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  1. Mnyuu
    I tried to do something similar to this, but it kinda died...hopefully you have better luck than me :D

    Username: Mnyuu
    Character name: Diana Elucia
    Stated Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    Has this character been somewhat famous before?
    Is known to be a "mad scientist".
    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mnyuu
    Is someone out there?
    The world had suddenly stopped and Aki's eyes shrank as the bush that hid her amongst the shadows were moved. Her breath leapt to her throat closing in any air that she needed. She panicked and stood up to make a run for it, but her legs buckled underneath her and her body refused to move.
    Come on legs, move! I can't afford to get law enforcements here, not now.
    It's a little late to be out. Show's over. Are you lost?
    The voice was movie towards her now. Aki's heart had now clogged her throat and she attempted to swallow it down, but a raw choking sensation the only thing she felt. Sweat started to race down her forehead as she felt her breath pick up. She looked down at her feet and panicked even more.
    Come on, come on!
    Though sneaking about like that, well...
    She looked up to see who was making there way towards her, no one there. A sudden chill raced down her spine and she felt the world stop again. She breathed slightly.
    ...It's pretty suspicious.
    Aki gasped and turned around quickly to see the magician standing right behind her, but fear and panic caused his appearance to be more life threatening. She took a step back, her lips quivering to form useless words, and eyes filled with tears. She was shaking terribly. The only thing she thought she could do logically was...
    Her lungs felt as though they were on fire as she screamed like a banshee. Then her world went black.

    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mnyuu
    Aki watched as the final act engulfed the floor in darkness and before she knew it the show was over. Her heart pained slightly as she watched people stand up and made their ways towards the exit, their voices filled with awe and some disappointment that the show was over. She too stood up and followed the wave of the crowd taking one last glance at the interior of the circus tent then finally stepping out in the chilly air. She shivered and hid her face within the comfort of her sweater, absorbing as much heat as possible.
    Alright...if I was a circus ringleader, where would I hide my crew?

    She scanned the area to see if anything seemed out of place as the are slowly started to become more barren. Soon there was only about two families left in the area. She then decided to sneak a peak behind the tent.
    I wonder if I can get their autographs.

    She giggled with excitement as she wormed her way through the thicket of the trees and to the backstage area of the tents. Adrenaline pumped to her head and her breathing heavy.
    It's been a long time since I've done something this exciting.

    She paused. Voices from the outside caught her attention and she quickly burried herself underneath a bush. She peaked through the brush to see three people. Her eyes squinted to get a closer look.
    Hey, it's some of those circus performers!
    She squealed inwardly. Just my luck!
    Her eyes darted from each face to match their performance names, but the shadows of the night shrouded them in mystery making it hard to distinguish.
    Damnitt... I can't get enough light source to see their face. Not only that, but now I'm stuck here...
    She took a step back in order to get comfortable, but a twig snapped in the process.
    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mnyuu
    I saw it as well and I was screaming so loud in the theaters, but I really didn't have any bad nightmares. Idk what your preference in movies are, but if you're looking for a hang out movie with friends that won't bore you, then The Woman in Black would be a good choice in my opinion.
    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mnyuu
    If I was an anime character my draw would have dropped would have been Aki's current thoughts at the moment, but her mind was to broken to even comprehend what she had witnessed.
    A...a flower grew from the A dragon? No that's not right either. She pouted and furrowed her eyebrows in deep thought. And that girl...was she even freakin alive? I mean her body-
    She paused to think about the moving limbs the attached to themselves on their own to form a average looking body (minus the fact that it was far from normal) and shuddered gravely. The fact that it was cold as well due to the gaping hole wasn't helping her with these chills that crawled down her spine. She pulled out her cell phone and gazed at her clock.
    How service.
    She then looked at the small girl sitting next to her. She looked absolutely terrified.
    "Mommy, I wanna go home," she whimpered.
    "Okay sweety...I guess we can go. I'm sure we can come back another day."
    Aki blinked in utter confusion.
    Home!? How can they go home after those performances? I mean sure, they may be a bit life threatening, but it's all part of the act...or at least I hope. Her thoughts raced rapidly in her head in attempts to piece together these past few performances. Okay, scarlet devil chick, that was most likely not an act considering she blew a hole in the tent. Flower girl...that could be easily broken down as robotics, yet I'm still a bit sketchy. Fire man...pyrotechnic? Hmmm, ragdoll. My guess a bunch of midgets...or at least I hope.
    She shuddered. When she tried to think of a logical answer for all of these acts, she couldn't. All except for...
    That dang magician. Why is it that I still believe that his was all smoke and mirrors? I mean everyone else is super well...freaky, but him. Instead of pulling a rabbit he pulled a lion. BIG WHOOP. ARGH! Why is it frustrating me so much? She sighed. Well I know what I'm going to do after the show. I'm going to meet this so called "magician" and see his real ways of the circus. I guess then they'll satisfy my curiosity.
    She smiled triumphantly to herself and her plan as preparation for next act began.

    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mnyuu
  7. Mnyuu
    Yes you may have a reservation :)
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Feb 1, 2012
  8. Mnyuu
    :D Nice, the more the merriers :3
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Feb 1, 2012
  9. Mnyuu
    Profile Post

    yummies :l

    yummies :l
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Feb 1, 2012
  10. Mnyuu
  11. Mnyuu
    Profile Post

    :D so how are you?

    :D so how are you?
    Profile Post by Mnyuu for Krown, Feb 1, 2012
  12. Mnyuu
    Aki blinked slowly unsure how to react. It has only been two acts so far, and yet she's already pulled in the show. She couldn't comprehend the fact that a lion, no- AN EAGLE flew out of a freakin fedora! And some weird girl with crystalized features seemed to add to the strangeness factor. But the idea of her almost getting killed by knives seems to be part of the show, an act if you will. Of course the ringmasters wouldn't allow the audience to get her. But the fact that part of the circus was destroyed had to be more than an accident. Almost as if...
    This has all gotta be an act. I mean there is no way that that was possible! Still...
    She examined the gaping hole within the seams of the tent as the moon shone an almost opaque glow. Her mind flashed back to the act prior to the one she saw, and scrunched her face.
    That magician...should have known that it was just smoke and mirrors. Nothing really special, actually it's quite normal if you ask me. Nothing really special... but why is it that they hired him then? I mean that Scarlet Devil chick, now she's the real deal, and yet - why is it that I'm still thinking about his act? Maybe its because I've only seen two so far.
    She sighed mentally and took another pocky stick from her pocket, nibbling in thought and waiting for the next performance.
    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mnyuu
    Aki quickly regained her breath and sat down, remembering that she was supposed to stay hidden from the world. She shifted in her spot and kept her hood over her head. She pursed her lips in slight irritation.
    A magician? For the first act? Come on isn't magic... overrated? Just a bunch of smoke and mirrors really. And what kind of name is Tellus? Geez, sounds like a deaf gypsy named them.
    She took out a pocky stick from her pocket and munched on it half-heartedly.
    Maybe this wasn't worth my time after all...
    She muttered.
    Just as she was about to lose interest the magician appeared. He was dressed in a well prepared suit and his hair white as snow. She stopped chewing for a moment and gawked at him with large eyes. His white fedora matched perfectly with the rest of his outfit, contrasting the darkness of the circus floor. Her heart skipped a beat.
    This is...this feeling...
    She looked at the man again and pulled a hand to her chest. She smiled.
    Hmph, maybe this won't be an ordinary magic trick after all. Alright, Mr. Magician let's see if you can amaze me.

    Post by: Mnyuu, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mnyuu
    Agreed :3 I'm in favor for 2
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mnyuu
    I wasn't quite sure who was starting their performances first, but I posted ^-^;
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mnyuu
    The world continued to stay silent in Aki's head as she replayed old memories in her head. Suddenly her train of thought was shattered through the sounding of blasting music and the flashing of dazzling spotlights. Her eyes fluttered open and her heart rate increased immensely. She didn't hear the anticipating crowd roaring behind her, nor excited like squeals from the little girl next to her. She didn't feel the positive energy coursing through her as the audience stood, their voices chanting in excitement. She just sat there; her eyes fixated on the stage. Her heart pounded in her head as a choking feeling swelled in her throat. She felt sick to her stomach. Still she sat there. The curtains opened and she stood up gasping breathlessly like the rest of the audience, but she felt as if this would save her from all damnation. The world around her vanished and all she saw was the stage.

    This is it...
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mnyuu
    {The Games}
    [A shrouded figure in a Grim Reaper's cloak appears in front of you and hands you a letter. You're hesitant at first, but you take it and tear it open. It reads.....]

    My name is not of any importance, but for now you can call me the Game Master. In these games, I will be testing your greatest strengths and revealing your darkest weaknesses. All are welcomed to participate. I currently have 17 spots open, and if you're the lucky winner you'll receive a fabulous prize! One wish shall be granted for surviving the games. But of one has yet to win. ~ GM

    {The Gameplay}
    [Challenge of a Lifetime]

    This role play will be an action/adventure, horror, suspense theme with many plots twists, numerous outcomes, and well deaths. This will bring a whole new meaning in writing your own fate. The objective of this role play is to outwit the games in wordplay and think of unique ways to pass the tests. You're completely on your own and sharing ideas would be an unwise choice unless the event is a team/tag-team challenge.Since this is a survivor type of role play, your character is allowed to have unique abilities (minus immortality and ultimate knowledge).

    There are currently 17 spots open (including myself as the Game Master). There will be staff characters within the role play as well, but these are very minor characters that anyone can control. You'll be given 22 tarot card characteristics and your character's personality should be based around that general idea (Max: 2 OCs). I myself will be interacting with the players, but won't participate within the games. The color of your text will be based on your tarot card title coloring. If the colored font is not listed on this forums PM and I'll send you the code if you do not know how to change the color.

    ||How this works for your OC ||
    Your OC will have a personality that you build on your own, but the strengths and weaknesses of your character will depend on the card you choose. For example: If you choose The Fool, the strength of your character will be that they are open minded, but their weakness is ignorance. At some point within the story, you will have to show these traits. Other than that your character is your own. If you want your character to be an calm, suave, mysterious person then they can be, but at some point they must show the characteristics of The Fool.

    ||How the Games Work ||
    I have no real storyline, but the story will be created along the way as the characters interact and get deeper within the games. Once every position filled in, they'll be an introduction posting of each character getting into the games. From there we'll have a practice round to get use to the concept of the gaming. Once everyone understands I'll start the actual competition and judging.

    The actual games will have death provoked obstacles and will require critical imaginative thinking, so surprise me on you approach the obstacles. Each game is an individual round unless it's a team/tag-team battle. Everyone has the same route and obstacles, but they're riding solo throughout the games. That means, you can either let your character survive with little or no damage, come out of the event heavily beaten and/or near death, or even kill your character.
    The posting will be based as if each character was running throughout the circuit simultaneously. At the end of each round, there is a break where the characters can interact and talk amongst each other.

    For the team/tag-team challenges, once we have a certain amount of characters, I'll will put a certain amount of people on a team and it'll be a PVP environment. In PVP mode, you can temporarily say your opponents actions, but cannot control their attacks. For example:

    Correct Format:
    Team Member - She panted heavily and watched her opponent in the distance, mocking her with a feverish dance.
    Opponent - He watched from the air, hovering over her in circles and preparing his next move.

    Incorrect Format:
    Team Member - She panted heavily and watched her opponent in the distance, mocking her with a feverish dance. She then prepared herself as he dove at her to strike.

    This is unfair to your fellow player if you say their next move for them, especially if that's not what they were going for.

    Team - Everyone on your team battles against the rival team
    Tagteam - Each person on your team fight 1-on-1 against the rival team, simultaneously.

    {The Rules/Information}
    [Just because I'm not there within the games doesn't mean I'm not watching. Now what kind of host would I be if I just vanished in thin air?]

    No God Modding or Power-Playing. I am however allowed to if I feel that the story is not progressing any further.
    If you wish to participate, you must have an OC. Your character/s is/are limited to 3 abilities.
    Everyone has a human appearance, but they can have some unique characteristics (elven blood, an experiment, have a pet, etc.)
    The tarot card characteristics are not gender based.
    If you are a magic based human then you are limited to one elemental value
    If you choose to kill someone, it MUST pertain to the story and make sense to the plot/situation. Also the owner of the fellow character must accept as well. The same applies if you decide to kill your own character.
    If you are killed, you are technically out of the games, but you you can still contribute in the OOC thread.
    There shall be a winner in the tournament, and I shall make that decision on which character I choose to win based on their performance within the games. I will not be putting any favoritism in any of these characters nor will I bash/hate. I am a fair Game Master.
    There is no limit to how much one can write. I, myself, have a tendency to overwrite that is necessary, so no limitations. Let your imagination run wild.
    If your character in inactive for at least 3 days, then I shall dispose of them to how I see fit.
    Everyone must at least post twice in each game, unless specified otherwise. This is a competition.
    This will be a mature rated role play, but keep in mind that this is a family website. Foul language will be tolerated to a certain extent. Don't be throwing f bombs in every sentence or else I will terminate you from the tournament.
    Since this is mature rating I bring a disclaimer that things can/will get graphic. If you feel that things are getting too heavy please PM me and I'll fix whatever is necessary to be fixed.
    You can call out another player for a 1-on-1 challenge, but it must be after a game (during the breaks), and at least one other character must be there to be a witness.
    If a certain person seems to be harassing you to a point where you can't handle it anymore, PM me and I'll will talk to them about the situation.
    At certain points, there will be a times when an OC will be killed by my hands. If you're the one I choose to kill don't take it personally. If you're this case, PM me and I have a special plan for you.
    More rule maybe added in the future, but I'm sure you guys get the basics.


    [Please Choose One. Maximum Two.]

    The Fool
    Open minded and always ready to try something new, but tends to make bad decisions due to ignorance.

    The Magician
    Very self confident with skills to impress, but due to this they have an insecurity if their skills are taken away.

    The High Priestess
    Wise and pure in all ways, but tends to have a lack of patience and understanding.

    The Empress
    Very stable, but tends to be filled with anxiety when extremely overwhelmed.

    The Emperor
    Very stable, but tends to be indecisive.

    The Hierophant
    Kind, merciful, and acceptable by all people, but is a pushover and incompetent.

    The Lovers
    [Both Positions Open]
    Two people bounded by fate and filled with optimism, but once trouble starts it can lead to doubt and frustration.

    The Chariot
    [Blazer Nguyen Played By starseeker3]
    Character's Appearance: Click Here But his hair and cloths are changed to have a bit more of a pointy sharp look and colored red orange and black(on cloths only) his eyes a bright red.
    Character's Name: Blazer Nguyen (pronun win)
    Bio: He like Haru Glory can wield the 10 commandments sword also known as 10 powers or the decaforce sword which with the rave an object of mystical power transform his sword into 10 forms each devastatingly powerful in there own right. On his adventures to find a way to revive his sister who was killed in an accident caused by him he gains a mysterious key shaped weapon (unoriginal but awesome) and it aids him in his adventures mostly because he in ambidextrous and can dual wield essay.
    Interested Characteristic: the Chariot but Blazer almost always serious in a situation and clever and good hearted and willed
    Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish:He wants a hot wait he wants to find a way to revive his dead sister.

    Filled with perseverance, but being narrow minded doesn't always mean being the best.

    Courageous and determined, but sometimes a little too much power can be too much for good judgement.

    The Hermit
    Cautious with great vigilance, but tends to be a loner.

    Wheel Of Fortune
    A person of faith in destiny and lady luck...tends to be a bit too gullible.

    Virtuous and a very considerate person, but tends to be very biased.

    The Hanged Man
    [Genservant the Protector Played By Rapid Ignis]
    Character's Appearance: Click Here
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Bio: Genservant was in an accident at a young age, his parents being scietists of some sort. An explosion destroyed the lab, and everyone inside it, aside from Genservant, who was trapped in a comma for the next ten years of his life. When he awoke, he knew nothing of who he was, only knew how to control his powers. He escaped the hospital where he was being cared for, and made his way to the games, wanting to use his wish to bring back the parents that he knew so little about.
    Abilities: He can drain energy, in the form of heat, electricity, or kinetic, and release it at a later time, but if he absorbs, releases, or stores too much energy at once, his body will begin to heat up, causing him to eventually burst into flames or explode.
    Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card): The Hanged Man
    Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish: He wants to bring back everyone he has lost, and he'll get his wish or die trying.

    The one man army that's willing to sacrifice anything for a friend, it's just sometimes the sacrifices may not be worth it.

    Is able to adapt to change fairly well, but just because you can adapt doesn't mean you're willing to change.

    A great influence on people, but of course that's only one side of the coin.

    The Devil
    A perfectionist with a very low chance of failure, but if you do you better watch out for that temper.

    The Tower
    Doesn't let the past discourage you and a very strong willed person, but tends to have a hard time adapting to change.

    The Star
    One's hope will never falter even when the odds are against them, but that doesn't mean you haven't been let down before...

    The Moon
    A master at manipulation...problem is, the plans tend to be found out fairly quick.

    The Sun
    A very warming and loving person, but always seems uncertain about the future...especially when you can't tell the truth from the lies.

    A very quick witted mind, but some consequence may end bitterly, maybe even death.

    The World
    One who has lived a fulfilling life and wishes to live more, but due to this your vision of adventure is blurred.

    The Game Master
    [Rachel Equaris Played by Mnyuu]
    Character's Appearance:Click Here.
    Gender: None, but appears as a female
    Unknown, Appears 19
    I'm just a spectator. I have no real purpose. I come and go as I please and I have no real past. Still, I can't help but get curious about humans and their drive that pushes them to move forward.
    I control the games, isn't that enough? Oh wait, I can grant wishes as well, but only if you deserve it.
    My Purpose?: Entertainment really.

    {Character Information}
    [What's your story?]

    Character's Appearance: (Written Description and/or Photo)
    Character's Name: (First, Last [optional]), [Character Title Optional]
    Interested Characteristic (Tarot Card):
    Purpose of Entering the Games/Wish:
    Thread by: Mnyuu, Jan 31, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mnyuu

    Derp Herp.

    :d welcome fellow yaoi fan
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. Mnyuu
  20. Mnyuu
    Yeah I cleaned it up a bit to see around that :) Thanks for the advice
    Post by: Mnyuu, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home