My friends messing around. I know, they do look a little bit ******ed. I'm not in the video, so don't blame me.
Can you hack? With PS2DIS, i mean
No... I hated those things. They just put codes together. I actually hacked a couple, and ported the magic owning drive form. And a couple others
2 Any of you know Jettie?
you said you might be able to test my code.
I remember you... somewhere... Do you know me?
Teach me your ways ;D
Might have a "Mental meltdown". These games are hard
I just relized we have a arcade. I'm going to make myself a highscore =D
This game hurts your brain.
Long enough
Got to expensive
lost internet for a year.
oh. I guess that would explain things. >.>
good. I'm so bored right now. My post count before this was 992. Now its only like 800 and somethin. Any new posting rules?
Remember me?
I can't believe this is still going?
What do you think? Is it worth watching?
Thanks. can you wait a moment? My sister stole my laptop =D
What was your name before this?