No, I'm sending it by posting it in real life is there a problem? (I sent it as a comment on his profile.)
Dueling Request Form LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: No Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: No Hand Refill: No First Player: Me...
Ok then, I'll get an duel request app filled out and send it to him. Be gone for a few moments. *Smiley making a peace sign with fingers*
Ok, is he active?
Ok, can me haz linky? (link to him)
First Paragraph: Yeah, I realized that when I restarted the game, just yesterday, now I'm level 14! :D. Second Paragraph: I was wondering why people got such good moves at the beginning. Now that that's behind me, I SHALL WIN!!!!!
Okay guys, first, I haven't been on recently because I've been playing too much Tag Force 3, my Deck has been edited so it co-works with Jaden's, he's my tag partner on it. Not the one here, the one who you can pick. Second, I have lost my old Deck from when I was playing Fearless, so I will have to end the duel. Third, Vellian (me) has made a new deck even stronger than the last. Fourth, I'm making to many points. Fifth, I'm open for a duel.
Sorry I can't find quote of Fearless. I activate Pot of Greed. Chain?
It doesn't have a newer version of it in the new decks and series.
Who said I was summoning only one? ;) I summon my second monster, Cyber Gymnast! Chain?
I summon Reflect Bounder! Chain?
I activate the spell card Double Summon! Chain?
lol, I'd like to see what image you would put for that, and yes. Btw, that is no where near the end of my turn, mwhahahah.
I've noticed how you manage to summon Bladedge on your first turn. 'Strategies young scholar, that is how I will beat you!' said Vellian Crowler.
Well, I'm playing Fearless now and then Jesse Anderson, then it can be you. If you want? I need some experience before going against you, lol.
Prepare for a beating young scholar. - Draw Phase - - Standby Phase - You see young scholar, when my opponent has monsters on their side of the field, I can summon this card. Cyber Dragon go! Chain?
Ok, I've replied everything fine 60 cards and you firsdt, please.
Up against Fearless, I'll duel you after though, ok?
60 cards, 8000 LP, and you go first please.
Visit Dueling Arena, get your game on, asd Jaden Yuki would say.