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  1. Ice_Keyblade
    What do you think of a Fire Void Code, guys? Imagine Sora, red with firaga surronding him. Shooting fireballs whenever he moves, dammaging enemies around him.
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Ice_Keyblade
    Doubt it. You need all the abilities. That's a lot. Like supersora said each line gives another ability.

    You guys should also continue this chat in profile messages.
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Ice_Keyblade
    I can't really see what it does. :p
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Ice_Keyblade
    Ye. It'll be possible, but really hard. I don't think anyone has the patience to hack it. I don't even know how to ROM-hack.
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Ice_Keyblade
    Why do you need that then? Just the first part would be enough, wouldn't it?

    Also, try making them either both space paranoids or both halloween town.
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Ice_Keyblade
    1. The weapon you forgot, 07A5 - Ultima (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    2. Whats this for?
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Ice_Keyblade
    Wisdom the right hand of final? Just try a neo-moveset mod and make wisdom have final's moveset. Also, whoever's testing this needs to equip ultima weapon before they test it.​

    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Ice_Keyblade
    Profile Post

    Hello. Lol =D

    Hello. Lol =D
    Profile Post by Ice_Keyblade for Sonic the Hedgehog, Jul 21, 2009
  9. Ice_Keyblade
  10. Ice_Keyblade
    I heard about this too on Yahoo! News. I just hope I get to see it. It says pregnant people shouldn't go outside, and worshipers are encouraged. It would be freaken bad luck if you were born on that day though.
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  11. Ice_Keyblade
    I checked, i can't find it.
    Profile Post by Ice_Keyblade for ◄Slip►, Jul 20, 2009
  12. Ice_Keyblade
  13. Ice_Keyblade
    What does it do?
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Ice_Keyblade
    Profile Post

    Release the code yet?

    Release the code yet?
    Profile Post by Ice_Keyblade for ◄Slip►, Jul 19, 2009
  15. Ice_Keyblade
    This part. You need Party members don't dissapear when driving and Drive w/o party members both on. You can just put that party don't dissapear code on the bottom. then try.
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Ice_Keyblade

    Can you explain the parts?
    Post by: Ice_Keyblade, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Ice_Keyblade
  18. Ice_Keyblade
  19. Ice_Keyblade
  20. Ice_Keyblade