Maybe it means something about a song, or a person's name. I'm going to check the "What song are you listening to right now?"
Mascara overflow
I agree. We should let Kira kill someone.
Like this? Sora is Chicken little 11CFAC7C 000006C8 Sora is Stitch 11CFAC7C 0000030A Sora is Genie 11CFAC7C 000007F5 Sora is Peter Pan 11CFAC7C 000045B Sora is Tinkerbell 11CFAC7C 000004F4
Death . I
one. filler
I think i knew you as Keyblade Spirit.
four. Coder! remember me?
you two are killin us
I'm confused? What does a Kira need to kill someone? I thought they needed their first name. Edit: Nvm. I get it.
three lets try to keep wolfie away.
That would be sweet if I did make it up, but I found it online.
Trying to get a circle of fire surronding sora, like Axel's. It also shoots flames, like mushu.
I've gotta start getting insurance 8.8 What does a Kira need to kill someone, though?
Five Onion rings! *in the tune of 12 days of christmas*
Charcoal POKEMON!
Pac Man filler
Except... No one knows my name >.>
So, I-Don't-Know was the Kira, or Mikami
Eh. No new codes. I've been gone for a long time. Mostly in the spam zone. Working on complicated code.