That's my favorite one too!!!
Yeah, I love them! They're one of my favorite bands ^_^
hey, whatsup?
My World - Sick Puppies
Make your time.
I was perusing the Interweb today, looking for funny pictures for personal project. Since I always have used 4chan as a source of ridiculous, nonsensical material, I decided I would pay a visit to /b/. Lo and behold, apparently a Youtube Cam-girl (Cam-whore would be more appropriate) named Boxxy launched a DDOS attack codenamed "Valkyrie" Against /b/. IF anyone on these forums would have any additional information, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm just looking for general details, the who, what, when, where, how and why. Thanks again.
Thankx you v3ry much
In AR Max format if it's not too much trouble lol... Thx a bunch!
i was wondering... Is there a code by chance that lets sora be alone in every world? Thx
I think Riven would be cool...
Oh right... Um, Gravity?!? Nah...
I could see her wielding a Sword/Staff hybrid weapon... Or maybe, a Keyblade...?
I'd have to say mine would be Demyx...
Ven, Roxas, Sora Roxas is a unique type of nobody; in which he still exhibited signs of still being able to feel emotions such as sadness, regret, anger, etc. True nobodies can fake being able to feel, but the whole thing with Axel, and Roxas' fight With sora in TWTNW... Think about it... And Axel's comment to Sora: "He made me feel like I had a heart..." And Ven looking exactly like Roxas could probably be due to the fact that he is the Dis-Soul if you wlll, of Sora...Or perhaps Sora is Vens' Dis-Soul... I dunno, just thinking outside the box I guess...
I'll test is and see. Thx
I'm sorry for bugging you all but could i please get the code for sora to be alone in all worlds? Thanks!
Thx man! I really appreciate it!
Yeah, Thats the one.
Can someone post the riku Vs roxas code?
This has probably been asked for but can I get the code for Infinite drive?