*laughs* OMG you sure you're okay?? You're pretty bored
xDD Frozed yoguhrt is delicious
why don't you make ice cubes with taste?? You know freezing tea for example
*laughs again* Stop it silly
xDD You should stop that xD
xD why do you do that?
nothing and with you?
Nah, I don't x3 I just didn't know what to answer
I also like the design but somebody should redraw it yeah, maybe in 3-D would be cool
uh-oh naughty boy xD well...not like I'm doing different xD
Hey x3 *pats you* What'cha doing?
Jup, that would've been too cool
Thank you very much again, wow I can't stop saying that x3 Yes, I really love how Dawn's Edge turned out x3 I tried to not let it look tooo much like Kingdom Key, even thought it is her "standart" keyblade. I really like the colours and the tribal on it x3
coloured Mara Thank you all ^^ So I finally finished colouring Mara:
His name's Patrick xD
There you gooo wriiite baaahaaack xD
I'd say he's about 19 - 21 that would fit him pretty well
Thank you ^^ Yes, I love the keyblade
-shakes head- You changed again