Who's going to the london expo on the 26th and 27th Im going as Larxene, can only make it on the sunday though
EDIT 2: Since we've left the them park, this RP is over, thanx for everyone participating EDIT: If you havent been on here for a while, please read the posts so you know whats happening, its to help avoid confusion, Thankyou Organization XIII day trip to a theme park, no particular one, so you can make up the names to rollercoasters, water rides, or any other rides etc. No particular rules, any questions PM me:D Xemnas:TwilightBlader Xigbar: xgothgirl07x Xaldin: Vexen: Lexeaus: Zexion: Cloaked-Schemer Saix: Axel: G++ Demyx:Jordier0xs0x Luxord: Marluxia: Goimez Larxene: ThunderOfLarxene Roxas:Roxas~Rox~my~sox There can also be the main characters there Sora:AnimeGirl104 Riku: Kairi: Namine:Emo Pengwin Romin'e: naminestwinsister The organization will start on a mini bus, the others will already be there. People can start anytime
Larxene and sakura from naruto both use kunais, but in a one on one battle who would win
Mine would have to be xaldin, because it took me forever to beat him lol, i found him harder than xemnas
... to do with KH come on, some of you must have some good stories, share them here real life with friends or maybe by yourself lol
After a kind request from AXEL008, im going to write another chapter, may carry on after, depends on how this turns out Anyway's here it goes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A corridor of darkness opened in the front room startling Xemnas, Xaldin and Saix, who were totally fixed upon the new series of baywatch. Out walked zexion, marluxia and demyx, followd by axel carrying the unconscious larxene. Xemnas jumped out of his seat "What has happened here, i want an explanation" Xemnas screamed with a hint of worry in his voice "Take Larxene up to her room Axel, ill explain" said Marluxia Axel nodded, agreeing with Marlxuia's decision. Axel slowly walked out of the room and carried down the hallway towards Larxenes room. He managed to place her gently down onto her bed, he then sat down next to her. "Shes going to be out for a while, shes had a rough day" Axel lifted his head and turned around to see zexion walking over to him. Axel then turned back to Larxene, she was still sleeping, he sighed then stood up. Zexion put his arm on Axel's shoulder. "Dont worry, come on down stairs, she'll be fine after some rest" "I guess your right, i just feel guilty, its just Larxene can usualyly handle her self, she must of been scared, maybe because it happned in the other world, if only i was there" "Stop feeling guilty, now come on Axel" replied Zexion Zexion and Axel left the room, and quietly shutting the door, trying not to wake Larxene. Axel didnt say a word all the way back to the front room, Zexion sighed, he knew Axel would be find once Larxene woke up +++++++ "And then Larxene just fainted" Zexion and Axel entered the front room just as Marluxia had finished the story to Xemnas. Xemnas looked at Axel who still had a spaced out look on him "Im very disappointed that you used your powers in the other world, but for this once, giving the circumstances, i will let this one slide, dont let it happen again" Demyx, Zexion and Marluxia all nodded, followed by a slight movement from Axel. Xemnas left the room. Axel sat down on the sofa, well more like slumped down into it. "Come on axel, while we wait for Larxene to wake up, lets go for a practice fight upstairs" suggested Marluxia Axel looked up to Malruxia " Erm... ok then, i need something to take my mind off of whats happened" Axel followed Marluxia, who where then followed by Zexion and Demyx, who had no interest in the omnibus of Baywatch. +++++++++++ Zexion and Demyx purched themselves just outside the battle arena, Axel stood to the right and Marluxia stood to the left. "Lets get this party started" cheered axel "Thats the spirit axel, lets go" replied Marluxia Axel in a bright firey display summonded his chakram, and stared at Marluxia in his classic ready to fight pose. Marlxuia Smirked and in a tornado of petal's summonded his scythe. The two began the battle. "So who do you think will win" squeeked like a little boy said demyx "Dont know, dont care" grunted Zexion who had now summoned his book and was skimming through it. Demyx had a ok-your-weird look then turned his attention back towards the battle. Marluxia swung his scythe just in time to defend the blow from Axel's two chakram. Marluxia then sprinted forward, Axel managed to duck from the sharp blade of the scythe, it slightly skimmed over the top of his hair. Marluxia chuckled at Axel's distressed look which then turned into a cheeky smirk. "Your not to bad" said Axel "Your not to bad yourself" replied Marluxia After another 10 minutes of fightning, the two called it a truce, and collapsed next to demyx and zexion "Phew... that was a work out" laughed Marluxia Axel grinned back, "ive worked up quiet an appetite now, lets go eat". The four nobodies left the fighting room and headed towards the kitchen. ++++++ When the four nobodies arrived in the kitchen, they were shocked to see xigbar and roxas looking a bit worse for where. Demyx snigered. "Wheres Larxene" questioned Roxas "well..." After another 10 minutes of explaining, Malruxia, Axel, Demyx and Zexion sat down chewing on a few snacks, Since shopping day wasnt for another couple of days and they were running low. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "What was that, it sounded like larxene" Axel and Marluxia darted upstairs, they found larxene sitting upright in her bed, she looked very paniky. She was upset and was glad to see Axel and Marluxia. Marluxia sat on the end of the bed while axel sat next to larxene to comfort her. "Its ok now, you safe" "I know, without you i dont know where i would be now, you saved me" Larxene swerved her body around to get up, "Dont you think you should wait" said axel, "No no ill b ok". She stood up, stumbled a little, but axel managed to catch her. Once she regained her balance she followed Marluxia and Axel down to the kitchen Demyx jumped up "How you feeling" "Much better now, thankyou, without you guys... well..." "Is this the savge nymph going all soft" laughed roxas Larxene gave a glanced look at roxas, "well the old me is back now, so watch it shrimp" static built up around her, roxas started to look worried, slightly edging back from his chair, in a getting ready to run pose. "Guess we can start planning our next trip" obliviously said demyx Everyone glared at him, making him feel 10cm's tall. Larxene then gigglied "Yeah sure, as long as its not another beach, too much excitment for these boys, wouldnt want them to get into any trouble" Everyone smiled, axel turned to larxene and replied "I promise" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the defiant ending for the story now, since i do have school :( lol I may start another story after my exams, but for now im pleased with how this turned out I hope you liked it to
Well since you lot voted for axels chakrams, thats what happened, enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------- "LET HER GO" Axel screamed "Oh i see, in a hurry are we, we'll sorry to disappoint you, but the girl stays with us" Axel stared into larxenes green eyes, there was so much fear, what zexion had sensed on the beach earlier was right. Axel knew the savage nymph wasnt scared easily, so the siutation must be really frightening her. "Why do you need her, what has she ever done to you" "Since you asked so nicely......OH BOYS'S". The group leader called out for the rest of the group, but with no response "Oh i see, cant fight for your self so get your goonies to fight for you, well sorry to disappoint you, but we dealt with them ages ago" The leader grunted and looked around for a place to escape, there was a fire escape door at the end of the room so he started to advance towards it. Larxene in panic tried to struggle more, but still cudnt get free "Sorry but today there is no escaping from fire" Axel summoned his chakram "Axel go for it" encouraged Demyx "Yeah heres your chance" replied Marluxia "I...I cant... i might his larxene" Axel sighed in annoyance of what he couldnt do "Dont worry about me, ive survived worse" Axel looked up to see that larxene was able to shout out to him. She also winked at him which gave Axel a bit more reasurrance. Axel fired up his chakram and threw them in the direction of Larxene and the group leader. At a spilt second moment, Larxene was able to dodge the first chakram then dive under the second. The man was hit straight in the stomach knocking him towards the window" "Im not going alone" screamed the man He grapped larxenes legs, and both were flung out of the window at speed, over the balcony outside "LARXENE" they all screamed They all ran out onto the balcony to see her hanging from the balcony on the 15th floor. She was to scared and coudlnt think straight so was unable to summon a corridor of darkness "Dont worry i'll help" Confidently said marluxia He summoned some vines from the ground, which grabbed larxene and helped her up to the top floor with everybody else. When she landed on the balcony, she sighed relief that it was over. Axel walked up to her and gave her the bracelet back "Oh no, i love this bracelet to pieces, its special" Axel blushed "You really liked it, well done worry, we can get it fixed" "Today has been a long day for me i fee....@ Larxene fainted with exhaustion. The savage Nymph now rested peacefully in Axel's arms. "I think its time we go back now, todays been quite hetic, makes the castle seem normal" Mumbled Zexion Zexion created a corridor of darkness and all 5 nobodies passed through. Axel took Larxene up to her room and layed her down giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek "OOOOOOOOO" Axel turned around to see Demyx and Marluxia laughing. "I'll get you two, axel summoned his chakram and made haste after the duo, all three sprinted down the hall. Larxene slowly opened her eyes "Thankyou guys", she then drifted back off to sleep MEANWHILE IN THE TOWN "Thats it im never pairing up with you again, stupid tourist, stupid lost tourist" moaned Roxas _____________________________________________________ Well thats the end of chapter 3 and the end of my first story I hope you guys enjoyed it, ill maybe write another, another day but with exams in 10 weeks i guess ill be revsing :( lol
Ill refer to larxenes kidnapped places as the basement, enjoy chapter 2 ------------------------------------------- The group turned their attention to Marluxia who collapsed from exhaustion from running. "Whats wrong Marluxia" said axel Marluxia showed Axel the broken charm bracelet, Axel took the bracelet and placed it in his pocket. "Zexion.... can you sense her" "Yes but very faintly, she seems scared" The day to the beach suddenly turned into a hunt for number XII. They decided to spilt into 3 groups. Feeling that they would have more of a chance of finding larxene this way. Zexion and Demyx went south, Roxas and Xigbar went North and that left Marluxia and Axel to search the central part of the city where Marluxia orginally found the bracelet Zexion and Demyx didnt stay in the south for long, Zexion sensed Larxene in the central town, so headed there to find Axel and Marluxia Meanwhile, Roxas and Xigbar seemed to have gotten a bit lost "You said right" Screamed Roxas" "I meant your other right" Sulked Xigbar ...... "Youve been rather quiet Axel, we'll find her" "I know, i just cant help wondering whats happened" "Axel!!, Marluxia!!" Axel and Marluxia turned around to see demyx and zexion running up towards them. "Any luck in the south" said axel with false hope Both nobodies shook their heads. They soon explained that Zexion senses were correct and that she was around the area, but was unable to exactly pinpoint her location. Axel and Marluxia sighed and carried on searching. THE BASEMENT "Just one more second....", larxene managed to summon one of her kunai's and was slowly cutting through the rope around her. The group of hoodies took turns in guarding the door to the room Larxene was in. So she made sure she was careful in trying to escape. "How are you liking you stay" Smirked one of them "Shut-up, you'll regret this" she hissed "Oooo, and were supposed to be scared of a young girl with bad hair" *Explosion* A blast of lightning burst out of the door, knocking the two guards unconsious, a dark figure emerged from the smoke. Larxne was now riled up, with all kunais showing and anger in her eyes, she carried on down the hall. She wasnt thinking straight, she only had one thing on her mind, to find the leader. She came accross a door at the end of a hallway, she opened the door. She found the leader sitting calmy on his seat. "Grab her" silently said the leader The next thing she new, 4 men were holding her down, "Now, Now, escape is not an option, were not finished with you yet, my dear" Larxenes attempts to struggle free were in vain, as she was soon after placed in something that could simply be explained as a metal cage "I am no animal, let me go!!!!" Screamed Larxene "Now now be a good girl, and be quiet" ----------------------------------------- BACK TO CENTRAL TOWN "Hey axel.... whats that smoke" curiously asked demyx They all looked up to see smoke rising behind a block of flats. They all looked at each other "Thats gotta be her" they said in unison". They then raced in the direction of the smoke. When they arrived they were greated with a 20 story high run down office block. The smoke was belowing out the 18th floor windows. They looked for an entrance but could only find a back door fire escape. Zexion walked up to the door "we might need to find another way in bec...". He was stopped in his tracks by a blast of to chakrams bursting the doors open. Zexion turned around to see axel smirking and demyx and marlxuia giggling. After brushing himself off Zexion got up and the four of them carried on. They made it to the 18th floor to find two guys in hoods slumped on the floor. Axel ran up to one and picked him up "Where is she, wheres our friend" The guy smirked before passing out again. Axel had no time for games and trough the guy back onto the ground. They carried on to the 19th floor where they were greated by ten hoodies. "Come on boys, no need to fight, you little wimps could get hurt" "Oh really is that a challenge" questioned axel "Bring it on" replied one of the hoodies The four agreed that for this time only they would use thier powers. Their faces tuned serious. Marluxia summoned his scythe, sending bursts of rose petals at them, "Lets turn up the heat", axel summonded his chakram and without hesitation threw them at the group, knocking them down. "Ahh cant take the heat, dont worry i'll cool you down" Demyx summoned his sitar, the cheeky grin on his face turned to anger as he summoned huge pilars of water down onto the group. "Omg... who are you" "Your worst nightmare" replied the cloaked schemer "Now where is our friend" "Huh.. like we would tell you" Zexion summonded his book "Now then, where was that spell instant explosions". He calmly scrolled through his book looking for the spell "Ok Ok, shes on the top floor, with the rest of the group" Demyx then kindly helped them out the way by creating a tidal wave which took them to the bottom of the building. The group carried on upstairs till they reached the top floor. Axel wasted no time in bursting in the door, but was froze on the spot. There was the leader, holding larxene in front of them, with a gun pointed straight at her head "Well now, this is quite a party" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thats the end of chapter 2 Im going to use a poll so you can choose what should happen next Hoped you liked it
Ok, this is my first story, but i hope you like it, and enjoy it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wake up Wake up" None of the organization members had heard such screaming so early in the morning. Not long after the outburst Axel, Larxene, Zexion, Roxas, Xigbar and Marluxia half heartedly waltzed into the kitchen, to find Demyx running around like a headless chicken. This beserk mode soon wore off when demyx was halted by the freeshooter pointing a sniper inches from Demyx's faces "You better have a good reason for this" grumbled xigbar "Of course i do, IT THE DAY FOR BEACH" screamed happily Demyx All the others looked at each other in the oh yeah i kind of forgot about that way, and each went back to their rooms to back their bags for the summer day out. Meanwhile demyx was on hyper mode gettin everything perfect. He enjoyed these days, espcially the chance to have fun in the sea. Half an hour passed and all members were finaly ready to leave. Demyx created a dark portal and all members passed through, for there day out "Remember no powers in the other world, we dont want to draw attention to ourselves" +++++++ AT THE BEACH Demyx was already in the ocean alongside zexion who finally put down his book, but wished he stayed because demyx was hardly peaceful, creating bigger tidal waves than the sea could. Xigbar and Roxas played volleyball while Axel, Larxene and Marluxia, sunbathed beside them. "Hey roxas" wispered Xigbar "Yeah" "Do you remember what happened to axels hair when it gets wet" A cheesy grin appeared on Xigbars faces the more he thought about it "Ah i get you" Both silently giggled to each other as Roxas filled up a little bucket for making sandcastles with water. All three had their eyes closed so failed to notice II and XIII creep up. *SPLOOOOOOSH* 'OMG what the %$$^%$%^$^&, my hair, my hair, RRRROOOOXXXXAAAASSSSS' Roxas and Xigbar ran for there lives as Axel chased them along the beach, with not so spikey hair. Demyx had finaly calmed down allowing Zexion to float in the ocean in peace. "Urgh... im bored, im going to get an ice cream, do you want one Marluxia" said larxene "Er.. yeah go on then, thanyou, ill have a plain 99 with a flake" Larxene got up and strolled off to find the nearest Ice cream van, catching the attention of many young males, meanwhile axel had returned looking more than happy, being unable to catch the devious pair. Axel layed back down without a word, hoping the sun would dry his hair out and return it to some normality. AT THE ICE CREAM VAN "Yeah thats two 99's with flakes please" Larxene now with her's and Marluxia's Ice Cream's began to wander back to the beach, which was now at some distance since she got frustrated with the closer one and blew up the machine. She never minded boy's attention, didnt bother her, but today she felt uneasy, and it takes alot for the savage nymph to feel uneasy. She started to walk abit faster, hoping to get to the beach quicker, where she would feel safer. "One more corner to go" she thought to herself, "then i'll be back at the beach" As she walked along the street a group of hooded figures approached her, they were all young teenagers. She tried to carry on past, but was halted by the group, making escape difficult "Your coming with us" insisted one of the hoodies "Excuse me, you dont know who you messing with, now get out of my way" "GET HER" screamed the same hoody All the hoodies dragged her into the alley, out of site, leaving the two ice creams on the floor in a big mess. Her screams for the others were muffeled by the hand of one of the hoodies. The hoodies planned to use Larxene as a ransom for money. She was taken, well dragged, she didnt give in without a fight, to a low basement under one of the building, just outside the beach. She was left there tied up, while the others walked off to plan their scam "Where are you guys, i need your help" Larxene was now feeling scared, another emotion hardly seen by her. But there was nothing she could do for the time being, all she could do was wait.... and wait. BACK AT THE BEACH An hour and half had passed, and marluxia had started to actually wonder where is Ice Cream was, and where Larxene had gone to. "Whats a matter Marluxia" said xigbar, as they both bravely returned from running from axel. Axel gave a glare at roxas but then smiled, in a forgivng way. "Larxene left to get us two ice creams about an hour and a half ago but she hasnt returned" "Shes probably gone shopping" calmly replied axel "Maybe, but something doesnt feel right, im going to see if i can go and find her, i need to go for a walk anyways, because when Axel dozes off, HE SNORES" Axels faced blushed as xigbar and roxas giggled, Marluxia got up, put on his t-shirt and walked off in the direction larxene had. Marluxia was lookin for 15 minutes when he came accross two splattered ice creams on the floor. "Someone been a bit careless" He giggled to himself. But then he noticed something shiny next to them. He picked it up to see it was larxenes bracelet, snapped, it was her favourite bracelet, it had eight kunai charms on it. It was a present from axel "Something's not right here" Marluxia hurried back to the beach with the bracelet, to find that demyx and zexion where sunbathing alongside the others. "Axel, Axel" Marluxia screamed, as he sprinted towards the group Axel turned around and knew something was wrong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 1 Will the other nobodies be able to find larxene in time, and why do these hoodies want to use her for ransom????