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  1. Mnyuu
    K muchas gracias for the cleareance :D Yeah I was guessing the year, I'm not that great with Japanese education systems ^-^;
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mnyuu
    KK I got mine in :) Also just to clear things up, spoken words are in bold, thoughts are in bold italics ^-^;
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mnyuu
    Aki exhaled gravely as she walked down the semi-barren street. Man, it's going to be another crappy day at school again. I swear if I hear another one of my teacher's pointless lectures I'm going to shoot myself. She paused her stride and scratched the back of her head in irritation. ARGH... I HATE SCHOOL!
    She threw her hands above her head and shut her eyes tightly, groaning in apathy. It wasn't long till she heard concerned whispers from the people around her. Her hands quickly tightened into a fist as she quickly recomposed herself then scoffed in disgust, throwing her red hood over her dark caramel locks in attempts to hid her face.
    Disgusting filth.
    She couldn't help but feel slight anger rising in the pit of her stomach as she continued to walk forward, her hands fiddling with the pocky box in her sweater pocket.
    Everybody thinks I'm psychotic freak, but I'm not really...Tch, it's not my fault that I don't have much of a social life. I just prefer staying at home and not getting involved in useless things. Doesn't it seem more logical to gather information that way? Ya' know, in the comfort of your own home and away from trouble and stupid drama?

    Her eyebrows and face scrunched up as if trying to convince herself that was the truth. She stopped again and smiled gravely.
    But mom...she's been getting a lot of crap from the government lately...not only that. She bit her lower lip and tugged on her sleeve. EVERYONE has been calling me a 'good for nothing neet' lately. She shook her head bitterly. That's not true though! I'm...I'm not a neet... I'm an observer! Why can't they just understand that? I'm just a person who gathers their information differently. It's not my fault I despise helping people.
    A small smile managed to creep on her face as she thought of more positive things to cheer her up. She lifted her head from the shadow of her hood and looked down the road victoriously. She suddenly frowned.
    But life has been so bland, so...normal. I mean, sure the drama has been getting interesting and whatnot, but the outcome is always the same. No one wins. No one loses. Disappointing really.
    She managed another weak sigh in defeat then adjusted her book bag strap and started her slow stride towards school.
    I just wish that my life wasn't so repetitious. It's the same everyday. Maybe, just maybe, I would take back all those things that I've said about the world being boring if something really exciting happened. Well exciting and worth my time.
    Aki's eyes widened in confusion.
    Huh? I have a message? How strange...

    She pulled out her cell phone from her front pocket and examined it carefully.
    Unknown area code? Hmmm, seems sketchy.
    But her curiosity got the better of her and opened the message. Her eyes blinked in confusion. An advertisement?
    An animation of a girl's body falling apart in pieces then reassembly into form appeared on the screen causing Aki to laugh. How cute is this?
    It repeated continuously until the last time, the body parts formed to assemble the word:
    The Dark Woods Circus?
    She blinked. A map suddenly appeared on her phone pinpointing her exact location and the location of an unfamiliar area within a forest. She panicked slightly a looked around her surroundings to see if anyone was watching her. Whoa...this is a bit freaky.
    She quickly hit the trash button and held her breath as she gazed at the word Delete? Her fingers trembled on the accept button, but it wouldn't push.
    What the hell is wrong with me? This can't be hope, can it? Me, hopeful? That's absurd, I live to observe the world and cast judgement, not enjoy petty things.
    Suddenly a thought hit her.
    She smiled to herself and examined the message carefully one more time, then placed her phone in her font pocket. She gazed down her normal road, on her normal day, of her normal life and smiled. She then took an unusual turn down an unfamiliar path.
    Now THIS should be interesting.

    Aki stood in front of a fairly large tent that was crowded with a large audience. Geez...did all of these people get the same text? Makes me feel less special.
    She groaned slightly and turned back towards the forest. I'm surprised that I didn't get lost on the way here, but with this many people I really don't think it's worth my time.
    She started to make her way towards the exit of the forest when a certain girl caught her attention. Hey, isn't that?
    She quickly turned around and hid behind a couple of young adults, keeping a close distance. It is! It's the Class Rep for the 2nd year! I think her name was Shiki Kino or Shizo Konko... or something like that. What the heck is she doing here?
    The young Rep seemed to have a look of loathing in her eyes as she made her way inside the large circus tent amongst the crowd. A devious thought played into Aki's head.
    Hmmm, playing hooky are we Class Rep?
    The couple soon shifted from their spot and the crowd started to move towards the mouth of the curtains, and Aki was swept with it's current.
    Crap! I can't be seen here! If I get caught now, I'll be in so much trouble with Mom, and legally, I'll be a neet!
    But the harder she struggled the more the crowd engulfed her. It wasn't long till her surroundings went dark and the curtains closed in her face. She squeaked in fear. She pulled her hood over her head, and awkwardly felt around for a seat only to irritate the fellow audience members. She even earned a death glare from a group of teenagers. Sorry!
    She finally managed to find a seat next to a small girl, excitement twinkling in her eyes. Boy...she looks stoked. I wonder if this show is any good based on her expression. She smiled awkwardly at her and sat down, fidgeting at the close contact with so many people. She shut her eyes and inhaled and exhaled slowly, turning the room's noises into a garbled muffle.
    Don't disappoint me.

    Soon her world went silent as she waited for the show to start...
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mnyuu
  5. Mnyuu
  6. Mnyuu
  7. Mnyuu
    Profile Post

    WELL!! [IMG]

    WELL!! [IMG]
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Jan 30, 2012
  8. Mnyuu
    giiiiii ~ >.> Envying you
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Jan 30, 2012
  9. Mnyuu
  10. Mnyuu
    Profile Post

    Yes...yes it would |3

    Yes...yes it would |3
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for CrownMoksha, Jan 30, 2012
  11. Mnyuu
  12. Mnyuu
    Hmmm, if I had first choice and if they're okay with it I'd choose Tellus as my main person to get out, but I'd like to help everyone else as well :3
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mnyuu
  14. Mnyuu
  15. Mnyuu
  16. Mnyuu
  17. Mnyuu
  18. Mnyuu
  19. Mnyuu
    is it!?!? It it really!?!? >.>
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Jan 29, 2012
  20. Mnyuu