locking up, then I made the other half of it with Sony Vegas.

    I know the timing is slightly off, but my computer is a tid bit slow and froze on certain frames so I THOUGHT I had the timing just right, but really I was off by a little bit or sometimes a lot, like with the part where Riku's mouth is moving but nothing is being said. When I viewed it on my computer in Vegas there were lyrics being sung and whatnot, but apparently that was wrong x_x;;

    And I also know it kinda just cuts off, but I don't know how to make the end fade slowly in Vegas yet and WMM just barely faded it and made it end abruptly.
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
    Well don't totally ban meat out of your diet for this.

    And despite all the cruelty, we do kinda fair better on all the protein in meat .We don't need to eat meat to survive, though. I just don't understand why we as humans put these animals through a worse death than they could suffer at the paws of a predator out in the wild.

    We certainly have better technology and brain capacities than the hunters in the wild do. Hell, tribal people in the jungles and out in the savannas of Africa are more merciful in killing animals for food than we are.
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
    Okay. So I'm not a tree hugger or an active PETA member, but I watched some insightful PETA videos over the past few hours, and they were EXTREMELY disturbing. I would post links to them so you could understand where I'm coming from, but first I would rather hear a moderators voice on that because eve though I'd be posting them for an educational/insight purpose, they are pretty graphic. I'm pretty sure the answer would be no, its best not to post them. Any who, the title of the topic is actually the title of one of the videos. So I will help you meet your meat!

    I'm not a vegan, but I don't believe I'll ever be able to look at my hamburger or a thanksgiving turkey ever the same again. When you think of where your hamburger came from, you might possibly be naive and think of a happy cow grazing in a field, but thats not the case. Most animals used for meat are born and raised in a small box where they live their whole life. Many have puss-filled wounds or even cancer tissues when they go into the slaughter house (We cannot contract the same kinds of cancers as animals, so they still meet USDA standards). Most times the truck doesn't even have a ramp, they're just shoved off the back. They are hung upside down and put on the processing line where the slaughtering process begins, when they're STILL alive. Some are already so weak that they have to be pulled and shoved off of the truck.

    Chickens and turkeys are worse. They're put through a giant steaming machine to remove feather while they're still alive. The live their whole life in a pen surrounded by feces and other dead chickens. The hormones they're given make them grow so fast and the muscles in their legs hadn't fully developed, so they can't even move to get food and some starve to death.

    Pigs have it just as bad. They're put through a hair removal/steaming machine while they're still alive, too. Pigs that don't grow fast enough to keep up with the rest are killed either by electrocution or shot in the head with a bolt gun. They're legs are also weak and cannot carry they're weight.

    My boyfriend said that it didn't bother him because they had to die some way or another, but these are the animals that feed and nourish us. Wouldn't we want them to be treated a little more kindly and with be a whole lot healthier?

    I know maybe, just MAYBE it was something you already knew or it just doesn't sound that bad, because its a fact of life. But you don't really know what you're eating. These animals are filthy, neglected, malnourished, sick, weak, old, or already in the process of dying when they're turned into our food. I understand there are so many different slaughtering processes and its hard to keep up with a demand for food and money, but now I don't know what brand name meats to trust.

    Now I understand why there have been so many diseases and recalls on the meats at wal-mart super centers and everything. My boyfriend is very wrong. I'm scared to eat meat now because of all the diseased meat being recalled lately AND I just saw this? Raising healthy animals and giving them some form of human death before slaughtering them is a fact of life, not eating tainted livestock that could ultimately spread disease and kill thousands of people. Whats even worse is the people who work in the slaughterhouse and here these squeals and howls of these dying animals every day. They probably always wreak of blood, as they should.

    If you can read this and say "whatever" no, it does not make you heartless. It is sad but like my BF said, its a fact of life. Its been going on for years. However, it does mean that you must not be totally aware of this situation. Its not just about animal rights or save the poor animals, its about saving OURSELVES as well. After seeing about the turkey and chicken, I can honestly say I understand now why two different batches of chicken I bought within the past two months went rotten way before the sell by date.

    I didn't put this in the debate thread because I'm pretty sure most people would read this and agree with me. But I was to hear what everybody else has to say about it. Could this really be the reason why disease has been found in our meat products lately? How do you feel about meat now after reading this? Did you already know about this? What do you think we can do about it? And any other feedback you can think of would be nice to hear, too!
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Discussion
    T I Double Gah ER!
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    Hello ! and DA! =] :: Waves and smiles ::
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    I did a little more research on the video...

    It was a music video with clips taken from an investigation in fur farms in China.

    A lot of the dogs they were beating and skinning still had collars on, meaning they had been someone's pet. They also went behind the scenes on how slaughter animals were treated.

    My boyfriend basically was not supportive of my feelings on it. Said basically they have to die somehow -_-;;
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
    I just checked this bulletin on another site that my friend posted..

    It made me bawl my eyes out and I almost threw up.

    It was about animal cruelty.. and the had these little cages filled up with so many puppies and kittens you honestly couldn't tell where one animal stopped and the other began, and they were just tossing them off of the back of a truck or the top of this huge van.

    They had some kind of animal in a plastic bag and put it in a pot of boiling water.. and so many other horrible things!!

    I'm so sick right now. I'm sorry I know I'm more intelligent and could come up with better conversation in the Intelly Disc. but I'm so horrified right now I just needed to vent.

    I had to hold my dog and cry after I watched it, but it seemed kinda like he knew and he was saying "Its okay" to me with his eyes. It helped me feel better ^-^
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 12, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
    Alright, so I was viewing the heaven/hell thread about Hitler and Gandhi and it reminded me of this long discussion I had with my boyfriend about what happens when you commit suicide because my brother mumbled something about being dead/killing himself that was very close to a threat for suicide.

    I made a comment that I hoped he wouldn't and I was very depressed about it, and I said that if he did make such a horrible choice I hoped to see him many years from now when I passed away. My boyfriend said he hoped I WOULD NOT see him when I passed away because I was too good of a person to go to hell.

    So, my brother should go to hell even though he believes in God and is a single parent, taking care of two of his three kids with a little help from me here and there because he couldn't handle life's pressures? No matter what religion you are, even if you're atheist or agnostic, do you believe suicide should be an instant ticket to hell if God really does exist?

    Despite how much I love my brother my boyfriend made a valid point out to me. If you kill somebody and you're a murderer, you have time to realize what you did was wrong and to ask for forgiveness from God. However, if you commit suicide, the last thing you did in your life was commit a sin and you didn't have the time to regret it or ask for forgiveness, or do any good in your life to make up for it. So I believe my brother would have gone to hell, and I'm glad he did not commit suicide because I plan on visiting him in heaven.

    I don't believe you go to hell for it because it was the ultimate insult to God to take away the very life he gave you. If it was such an insult then that would mean that a murderer or serial killer would go straight to hell to for taking away life that he granted others. I believe you go to hell for it if in the last few seconds of your life you don't regret or beg for forgiveness.
    Thread by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
    *Was the passerby* Hey what happened?!?! *scratches head and looks up towards the light* Ooh hello! I was just walking by and all of a sudden this hole comes outta nowhere and eats me... *babbles on*
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
    Yxiffat [ix-iff-at]
    Anyxffit [ah-nix-fit or ah-neex-fit]
    Tyxfanfi [ticks-fan-fee]
    Fanxyfit [fanks-if-it]

    Alas, I can create many more with my name but they all sound stupid xD I guess I like Anyxffit best or I can just use my middle name.

    Xramie [ex-ram-ee]
    Raxiem [rax-eem]
    Maxrie [max-ree]
    Ixraem [ix-ray-em or ix-reem]
    Post by: MARIExBRIARWOOD, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX