Then answer me this: How can we let the hate end with us when older generations and younger are working against us? How can hate end with us when there will always be a balance and struggle between good and evil? How can the hate end with us when it has been here long before we were born, and will be long after we are dead? Not all is lost, we can strive to make the future better, but the hate won't end in our lifetime.
Hmm.. so I'm from a selfish generation? I've been babysitting for my brother the past two years so he can work and won't lose custody of his children to his ex wife. I don't call that selfish. I'm a 90s kid (Born in 1988). I think the reason we may SEEM selfish is because we grew up differently than others. These days our parents can easily get food stamps, welfare checks, disability, social security checks, so its easier now to make do and have a little extra money on the side than what it was in past generations. So even the poorest of families can spoil themselves just an incy wincy bit. Also, there is so much more violence in communities than ever before. Little kids can't even go for a walk around the block without the risk of being snatched up by some pedophile. So, because we were raised to be wary of danger and keep our nose out of other people's business we're selfish? I know I was allowed to run rampant through the neighborhood, but I would never EVER allow my own children to go out on their own, not until they were 13. When I was 11 a group of 3 girls from a high school followed me home picking on me and threatening to hit/beat me. When I reached home I turned around, called them a bunch of b*****s, and hid in my house. They were knocking on the door for about 10 or 15 minutes before leaving. Why would a bunch of 16-18 year olds want to beat up on a little 11 year old kid? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS? I don't think that the nice people are very few or don't exist, I think that they are in hiding and afraid of the big bad world. I know I am. So with all this new technology and guns and violence and corrupt cops or cops that don't even show up 'til 20 minutes later when you're either hurt or dead, its no wonder there are few people in the world that could care less about a stranger. I constantly try to be nice and help people, but people these days are so rude. I had my two nephews, 3 and 7, and my niece who is 6 walking with me in a crowded mall and my littlest nephew was trying to run off on me. I lunged forward to grab him and my purse, not any part of my body, hit this prissy little teenager holding a drink. I didn't maker her spill her drink or anything and immediately I turned around and told her "I'm so sorry." And she gave me this disgusted look and said "S**t." Whereas at first I was concerned and sincerely wanted to make sure she was alright, after that I wanted to rip her face off and make her eat it. If somebody apologizes, which is very rare now, you don't treat them like that. It was an accident, and I was honestly sorry for hitting her, but it wasn't so bad or the end of the world. I'm just saying can you blame us for being "selfish" when other people from other generations treat us this way? Can you blame us for being "selfish" when people from every and any generation could be running around with guns and violent, malicious thoughts running through their heads? Can you blame us for being "selfish" now that the government has programs for its people, and not as many people live in poverty with barely enough food to feed its family anymore? All I'm saying is yeah, we may be selfish. We may not care as much about other people as we should, but did you ever try to sit down and figure out the reasons why?
So what does this mean? THat everyone at this time who is able to have sex just does. or that they should because of all of the good things that the earth benefits from it? Thats something hard to participate in since around this time of month lots of women are on their monthlies. But I know a lot of women have weird monthlies at the beginning or end of the month rather than the middle. I don't even know what to think about this, honestly. So if I have sex with my boyfriend this saturday the earth will be happy?! OR Do I just get to look forward to having sex this saturday because nature will take over and make me because it wants to be happy? This is probably the absolutely stupidist post I have ever made, but I'm just a little confused as to exactly what that means.
Alright... in Vega.. on my timeline my clips/timing is perfect but when I make a mpeg movie out of it.. a certain clip stretches on longer than it should and throws everything else off. I go back to edit it.. and on the timeline the clips ends perfect.. even when I preview it in sony vegas the timing is perfect.. so whats going on here?! >_<;;
That website it for software o_O;;
I cannot find any Shadow Hearts I II or III clips available for download anywhere.. I see all these clips on youtube of them but nobody has any credits of where they got them from! >_<;; The ones I did find were .avi and those don't work on my computer. Does anybody know an easier way to find & download clips from the video games you want to make a VGMV?!
Thanks ^^ Thats a pretty good comment for my second video ever xD But practice makes perfect.. its definitely better than my first one! Its my second ever! I think I did a decent job.. I know at some point the clips are kinda stand stillish but I didn't realize they did that for so long because once again.. my computer was lagging! x_X;;
Hmm... I think this only applies to life threatening diseases. People on their deathbed who have a very negative outlook, and are very depressed probably will not have the strength for a good recovery unless they try to be more positive. Being sad or upset about something as big as that really does drain your energy and life force. If you're depressed about it, your future definitely does not look good. However people who remain positive and bright have a more likely chance of surviving. Instead of wasting time and energy being depressed about stuff, they are living the possible rest of their life in joy. Even if it can't completely heal them, it will help prolong their lifespan. This isn't based on any actual medical proof, but what I believe about spiritual energy and whatnot. I'm not especially smart or educated in anything, but I try to learn a little bit and create my own theories on what I learn. So, if anyone can find an actual source on this I would gladly read up and see how it changes my view : D
Well once again I played the fool quite well. He was in the hospital all day yesterday! :rockdoversad: I really need to stop over reacting. And I've talked to him about that. For a split moment when I was mad I posted in here but a few minutes later.. it turned into fret and worry. I worried all day and finally he called to tell me he just got home from the hospital x_x;; Apparently he had a really bad dizzy spell because of the pain medication for his foot (was in a football accident, his right foot is permanently crooked and facing outwards at about a 45 degree angle). Honestly despite only being together as long as we have.. we don't really have any issues besides the fact that I require lots more attention than what he gives. There's no jealousy or trust issues. No issues over who annoys who or anything like that. There never was. Somehow in such a short time the relationship has progressed and matured above stupid relationship problems like that, I know this because one of his friends thats a girl has made it pretty clear that she wants to be with him, but whats really weird is I'm not even worried about it! She isn't a threat to me at all, like somehow in my heart I already know that there is no possible way that she could ruin or destroy us, and that he would never do that to me. But its not a helplessly and crazily in love scenario, either. Its a pretty strong, well built, mature relationship. We love each other, but don't need to say it or show it every five minutes. We can actually have a long lasting conversation on any subject. I'm a little confused because I was brought up and taught and told my whole life that it takes years and years to build what I have with him in only this short time. And despite the last two problems I brought to this thread, never, never, NEVER has it crossed my mind to break up with him, not because I'm afraid or going to be hurt about it, it just simply honestly and truly has never crossed my mind, like it was never an option to begin with or maybe we are just really meant to be. Honestly he's already told me he feels that way, and afterwards I told him : D Hmm.. so I guess my next question would be what should I do if I start getting all upset like that again? Because honestly I don't think not speaking/seeing him is such a big issue if one word from him makes everything better... its some kind of mental or emotional problem with me. I know that when I was young my mother didn't have a lot of time and ignored me a lot... and still does to this day. Every one of our conversations consisted of me trying to tell her something I thought was important, only to have her keep going off subject and ignoring it. I was competing for her attention along with my step dad, two little brothers, my older brothers whenever they were around, and not to mention any time my friends or her friends' kids came over. I was almost always left at home while my little brothers went with her. I was a middle child, as well. Could that play a factor in it? Could an "attention deficiency" as a child put me into hysterics when I feel neglected by a loved one as an adult? If so.. I ask again, any good ideas on how to grow out of it?
Do you want a baby? Yes, actually me and my BF are kinda discussing that now. Even though we're not married or living together yet, our relationship is pretty serious. He asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I was kinda shy about it, but I told him honestly I always wanted to be a stay at home mom, I never wanted to go to college or anything even though that was what my family was pushing me to do. He sounded really pleased and told me "Thats really awesome!" And went on to explain thats the kind of girl he wants (And don't worry, hes perfectly capable of supporting it ^^) How many? Two or three, but it seems like he wants way more x_x;; Boy or girl? One boy and one girl at least. If I went on to have a third or fourth I wouldn't be picky as long as I had my one girl and my one boy ^^ Any names? Giovanni, Katrina or Katarina, Johnathan, Jessica, Nevaeh, James, Owen, John-Michael
Well now we've worked past all that but I have another problem. He's not very reliable. I don't think I could rely on him to get me to a hospital on time if I was bleeding to death. A few times already he's said he was going to say or do important things for/to me but never has, and I haven't seen him all weekend and he said today after church he was driving straight here to pick me up and we would go do something. Well, church ended at about 12 and its getting close to 5 and I haven't heard or seen ANYTHING of him. I understand he's extremely busy but is it very fair of him to do this to me? He's been busy from the start and honestly when we began this relationship I didn't know all that, it was him begging me "Please I know we're busy during the week but it will be great I could see you on the weekends it will all work out." But since then he never shows up when he is supposed to and shows up hours later or never calls when he is supposed to and calls VERY early in the morning and I'm asleep but I wake up and answer it anyways because I love talking to him. Is it fair to start a VERY serious relationship knowing you don't have the time to devote to it? Tomorrow is our anniversary (and again, we can't do anything during the week) and I was hoping today would be special but nothing has happened at all. I didn't have any money for Christmas so I baked him these awesome cookies and got Christmas cards for him and his roommate and he KNOWS I have things I want/need to give him so why would he do this? If he got caught up in something why couldn't he find one minute to call me and say so? Why leave me hanging, make me wake up and get ready to go out with him and never show up? It just proves to me, once again, that he is unreliable and doesn't really have time for me. And all this makes my head and heart spin in circles, I don't understand why he says I mean so much but constantly it seems like I'm being pushed aside, but his cousin talks to me and tells me he's hoarding all this money and bought me a ring? (I ripped into his cousin for that, why spoil the surprise?! Now if he really DID propose to me I couldn't give him the deserved response!) The ring I couldn't give an accurate guess about, but the hoarding the money I already know is for new furniture and everything. He's already told me his house isn't nearly fit enough for "someone wonderful like me/" and that this summer he's getting all this new furniture, flooring, etc. I know that for a fact because he already told me he wants me to look through the furniture catalogs with him because if I planned on him being part of my future, I would be the one spending more time at home with all the furniture and everything anyways since he works about 12 hours or more everyday. And I know its a possibility that he's so busy because he's planning a nice and wonderful future for us, but how can there be an us in the future if he's so focused on that that he doesn't have the time for us today?! And now since I probably won't see him today, I have to go another week without seeing him for a total of TWO weeks. **EDIT: I know to many it would seem.. well if you aren't happy etc.. why not just end it? Well he is a really nice guy and I love him so much, I really want this to work because when we do talk everything out and see each other its truly amazing. Just this morning he had me laughing so hard I was in stitches. And also to make this clear, our relationship can't be all messed up because its purely physical or whatever, we don't really do that. We talk more and go to the store or mall or whatever more often than anything else. EDIT 2 - Its 7 and he's still not here. He had to be home by 8 so all is lost. no point of going out for like 10 minutes. Another day with my hopes up and when they fell down he didn't catch them.
I like the concept as well. Nice work! You've capture the constant theme of the world's struggles well.
Hmm.. I'm not sure but I know when I was in high school we had to lay out our quotes a certain way. Are you looking for punctuation errors? If so you have a few " . " and " ; " missing at the end of your paragraphs. If not I couldn't tell you what was wrong, I think its done nicely. Better than any essay I'd ever written! : D
Hmm.. I don't really like TCGs.. except Pokemon cards... Me and my mom together probably spent about $2000 or more on pokemon cards the whole like 4 years I was into it xD If I had the money I would still buy them! The artwork seems nifty and it would probably be awesome to play with other friends who enjoy KH.. but for me.. nah I wouldn't buy them. Simply because I have no one to relate them too and have fun with.
Gah sorry I hadn't checked this in a while, but thanks Spitfire ^^;; Go Rikus#fg.. blond hair and green eyes are the best, we rule! ^^;;
Three of my older poems. This one was written about when I was about 17 when I was reflecting back on the day I left my mother's house at the age of 13. Don't My life spent in that cell Don’t let it burn Has left me with a soul that can’t rest Don’t break my wings This house burns hot as hell Don’t watch the tables turn As I clutch my ticket out to my chest Don’t listen as I scream You always liked it when I fell Don’t leave and try to return Even when I was trying my best Don’t think for you I bleed Now I have scars with their stories to tell Don’t, just stop, have you heard? My life’s been the opposite of blessed Hmm.. this next one is pretty personal and based on one of my real experiences, and I have scars to prove it. The end was a little dramatic, though. None of them could have really killed me x_x;; It was also written when I was seventeen. Basically I'm saying that in a world where all people seem to want to do is make you angry and hurt you in every way possible, the only thing that is real and true is well.. self mutilation and your own blood. By the end of the poem, though, I realize that what I'm doing is stupid and that I wasn't really a good friend to myself by doing those things. In some ways me doing that was kinda a cry out for attention even though I never showed them to anyone. But don't worry, I don't do this anymore ^^;; Seventeen Scars #1 for all my pent up anger #2 for rough hands against my skin #3 is a little too deep, I'm in danger #4 has the sensation of sweet sin I'll give you something to believe, to trust The blood upon my wrist is no lie Is seventeen scars for seventeen years enough? The razor blade clenched in my fist is no lie #5 for another stupid fight #6 for the dark that I fear #7 hurts, my chest goes tight #8 brings on the tears If you don�t listen I'll give you something to regret My bleeding wrist never has lied Seventeen scars for a warning, a threat The blade in my fist seduces, but never lied #9 for the molested child #10 for his betrayal between my thighs #11 makes my emotions run wild #12 is too shallow, sorry, nice try I'll give you a way to understand My wrist won�t stop bleeding, it�s NOT A D*** LIE Seventeen scars crafted with my own hand The razor my fist won't stop feeding, it's NOT A D*** LIE #13 for my mother who doesn't care #14 for the critical voices in my head #15 reminds me that my father wasn't there #16 just stained the sheets on my bed I'll give you a reason to cry The blood spilled from my wrist is drying, didn't lie Seventeen scars always asking me "Why?" Across my room the razor's flying, didn't lie #17 hit a main blood vessel #17 Down my spine, sends chills #17 for my life, begins to wrestle #17 is the type that kills I've given myself a reason to question My bloodied wrist sold me a lie Seventeen scars have taught me a lesson The blade thrown away sold my wrist a lie This is the first poem I wrote, that I actually have kept and recorded down. There were a few before it but I threw them all out x_x;; Basically one of my best friends was trying to help me and I wouldn't let him, and last time he tried to help this other girl she turned against him and hated him. I wrote this when I was 14 Just Like You They tell me that I'm just like you That I've said the things you said That I'm following the same path as you I say I'm not, I deny... You said you'd never change Well I'm saying that too They said you were sweet Well I am too They say they tried to help you Like they are helping me They say that you could have been strong If you only had tried Well I'm trying, and trying But I slowly let it control me And I'm crying, I'm crying And I realize that I don't wanna be like you They say I'm letting it hold me down Just like those darkened chains held you I've fought for years And I can't stand it anymore They say you turned against them Well I don't want that to happen too Cause friends are there to care for you And I need them whether I want them or not So, tell my friends they don't need to worry Cause I'm not entirely like you I'll dance upon the edge But I will never fall
I haven't read your other works yet, but this one has some nice wordplay =] I like the part... "It will vanish As snow before the break of dawn It will be a forgotten memory As if scattered in the wind"
Hmm.. Maybe there's something everyone else sees that I don't? I understand it quite well. And its also kinda neat how each verse is slightly in a diamond shape. I really like it though, I can relate to it very well, except I was called different names, not those ones ^^;;
I really like the second verse! I like the way the words sound together, they really stand out to me. Lol now I feel a little nosy about what happened, sorry! Its just I had bad stuff happen to me and when I hear about bad stuff happening to other people I kinda wanna be like the big sister or something. But it'll be alright. It was a long struggle for me, and possibly will be for you too but one day you can look back on it and not be angry or sad, or even depressed, but instead you could say "Wow I learned so much from that, even if it was horrible." Just keep your chin up, like Wilbur from Charlotte's Web lol ^-^