Anyway the coders agreed that when we finaly got some good codes for Kh1 that we would lock the old topic because 90% of it is just spam anyway. Anyway *Cuts ribbon* the new Kingdom hearts code thread. And as your probebly wondering 'New codes?!' I present you with TADA! There is more. And hopefully I can drag some coders along to make some more codes for kh1. e.e Game ID: 029E Master Code UQRN-ER36-M3RD5 WC60-T93N-MGJBW 7QTG-QEQB-YXP60 VFE7-FK9B-M32EA KQEK-5ZFB-F8UP9 F011F668 0011F66B 900F0094 00000001 Codebreaker Enable Code 90263228 0C09291F Room Modifier Spoiler Code: NTSC U/C: E003FDFF 004DD49C 102B6568 000000XX 102B6570 000000YY 102B6574 000000ZZ PAL: E003FDFF 004DD51C 102B6AE8 000000XX 102B6AF0 000000YY 102B6AF4 000000ZZ YY = Map ZZ = Flag XX - World ---------------------------------- 00 - Dive into the heart 01 - Destiny islands 02 - Disney Castle 03 - Traverse Town 04 - Wonderland 05 - Deep Jungle 06 - 100 Acre wood 08 - Agrabah 09 - Atlantica 0A - Halloween town 0B - Olympus collesium 0C - Monstro 0D - Neverland 0F - Hollow bastian 10 - End of the world YY - Room Digits --------------------- Dive into the heart: 00 - First pedestool 01 - Second pedestool Destiny islands: 00 - Main island 01 - seaside shack (Youll start on the island tho) 02 - Other side of the island 03 - Island sunset (triggers cutscnee) 04 - seaside shack sunset (Your outside the shack tho) 05 - Islands Heartless attack 06 - Seaside shack Heartless attack 07 - 'Secret place' Heartless attack just a baron open land. 08 - Island remains (Where you fight darkside) 09 - Soras room (Triggers cutscene) 0A - Secret place (Have to jumpt a bit to get to it) 0B - Secret place Disney castle: 00 - Hallway area (Triggers cutscene) 01 - Library 03 - Castle grounds 04 - Spiral stairs to gummy hanger 05 - Gummie hanger 06 - Black infinate falling area of doom! 07 - Green field that eventully leads to the crossroads 08 - Disney castle world (Cutscene when the gummie leaves) Traverse town: 00 - First district 01 - Second district 02 - Third district 03 - Third district again (Triggers guard armor fight) 04 - Back ally 05 - Green hotel room (With a kingdom key sitting underground) 06 - Red hotel room 07 - Hotel hallway 08 - Outskirts of Traverse town (Entrance tomerlins house) 09 - Three ducks shop 0A - Accessory shop 0B - Synthesis Shop 0C - Gepettos house 0D - Dalmation house 0E - Dalmation house 0F - Dalmation house 10 - Dalmation house 11 - Gizmo place 12 - Merlin's house (Empty, triggers cutscene) 13 - Merlin's house 14 - Merlins house upstairs 15 - Black screen (But still can pause and such) 16 - Underground sewer Wonderland: 00 - Rabbit Hole Deep Jungle: 00 - Tree House 100 Acre wood: 00 - Outside Pooh's House Agrabah: 00 - Desert Atlantica: 00 - Random underwater place they all look the same Haloween town: 00 - Guillotine square 01 - Lab entryway 02 - Graveyard 03 - Moonlight hill 04 - Bridge 05 - Crash? 06 - Oogies manor 07 - Torture chamber 08 - Manor ruins 09 - Evil playroom 0A - Reasearch lab 0B - Guillotine gate 0C - Cemetary Olympus collesium: 00 - Entrance 01 - Lobby 02 - Arena (VERY odd first itlly show sora youll be able to move around but the camera wont follow. Then cloud will suddenly pop outa nowhere but before you get a chance to attack the screen will go blury and trigger the 'you lost the cloud fight' cutscene, and sora will be on fire O_o ) 03 - Entance dark (There is a Hades and Hercules there. The Hades is the HQ one and apears to be talking as if in a cutscene) 05 - Arena dark (Triggers pegasus cup 10th seed) 06 - Arena dark large Monstro: 00 - Mouth Neverland: 00 - Find the name later Hollow Bastion: 00 - Crash 01 - Castle entrance 02 - Outside a level higher 03 - Another level higher 04 - Castle Lobby 05 - Library 06 - Lift stop 07 - Castle outside bottom ground. (Where water is) 08 - Castle basement (Where all those moving walls are) 09 - Place with the switch to open the main gates 0A - Place with the moving walls again 0B - Castle chappel (everyone seems to be invisible) 0C - Where you fight Malefecent Dragon 0D - Castle chapel (No objects) 0E - Grand hall 0F - Inside the final keyhole 10 - Dark castle chappel (Triggers cutscene) End of the world: 00 - First area but cant get to save point 01 - Takes you into behemoth battle 02 - ****ed up looking area 05 - Same thing but closer on closer look it apears to be that place where you fight heartless 09 - Again but your actully in the area 0C - bahamut area 0D - Similar to the others but differnts 0E - Area after behemoth 0F - World terminals 10 - Traverse town 11 - Wonderland 12 - Olympus collesium 13 - Deep jungle 14 - Agrabah 15 - Atlantica 16 - Halloween town 17 - Neverland 18 - 100 Acre wood 19 - Hollow bastian (With the heartless creating machine) 1A - Where you fight that big thing. (And it will be there XD) 1B - Small pathway 1C - Just before final rest 1D - Final Rest 1E - Destiny island Ansem battle 1F - WTF?! 'Crumblind Island' 20 - Ansem dies 21 - 'Endless abyss' 22 - Crator 23 - 'Is this my island' 24 - Big black place Voice Modifier Spoiler Code: Sora 20487320 XXXXXXXX 20487324 XXXXXXXX Donald 20487318 XXXXXXXX 2048731c XXXXXXXX Goofy 20487310 XXXXXXXX 20487314 XXXXXXXX Tarzan 20487308 XXXXXXXX 2048730c XXXXXXXX Pooh (??) 20487300 XXXXXXXX 20487304 XXXXXXXX Aladdin 204872f8 XXXXXXXX 204872fc XXXXXXXX Ariel 204872f0 XXXXXXXX 204872f4 XXXXXXXX Jack Skellington 204872e8 XXXXXXXX 204872ec XXXXXXXX Peter Pan 204872d8 XXXXXXXX 204872dc XXXXXXXX Beast 204872d0 XXXXXXXX 204872d4 XXXXXXXX Digits: 61726f73- Sora's Voice 00000000 616e6f64- Donald's Voice 0000646c 666f6f67- Goofy's Voice 00000079 7a726174- Tarzan's Voice 00006e61 006f6f70- Pooh's Voice 00000000 64616c61- Aladdin's Voice 006e6964 65697261- Ariel's voice 0000006c 6b63616a- Jack Skellington's Voice 65746570- Peter Pan's Voice 6e617072 73616562- Beast's Voice 00000074 00000000- The character will NOT talk 00000000 World Codes Spoiler Code: [B]Unlock World Codes[/B] Unlock All Paths 103F3BA2 0000FFFF 103F3BA4 0000FFFF 003F3BA6 000000FF Unlock World Codes Traverse Town 003F3B80 00000003 Wonderland 003F3B81 00000003 Olympus Coliseum 003F3B82 00000003 Deep Jungle 003F3B83 00000003 Agrabah 003F3B84 00000003 Halloween Town 003F3B85 00000003 Atlantica 003F3B86 00000003 Neverland 003F3B87 00000003 Hollow Bastion 003F3B88 00000003 End Of The World 0ABA494A 0000000 Monstro 003F3B8A 00000003 [B]Have World Unlocked & Sealed Codes[/B] Traverse Town 003F3B80 00000004 Wonderland 003F3B81 00000004 Olympus Coliseum 003F3B82 00000004 Deep Jungle 003F3B83 00000004 Agrabah 003F3B84 00000004 Halloween Town 003F3B85 00000004 Atlantica 003F3B86 00000004 Neverland 003F3B87 00000004 Hollow Bastion 003F3B88 00000004 End Of The World 003F3B89 00000004 Monstro 003F3B8A 00000004 HAVE ALL MODS Spoiler Code: Have all Sora's Weapons 103F217A 00000101 403F217C 00030001 01010101 00000000 103F218C 00000101 Have All Goofy's Weapons 403F21A0 00030001 01010101 00000000 003F21AC 00000001 Have All Donald's Weapons 403F2190 00030001 01010101 00000000 003F219C 00000001 Have All Acessories 103F213A 00006363 403F213C 00090001 63636363 00000000 003F2160 00000063 Character Mods Play as Dark Riku (Must be used as a .pnach file on PCSX2!) 003f211f 000000FF 003f2120 000000FF 003f2121 000000FF 20545384 01066300 205453dc 01066300 204e6314 00000001 204e6318 00071ade 204e631c 0021f504 204e6374 00000000 204e6378 00071f1d 204e637c 000fa030 204e78e4 00000001 204e78e8 00071ade 204e78ec 0021f504 204e78f4 00000000 204e78f8 00071f1d 204e78fc 000fa030 204e7f64 00000001 204e7f68 00071ade 204e7f6c 0021f504 204e7f74 00000000 204e7f78 00071f1d 204e7f7c 000fa030 204e9a04 00000000 204e9a08 00071f1d 204e9a0c 000fa030 204e9a14 00000000 204e9a18 00071f1d 204e9a1c 000fa030 204e9a34 00000001 204e9a38 00071f1d 204e9a3c 000fa030 20487320 00000000 20487324 00000000 203d50dc 4d3c0101 203d50c0 0002594f 203d5cf8 594f4d3c 203dfb64 594f4d3c 203e0040 594f4d3c 203e0130 4d3c0152 203e0134 0068594f 203e03c4 4f4d3c01 203e03c8 01577159 203e05e8 4d3c0149 203e05ec 5771594f 203e0710 4f4d3c01 203e0714 2d006859 203e144c 3c005d47 203e1450 71594f4d 205397c8 594f4d3c 2053dee8 4f47452c 2053deec 544d504a 2053def0 00000000 2012f380 08030000 2012f384 00000000 200c0000 3c02ffff 200c0004 00041880 200c0008 24040fff 200c000c 00681821 200c0010 8c690000 200c0014 11200009 200c0018 3c07000d 200c001c 31280fff 200c0020 15040004 200c0024 00a22824 200c0028 3c020020 200c002c 03e00008 200c0034 0804bcec 200c003c acef0000 200c0044 acf80004 200c0048 3c0f0000 200c004c acf90008 200c0050 340f800c 200c0054 8c780130 200c0058 3c190000 200c005c 170fffef 200c0064 340f0006 200c0068 ac6f0018 200c006c 34180007 200c0070 ac78001c 200c0074 340f0004 200c0078 ac6f0024 200c007c 34180005 200c0080 ac780028 200c0084 340f0006 200c0088 ac6f002c 200c008c 34180007 200c0090 ac780030 200c0094 340f8014 200c0098 ac6f0034 200c009c 34188014 200c00a0 ac780038 200c00a4 340f8014 200c00a8 ac6f003c 200c00ac 34188020 200c00b0 ac7800d8 200c00b4 340f8020 200c00b8 ac6f00dc 200c00bc 3418801b 200c00c0 ac7800e0 200c00c4 340f801c 200c00c8 ac6f00e4 200c00cc 3418801b 200c00d0 ac7800e8 200c00d4 340f801c 200c00d8 ac6f00ec 200c00dc 3418801b 200c00e0 ac7800f0 200c00e4 340f801c 200c00e8 ac6f00f4 200c00ec 3418001c 200c00f0 ac7800f8 200c00f4 340f8015 200c00f8 ac6f01b8 200c00fc 3418801f 200c0100 ac7801c0 200c0104 340f8026 200c0108 ac6f01c4 200c010c 34188027 200c0110 ac7801c8 200c0114 340f8026 200c0118 ac6f01cc 200c011c 34188026 200c0120 ac7801d0 200c0124 340f000e 200c0128 ac6f020c 200c012c 3418000f 200c0130 ac780210 200c0134 340f8024 200c0138 ac6f0214 200c013c 34180010 200c0140 ac780218 200c0144 340f0011 200c0148 ac6f021c 200c014c 34180012 200c0150 ac780220 200c0154 340f0013 200c0158 ac6f0224 200c015c 34180000 200c0160 ac780304 200c0164 340f801e 200c0168 ac6f0320 200c016c 3418801d 200c0170 ac780324 200c0174 340f801f 200c0178 ac6f0328 200c017c 3418801e 200c0180 ac78032c 200c0184 340f801f 200c0188 ac6f0330 200c018c 3418801f 200c0190 ac780334 200c0194 340f801f 200c0198 ac6f0338 200c019c 3418801d 200c01a0 ac78034c 200c01a4 340f8017 200c01a8 ac6f0350 200c01ac 3418801d 200c01b0 ac780354 200c01b4 340f801d 200c01b8 ac6f0358 200c01bc 34188023 200c01c0 ac780370 200c01c8 8cef0000 200c01d0 8cf80004 200c01d8 8cf90008 200c01e0 08030007 Spoiler Code: 1st district hacks Replace sora in TT first district X0e0dc86 YYYYYYYY X0e0dc88 YYYYYYYY X0e0dca6 YYYYYYYY X0e0dca8 YYYYYYYY Replace Donald in TT first district X0e0dcc6 YYYYYYYY X0e0dcc8 YYYYYYYY X0e0e786 YYYYYYYY X0e0e788 YYYYYYYY Replace Goofy in TT first district X0e0dd06 YYYYYYYY X0e0dd08 YYYYYYYY X0e0e7a6 YYYYYYYY X0e0e7a8 YYYYYYYY Digits: X digits: 0: for codes that only have 2 digits or less then 2 digits does not include 0s 1: For codes that have 4 or 3 digits 2: for anything higher YY digits Sora: 00003030 00003031 00003030 00003031 Donald: 00000034 00000034 00000034 00000034 Wooden sword riku: 00000031 00000031 00000031 00000031 Goofy: 00000035 00000035 00000035 00000035 Riku soul eater: 00003531 00003036 00003531 00003036 Leon: 00003031 00003033 00003031 00003033 Moogle: 00003231 00003030 00003231 00003030 Destiny islands 1st day Replace Sora X0dccd86 YYYYYYYY X0dccd88 YYYYYYYY X0dccda6 YYYYYYYY X0dccda8 YYYYYYYY Digits: X digits: 0: for codes that only have 2 digits or less then 2 digits does not include 0s 1: For codes that have 4 or 3 digits 2: for anything higher YY digits Wooden sword riku: 00000031 00000031 00000031 00000031 Riku soul eater: 00003531 00003036 00003531 00003036 These only work on 1s day on Destiny Islands Play as Selphie 20dcdb6c 00dccf00 20dcdb70 00dccf80 Play as Tidus 20dcdb6c 00dccec0 20dcdb70 00dccfe0 Play as Wakka 20dcdb6c 00dccf40 20dcdb70 00dcd000 Play as Riku in Destiny Islands 10DCCD86 00003531 10DCCD88 00003036 10DCCDA6 00003531 10DCCDA8 00003036 Play as Leon in First District 10E0DC86 00003031 10E0DC88 00003033 10E0DCA6 00003031 10E0DCA8 00003033 this is Leon with all his animations 1rst district Play as Leon (first district) 20e43edc 00e0e8c0 20e43ee0 00e0e8e0 20e77db4 00e0e8c0 20e77db8 00e0e8e0 20487320 00000000 20487324 00000000 e004fdff 004dd49c <-- R2 atk animations 1,2,3,4 21172a74 011bc1c0 21172abc 011b9040 21172ac4 011b6190 21172ae4 011c2a00 e004feff 004dd49c <-- L2 atk animations and power up 21172a74 011bc1c0 21172abc 011b9040 21172ac4 011c2a00 21172ae4 011c67d0 also to play as him in hercules cup use that code and this one: Leon Replaces Cloud in hercules cup: 10dc8d06 00003031 10dc8d08 00003033 10dc8d26 00003031 10dc8d28 00003033 and this one: Play as Cloud flying in the Hercules Cup: 20E5E464 00DC8D00 20E5E468 00DC8D20 E002FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 use all of those (even Leon in first district must be active) and you will play as Leon in Hercules Cup it'll work on the whole cup! HADES CUP PLAY AS SHADOW SORA (REMOVE ALL ABILITYS (EVEN SHARED) EXCEPT SCAN) E008FEFF 004dd49c 10c54a06 00003033 10c54a08 00003033 10c54a03 00007070 10c54a23 00007070 10c54a26 00003033 10c54a28 00003033 20c54a2a 65736d2e 20c54a2e 00000074 E003FDFF 004dd49c 210c5180 01116e50 210c5184 0111c3a0 210c5194 0112f550 Play as Dark Riku in hades cup (Need to choose alone) (Remove all abilitys (including shared) except scan, dodge roll, ariel sweep) E006FEFF 004dd49c 10c54a06 00003531 10c54a08 00003038 10c54a26 00003531 10c54a28 00003038 20c54a2a 65736d2e 20c54a2e 00000074 E005FDFF 004dd49c 212fd080 013978d0 212fd084 0139fe60 212fd098 013a9a00 212fd09c 013cb680 212fd094 013978d0 instructions - talk to phil hold L2 before going into hades cup SELECT ALONE then when you see yourself as riku press R2 ALLY MODS Spoiler Code: Soul Eater Riku as an ally in hades cup(Remove all abilitys for goofy) E006FDFF 004dd49c 10c54a86 00003531 10c54a88 00003036 10c54aa6 00003531 10c54aa8 00003036 20c54aaa 65736d2e 20c54aae 00000074 instructions - talk to phil then press R2 and hold it till you see yourself in hades cup [NTSC] Command Menu Mod Spoiler Code: 202DD3E4 ZZYYXXWW 202DD3F4 E6E6E6E6 WW - Slot 1 XX - Slot 2 YY - Slot 3 ZZ - Slot 4 Values 00 - ? 01 - Attack 02 - Magic 03 - Item 04 - Talk 05 - Examine 06 - Summon 07 - Fire 08 - Fira 09 - Firaga 0A - Blizzard 0B - Blizzara 0C - Blizzaga 0D - Thunder 0E - Thundara 0F - Thundaga 10 - Cure 11 - Cura 12 - Curaga 13 - Gravity 14 - Gravira 15 - Graviga 16 - Stop 17 - Stopra 18 - Stopga 19 - Aero 1A - Aerora 1B - Aeroga 1C - Lift 1D - Drop 1E - Throw 1F - Potion 20 - Hi-Potion 21 - Ether 22 - Elixer 23 - " " 24 - Mega-Potion 25 - Mega-Ether 26 - Megalixer 27 - " " ~ 2F - Dumbo 30 - Bambi 31 - Genie 32 - Tinker Bell 33 - Mushu 34 - Simba 35 - Bahamut [ONOZ!] 36 - Save 37 - Open 38 - Sora 39 - Donald 3A - Goofy 3B - Tarzan 3C - Pooh 3D - Aladdin 3E - Ariel 3F - Jack 40 - Peter Pan 41 - Beast 42 - "-" 43 - Shortcut [LOL.] 44 - Jump Next [... o_O?] 45 - Jump On 46 - Splash 47 - Fire Breath [._.] 48 - Rush 49 - Test [... XD] 4A - N/A [... XDDD] 4B - Sonic 4C - All 4D - Rave 4E - Blast 4F - Dismiss 50 - Target 51 - Showtime 52 - Trinity 53 - Trinity 54 - N/A 55 - Open 56 - Examine 57 - Arcanum 58 - Bash 59 - Finis [Yes, lol] 5A - Ragnarok 5B - Impact 5C - Charge Up 5D - Proud Roar 5E - Strike 5F - Raid 60 - Judgement 61 - Freeze 62 - Hit 63 - Counter 64 - Call 65 - Move 66 - Drink 67 - Eat 68 - Sit 69 - Push 6A - Read 6B - Touch 6C - Unlock 6D - Release 6E - Grab On 6F - Pull Out 70 - Take 71 - Turn 72 - Mail Card 73 - Get In 74 - Knock 75 - Pull 76 - Flower 77 - Cancel 78 - Jump Off 79 - ? ~ FF - ? Get rid of Donald and Goofy 103F211F 00000000 music mod 102bb7b8 00000xxx 102bb7bc 00000yyy xx = casual world music yy = battle music digits begin at 64 Spoiler Code: 000-064 - Nothing 065 - Deep jungle 066 - Having a wild time 067 - Olympus Coliseum 068 - Traverse town 069 - Destiny islands 06A - BSOD 06B - BSOD 06C - BSOD 06D - BSOD 06E - Dearly beloved 06F - Shrouding Dark Cloud 070 - Hand in hand 071 - BSOD 072 - BSOD 073 - BSOD 074 - Welcome to wonderland 075 - A very small wish 076 - To our surprise 077 - Bustin' up on the beach 078 - Go for it! 079 - Monstruous Monstro 07A - Blast away Gummi ship I 07B - Blast away Gummi ship II 07C - "Make gumi song" 07D - Precious Stars in the Sky 07E - Bustin' up on the beach (repeat -.-") 07F - A day in Agrabah 080 - Arabian Dream 081 - Capitain's Hook pirate ship 082 - Neverland sky 083 - Night of fate 084 to 8B - BSOD 08C - Under the sea 08D - Winnie the pooh book 08E - Bustin' up on the beach (repeat, again -.-") 08F - Mickey Mouse Club March 090 - This is hallowen! 091 - BSOD 092 - Pirate's Gigue 093 - An adventure in Atlantica 094 - Blast away Gummi ship III 095 - Spooks of hallowen town 096 - BSOD 097 - BSOD 098 - Hollow bastion 099 - Scherzo di notte 09A - End of the world 09B - Fragments of sorrow 09C - BSOD 09D - Holy bananas! 09E to B7 - BSOD 0B8 - Merlin's magical house 0B9 to 120 - BSOD MISC Spoiler Code: unknown effect 202b70e0 xxxxxxxx 202b70e4 xxxxxxxx modifies the texture in the room 202b7120 30307774 202b7124 0031305f unknown effect 202b7160 xxxxxxxx replaces objects in the room also can modify boss's into the level (example: this is set to fight leon) 202b71a0 31307774 202b71a4 6472612e command menu apperance mod 002bfd98 0000000x 0 = normal (blue) 1 = as if in battle (red) Fly EVERYWHERE R2 on joker L2 off joker ~ TruthKey E003FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 E003FEFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000000 002C0950 00000000 Boss Stat Codes Spoiler Code: Solo fights Current HP 10524178 0000???? Max HP 1052417C 0000???? Strength 00524188 000000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************00524188 000000******end_of_the_skype_highlighting?? Defense 0052418C 000000?? EXP 105241A4 0000???? Party fights Enemy 1 Current HP 10524340 0000???? Max HP 10524344 0000???? Strength 00524350 000000?? Defense 00524354 000000?? EXP 1052436C 0000???? Enemy 2 Current HP 10524424 0000???? Max HP 10524428 0000???? Strength 00524434 000000?? Defense 00524438 000000?? EXP 10524450 0000???? Enemy 3 Current HP 10524508 0000???? Max HP 10524428 0000???? Strength 00524518 000000?? Defense 0052451C 000000?? EXP 10524534 0000???? Enemy 4 Current HP 105245EC 0000???? Max HP 105245F0 0000???? Strength 005245FC 000000?? Defense 00524600 000000?? EXP 10524618 0000???? HP MODS Spoiler Current HP Mod (Gummi Ship) 00FAB0C0 000000?? Max HP Mod (Gummi Ship) 00FAB0C4 000000?? CUSTOM MATCHES Spoiler Code: Gold Match Darkside E006FDFF 004dd49c 10ace8c3 00006964 10ace8c6 00003033 10ace8c8 00003030 10ace8e3 00006964 10ace8e6 00003033 10ace8e8 00003030 E002FEFF 004dd49c 0052418c 000000FF 00524188 00000078 instructions - talk to phil and before you select gold match hold R2 then go to it and keep on holding it till you see yourself then press L2 Maleficent dragon E006FDFF 004dd49c 10ace8c3 00006370 10ace8c6 00003033 10ace8c8 00003030 10ace8e3 00006370 10ace8e6 00003033 10ace8e8 00003030 E002FEFF 004dd49c 0052418c 00000050 00524188 000000c8 instructions - talk to phil and before you select gold match hold R2 then go to it and keep on holding it till you see yourself then press L2 PLATINUM RIKU/ANSEM E004FDFF 004dd49c 10acef06 00003531 10acef08 00003038 10acef26 00003531 10acef28 00003038 E006FEFF 004dd49c 0052418c 00000064 00524188 000000FF instructions - talk to phil and before you select platinum match hold R2 then go to it and keep on holding it till you see yourself then press L2
NTSC U/C: E003FDFF 004DD49C 102B6568 000000XX 102B6570 000000YY 102B6574 000000ZZ PAL: E003FDFF 004DD51C 102B6AE8 000000XX 102B6AF0 000000YY 102B6AF4 000000ZZ YY = Map ZZ = Flag XX - World ---------------------------------- 00 - Dive into the heart 01 - Destiny islands 02 - Disney Castle 03 - Traverse Town 04 - Wonderland 05 - Deep Jungle 06 - 100 Acre wood 08 - Agrabah 09 - Atlantica 0A - Halloween town 0B - Olympus collesium 0C - Monstro 0D - Neverland 0F - Hollow bastian 10 - End of the world YY - Room Digits --------------------- Dive into the heart: 00 - First pedestool 01 - Second pedestool Destiny islands: 00 - Main island 01 - seaside shack (Youll start on the island tho) 02 - Other side of the island 03 - Island sunset (triggers cutscnee) 04 - seaside shack sunset (Your outside the shack tho) 05 - Islands Heartless attack 06 - Seaside shack Heartless attack 07 - 'Secret place' Heartless attack just a baron open land. 08 - Island remains (Where you fight darkside) 09 - Soras room (Triggers cutscene) 0A - Secret place (Have to jumpt a bit to get to it) 0B - Secret place Disney castle: 00 - Hallway area (Triggers cutscene) 01 - Library 03 - Castle grounds 04 - Spiral stairs to gummy hanger 05 - Gummie hanger 06 - Black infinate falling area of doom! 07 - Green field that eventully leads to the crossroads 08 - Disney castle world (Cutscene when the gummie leaves) Traverse town: 00 - First district 01 - Second district 02 - Third district 03 - Third district again (Triggers guard armor fight) 04 - Back ally 05 - Green hotel room (With a kingdom key sitting underground) 06 - Red hotel room 07 - Hotel hallway 08 - Outskirts of Traverse town (Entrance tomerlins house) 09 - Three ducks shop 0A - Accessory shop 0B - Synthesis Shop 0C - Gepettos house 0D - Dalmation house 0E - Dalmation house 0F - Dalmation house 10 - Dalmation house 11 - Gizmo place 12 - Merlin's house (Empty, triggers cutscene) 13 - Merlin's house 14 - Merlins house upstairs 15 - Black screen (But still can pause and such) 16 - Underground sewer Wonderland: 00 - Rabbit Hole Deep Jungle: 00 - Tree House 100 Acre wood: 00 - Outside Pooh's House Agrabah: 00 - Desert Atlantica: 00 - Random underwater place they all look the same Haloween town: 00 - Guillotine square 01 - Lab entryway 02 - Graveyard 03 - Moonlight hill 04 - Bridge 05 - Crash? 06 - Oogies manor 07 - Torture chamber 08 - Manor ruins 09 - Evil playroom 0A - Reasearch lab 0B - Guillotine gate 0C - Cemetary Olympus collesium: 00 - Entrance 01 - Lobby 02 - Arena (VERY odd first itlly show sora youll be able to move around but the camera wont follow. Then cloud will suddenly pop outa nowhere but before you get a chance to attack the screen will go blury and trigger the 'you lost the cloud fight' cutscene, and sora will be on fire O_o ) 03 - Entance dark (There is a Hades and Hercules there. The Hades is the HQ one and apears to be talking as if in a cutscene) 05 - Arena dark (Triggers pegasus cup 10th seed) 06 - Arena dark large Monstro: 00 - Mouth Neverland: 00 - Find the name later Hollow Bastion: 00 - Crash 01 - Castle entrance 02 - Outside a level higher 03 - Another level higher 04 - Castle Lobby 05 - Library 06 - Lift stop 07 - Castle outside bottom ground. (Where water is) 08 - Castle basement (Where all those moving walls are) 09 - Place with the switch to open the main gates 0A - Place with the moving walls again 0B - Castle chappel (everyone seems to be invisible) 0C - Where you fight Malefecent Dragon 0D - Castle chapel (No objects) 0E - Grand hall 0F - Inside the final keyhole 10 - Dark castle chappel (Triggers cutscene) End of the world: 00 - First area but cant get to save point 01 - Takes you into behemoth battle 02 - ****ed up looking area 05 - Same thing but closer on closer look it apears to be that place where you fight heartless 09 - Again but your actully in the area 0C - bahamut area 0D - Similar to the others but differnts 0E - Area after behemoth 0F - World terminals 10 - Traverse town 11 - Wonderland 12 - Olympus collesium 13 - Deep jungle 14 - Agrabah 15 - Atlantica 16 - Halloween town 17 - Neverland 18 - 100 Acre wood 19 - Hollow bastian (With the heartless creating machine) 1A - Where you fight that big thing. (And it will be there XD) 1B - Small pathway 1C - Just before final rest 1D - Final Rest 1E - Destiny island Ansem battle 1F - WTF?! 'Crumblind Island' 20 - Ansem dies 21 - 'Endless abyss' 22 - Crator 23 - 'Is this my island' 24 - Big black place
Sora 20487320 XXXXXXXX 20487324 XXXXXXXX Donald 20487318 XXXXXXXX 2048731c XXXXXXXX Goofy 20487310 XXXXXXXX 20487314 XXXXXXXX Tarzan 20487308 XXXXXXXX 2048730c XXXXXXXX Pooh (??) 20487300 XXXXXXXX 20487304 XXXXXXXX Aladdin 204872f8 XXXXXXXX 204872fc XXXXXXXX Ariel 204872f0 XXXXXXXX 204872f4 XXXXXXXX Jack Skellington 204872e8 XXXXXXXX 204872ec XXXXXXXX Peter Pan 204872d8 XXXXXXXX 204872dc XXXXXXXX Beast 204872d0 XXXXXXXX 204872d4 XXXXXXXX Digits: 61726f73- Sora's Voice 00000000 616e6f64- Donald's Voice 0000646c 666f6f67- Goofy's Voice 00000079 7a726174- Tarzan's Voice 00006e61 006f6f70- Pooh's Voice 00000000 64616c61- Aladdin's Voice 006e6964 65697261- Ariel's voice 0000006c 6b63616a- Jack Skellington's Voice 65746570- Peter Pan's Voice 6e617072 73616562- Beast's Voice 00000074 00000000- The character will NOT talk 00000000
[B]Unlock World Codes[/B] Unlock All Paths 103F3BA2 0000FFFF 103F3BA4 0000FFFF 003F3BA6 000000FF Unlock World Codes Traverse Town 003F3B80 00000003 Wonderland 003F3B81 00000003 Olympus Coliseum 003F3B82 00000003 Deep Jungle 003F3B83 00000003 Agrabah 003F3B84 00000003 Halloween Town 003F3B85 00000003 Atlantica 003F3B86 00000003 Neverland 003F3B87 00000003 Hollow Bastion 003F3B88 00000003 End Of The World 0ABA494A 0000000 Monstro 003F3B8A 00000003 [B]Have World Unlocked & Sealed Codes[/B] Traverse Town 003F3B80 00000004 Wonderland 003F3B81 00000004 Olympus Coliseum 003F3B82 00000004 Deep Jungle 003F3B83 00000004 Agrabah 003F3B84 00000004 Halloween Town 003F3B85 00000004 Atlantica 003F3B86 00000004 Neverland 003F3B87 00000004 Hollow Bastion 003F3B88 00000004 End Of The World 003F3B89 00000004 Monstro 003F3B8A 00000004
Have all Sora's Weapons 103F217A 00000101 403F217C 00030001 01010101 00000000 103F218C 00000101 Have All Goofy's Weapons 403F21A0 00030001 01010101 00000000 003F21AC 00000001 Have All Donald's Weapons 403F2190 00030001 01010101 00000000 003F219C 00000001 Have All Acessories 103F213A 00006363 403F213C 00090001 63636363 00000000 003F2160 00000063
1st district hacks Replace sora in TT first district X0e0dc86 YYYYYYYY X0e0dc88 YYYYYYYY X0e0dca6 YYYYYYYY X0e0dca8 YYYYYYYY Replace Donald in TT first district X0e0dcc6 YYYYYYYY X0e0dcc8 YYYYYYYY X0e0e786 YYYYYYYY X0e0e788 YYYYYYYY Replace Goofy in TT first district X0e0dd06 YYYYYYYY X0e0dd08 YYYYYYYY X0e0e7a6 YYYYYYYY X0e0e7a8 YYYYYYYY Digits: X digits: 0: for codes that only have 2 digits or less then 2 digits does not include 0s 1: For codes that have 4 or 3 digits 2: for anything higher YY digits Sora: 00003030 00003031 00003030 00003031 Donald: 00000034 00000034 00000034 00000034 Wooden sword riku: 00000031 00000031 00000031 00000031 Goofy: 00000035 00000035 00000035 00000035 Riku soul eater: 00003531 00003036 00003531 00003036 Leon: 00003031 00003033 00003031 00003033 Moogle: 00003231 00003030 00003231 00003030 Destiny islands 1st day Replace Sora X0dccd86 YYYYYYYY X0dccd88 YYYYYYYY X0dccda6 YYYYYYYY X0dccda8 YYYYYYYY Digits: X digits: 0: for codes that only have 2 digits or less then 2 digits does not include 0s 1: For codes that have 4 or 3 digits 2: for anything higher YY digits Wooden sword riku: 00000031 00000031 00000031 00000031 Riku soul eater: 00003531 00003036 00003531 00003036 These only work on 1s day on Destiny Islands Play as Selphie 20dcdb6c 00dccf00 20dcdb70 00dccf80 Play as Tidus 20dcdb6c 00dccec0 20dcdb70 00dccfe0 Play as Wakka 20dcdb6c 00dccf40 20dcdb70 00dcd000 Play as Riku in Destiny Islands 10DCCD86 00003531 10DCCD88 00003036 10DCCDA6 00003531 10DCCDA8 00003036 Play as Leon in First District 10E0DC86 00003031 10E0DC88 00003033 10E0DCA6 00003031 10E0DCA8 00003033 this is Leon with all his animations 1rst district Play as Leon (first district) 20e43edc 00e0e8c0 20e43ee0 00e0e8e0 20e77db4 00e0e8c0 20e77db8 00e0e8e0 20487320 00000000 20487324 00000000 e004fdff 004dd49c <-- R2 atk animations 1,2,3,4 21172a74 011bc1c0 21172abc 011b9040 21172ac4 011b6190 21172ae4 011c2a00 e004feff 004dd49c <-- L2 atk animations and power up 21172a74 011bc1c0 21172abc 011b9040 21172ac4 011c2a00 21172ae4 011c67d0 also to play as him in hercules cup use that code and this one: Leon Replaces Cloud in hercules cup: 10dc8d06 00003031 10dc8d08 00003033 10dc8d26 00003031 10dc8d28 00003033 and this one: Play as Cloud flying in the Hercules Cup: 20E5E464 00DC8D00 20E5E468 00DC8D20 E002FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 use all of those (even Leon in first district must be active) and you will play as Leon in Hercules Cup it'll work on the whole cup! HADES CUP PLAY AS SHADOW SORA (REMOVE ALL ABILITYS (EVEN SHARED) EXCEPT SCAN) E008FEFF 004dd49c 10c54a06 00003033 10c54a08 00003033 10c54a03 00007070 10c54a23 00007070 10c54a26 00003033 10c54a28 00003033 20c54a2a 65736d2e 20c54a2e 00000074 E003FDFF 004dd49c 210c5180 01116e50 210c5184 0111c3a0 210c5194 0112f550 Play as Dark Riku in hades cup (Need to choose alone) (Remove all abilitys (including shared) except scan, dodge roll, ariel sweep) E006FEFF 004dd49c 10c54a06 00003531 10c54a08 00003038 10c54a26 00003531 10c54a28 00003038 20c54a2a 65736d2e 20c54a2e 00000074 E005FDFF 004dd49c 212fd080 013978d0 212fd084 0139fe60 212fd098 013a9a00 212fd09c 013cb680 212fd094 013978d0 instructions - talk to phil hold L2 before going into hades cup SELECT ALONE then when you see yourself as riku press R2
Soul Eater Riku as an ally in hades cup(Remove all abilitys for goofy) E006FDFF 004dd49c 10c54a86 00003531 10c54a88 00003036 10c54aa6 00003531 10c54aa8 00003036 20c54aaa 65736d2e 20c54aae 00000074 instructions - talk to phil then press R2 and hold it till you see yourself in hades cup
202DD3E4 ZZYYXXWW 202DD3F4 E6E6E6E6 WW - Slot 1 XX - Slot 2 YY - Slot 3 ZZ - Slot 4 Values 00 - ? 01 - Attack 02 - Magic 03 - Item 04 - Talk 05 - Examine 06 - Summon 07 - Fire 08 - Fira 09 - Firaga 0A - Blizzard 0B - Blizzara 0C - Blizzaga 0D - Thunder 0E - Thundara 0F - Thundaga 10 - Cure 11 - Cura 12 - Curaga 13 - Gravity 14 - Gravira 15 - Graviga 16 - Stop 17 - Stopra 18 - Stopga 19 - Aero 1A - Aerora 1B - Aeroga 1C - Lift 1D - Drop 1E - Throw 1F - Potion 20 - Hi-Potion 21 - Ether 22 - Elixer 23 - " " 24 - Mega-Potion 25 - Mega-Ether 26 - Megalixer 27 - " " ~ 2F - Dumbo 30 - Bambi 31 - Genie 32 - Tinker Bell 33 - Mushu 34 - Simba 35 - Bahamut [ONOZ!] 36 - Save 37 - Open 38 - Sora 39 - Donald 3A - Goofy 3B - Tarzan 3C - Pooh 3D - Aladdin 3E - Ariel 3F - Jack 40 - Peter Pan 41 - Beast 42 - "-" 43 - Shortcut [LOL.] 44 - Jump Next [... o_O?] 45 - Jump On 46 - Splash 47 - Fire Breath [._.] 48 - Rush 49 - Test [... XD] 4A - N/A [... XDDD] 4B - Sonic 4C - All 4D - Rave 4E - Blast 4F - Dismiss 50 - Target 51 - Showtime 52 - Trinity 53 - Trinity 54 - N/A 55 - Open 56 - Examine 57 - Arcanum 58 - Bash 59 - Finis [Yes, lol] 5A - Ragnarok 5B - Impact 5C - Charge Up 5D - Proud Roar 5E - Strike 5F - Raid 60 - Judgement 61 - Freeze 62 - Hit 63 - Counter 64 - Call 65 - Move 66 - Drink 67 - Eat 68 - Sit 69 - Push 6A - Read 6B - Touch 6C - Unlock 6D - Release 6E - Grab On 6F - Pull Out 70 - Take 71 - Turn 72 - Mail Card 73 - Get In 74 - Knock 75 - Pull 76 - Flower 77 - Cancel 78 - Jump Off 79 - ? ~ FF - ? Get rid of Donald and Goofy 103F211F 00000000
000-064 - Nothing 065 - Deep jungle 066 - Having a wild time 067 - Olympus Coliseum 068 - Traverse town 069 - Destiny islands 06A - BSOD 06B - BSOD 06C - BSOD 06D - BSOD 06E - Dearly beloved 06F - Shrouding Dark Cloud 070 - Hand in hand 071 - BSOD 072 - BSOD 073 - BSOD 074 - Welcome to wonderland 075 - A very small wish 076 - To our surprise 077 - Bustin' up on the beach 078 - Go for it! 079 - Monstruous Monstro 07A - Blast away Gummi ship I 07B - Blast away Gummi ship II 07C - "Make gumi song" 07D - Precious Stars in the Sky 07E - Bustin' up on the beach (repeat -.-") 07F - A day in Agrabah 080 - Arabian Dream 081 - Capitain's Hook pirate ship 082 - Neverland sky 083 - Night of fate 084 to 8B - BSOD 08C - Under the sea 08D - Winnie the pooh book 08E - Bustin' up on the beach (repeat, again -.-") 08F - Mickey Mouse Club March 090 - This is hallowen! 091 - BSOD 092 - Pirate's Gigue 093 - An adventure in Atlantica 094 - Blast away Gummi ship III 095 - Spooks of hallowen town 096 - BSOD 097 - BSOD 098 - Hollow bastion 099 - Scherzo di notte 09A - End of the world 09B - Fragments of sorrow 09C - BSOD 09D - Holy bananas! 09E to B7 - BSOD 0B8 - Merlin's magical house 0B9 to 120 - BSOD
unknown effect 202b70e0 xxxxxxxx 202b70e4 xxxxxxxx modifies the texture in the room 202b7120 30307774 202b7124 0031305f unknown effect 202b7160 xxxxxxxx replaces objects in the room also can modify boss's into the level (example: this is set to fight leon) 202b71a0 31307774 202b71a4 6472612e command menu apperance mod 002bfd98 0000000x 0 = normal (blue) 1 = as if in battle (red) Fly EVERYWHERE R2 on joker L2 off joker ~ TruthKey E003FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 E003FEFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000000 002C0950 00000000
Solo fights Current HP 10524178 0000???? Max HP 1052417C 0000???? Strength 00524188 000000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************00524188 000000******end_of_the_skype_highlighting?? Defense 0052418C 000000?? EXP 105241A4 0000???? Party fights Enemy 1 Current HP 10524340 0000???? Max HP 10524344 0000???? Strength 00524350 000000?? Defense 00524354 000000?? EXP 1052436C 0000???? Enemy 2 Current HP 10524424 0000???? Max HP 10524428 0000???? Strength 00524434 000000?? Defense 00524438 000000?? EXP 10524450 0000???? Enemy 3 Current HP 10524508 0000???? Max HP 10524428 0000???? Strength 00524518 000000?? Defense 0052451C 000000?? EXP 10524534 0000???? Enemy 4 Current HP 105245EC 0000???? Max HP 105245F0 0000???? Strength 005245FC 000000?? Defense 00524600 000000?? EXP 10524618 0000????
Gold Match Darkside E006FDFF 004dd49c 10ace8c3 00006964 10ace8c6 00003033 10ace8c8 00003030 10ace8e3 00006964 10ace8e6 00003033 10ace8e8 00003030 E002FEFF 004dd49c 0052418c 000000FF 00524188 00000078 instructions - talk to phil and before you select gold match hold R2 then go to it and keep on holding it till you see yourself then press L2 Maleficent dragon E006FDFF 004dd49c 10ace8c3 00006370 10ace8c6 00003033 10ace8c8 00003030 10ace8e3 00006370 10ace8e6 00003033 10ace8e8 00003030 E002FEFF 004dd49c 0052418c 00000050 00524188 000000c8 instructions - talk to phil and before you select gold match hold R2 then go to it and keep on holding it till you see yourself then press L2 PLATINUM RIKU/ANSEM E004FDFF 004dd49c 10acef06 00003531 10acef08 00003038 10acef26 00003531 10acef28 00003038 E006FEFF 004dd49c 0052418c 00000064 00524188 000000FF instructions - talk to phil and before you select platinum match hold R2 then go to it and keep on holding it till you see yourself then press L2
Hey all :) Im Antiweapon, one of the coders who will bring you up to date with our latest findings of codes that can take your Kh2 experience to the next level. :) I figured I would show you guys probebly one of our more major codes that made news in many other Kingdom hearts sites. This code was found by a fellow Coder called イルクズ (Or Erkz since we have no idea how to say that). Pure and simple this lets us go to pretty much ANY ROOM IN THE GAME! Including ones like Destiny islands. Its been around for about two weeks but we never really advertised it on this site so here it is! The room mod!
While messing with my model viewer a couple of models wernt exactly perfect. Heres one. Be afraid!!
Ok picture this.. The next kh game is out. Your playing as the one and only Terra after a while you get to a point in the storyline where your in a wasteland nothing but rocks and such. To the player this place may look familiar. Then out of a weird mysterious portal out emerge Sora, Donald and Goofy. A very familiar cut scene happens then sora readies his key blade. If you haven't already figured your now about to do the EXACT Sora vs Terra fight in kh2fm only your terra and soras your enemy. Heres the question. Having just a repetive 'attack attack' exact copy of sora from kh2 would seem a little easy.. so? Whats will soras attacks be, will he have a bunch of crazed and wild things like the ES had. Will he drive and get some odd and crazy moves with them? What will his two lackies donald and goofy do? And what will Terra being you be able to do.. seeing as all this attacks would make things way to easy. Will he have limits drives ect?
After dedicating my time with the data bosses and terra. I went back to old school bosses, because my strength was now so effing overpowered this was the result.
Im playing Final Mix. And Im too lazy to search for my original kh2 game. So yeah how do I level them? And where is a good place to level them?
Well yeah I finished soras story in Re:com. And after that went onto Riku. Now If what I remember from com is correct when you started a new game with riku you still save in the same slot, its just that you get a choice of who your playing as when you load. Anyway I kinda overwitten my sora game with riku. >_> And I dont think I can get it back.. Will sora become available after I beat rikus story or did I just do one hell of a bobo?
If you have been playing Re:com alot you may of gotten an organisation card. And I don't mean the com org either. I mean the ones from kh2. (Including roxas) So can someone tell me what any of them do?
While looking through some Models I found something I don't remember ever being in kh2. A doll of namine... I thought I should share it and all. XP Please give credit if your going to use it in a banner or sig or something.
I apologise if I mention one already from kh2. I have a bad memory. Finisher leap Round Break EXP chance Drive converter. These may not be the perfect names for them I got them from. Thanks to anyone who can help. :B
Edit: Uh My tittle hasent changed :/ Little help anyone? Alright this is my page filled with many different types of renders! Things you should know: This topic contains Renders from both Kh1 and Kh2. Feel free to use them (To make banners backrounds profiles ect.) but give credit if you do. I take requests for renders. But keep in mind all kh2 renders are inanimate and most characters will be in a T Stance. In kh1 I can have animate objects such as heartless and people. (Mostly battle things) If this is in the wrong forum. And a Mod sees this then I am sorry and please move it to its correct location. Weapons: Keyblades: ~ This is a list of almost all the keyblades from Kh2. Sorry I cant get Kh1 renders right now. Or the Kairi one. Hopefully soon. KingdomKey OathKeeper Oblivion Mickey's Keyblade Way to Dawn Wishing Lamp Bond of Flames Guardians Soul Photon Debugger Rumbling Rose Fenrir Gull wing Decisive Pumpkin Hero's Creast Sleeping Lion Circle of Life Mysterious Abyss Hidden Dragon Sweet Memories Star Seeker Ultima Weapon Monochrome Fatal Crest Follow the Wind Two Acrossed **New!** Winners Proof **New!** Aquas Keyblade **New!** Terras Keyblade **New!** Note: Yeah I suck with names. Sorry about that. I tried to put something there that should tell you what it is. Other Weapons: Dream Sword Dream Shield Dream Staff Axels Chakrams Masamune Clouds buster sword (Kh2) Soul Eater Saix's Weapon Xigbars Weapon Xaldins Lances Beserkers Weapon **New!** Lexicon (Zexions Weapon) Aurons Weapon **New!** Trident The ALMIGHTY Stick! Charecter Models: This section contains Models of characters I got bored and took screencaps of. The animate ones are the ones you wana look at ;D Animate (In a pose) Leon: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Riku: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] (He looks like a superhero) [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Cloud: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Sephiroth: [x] [x] [x] [x] AntiSora (From Kh1): [x] [x] Xehanorts heartless: [x] [x] [x] Misc: Sora Kairi NamineDoll Oposite Armor Freaky/Funny Captain Hook InAnimate (T Stance or similar): Hayner Riku(NormalClothing) Seifer Shadow Roxas Armor Xemnas Zexion BlindfoldedRiku Cloud(Kh2) Row of Heartless Chrismas Town drives: **New!** Regular Sora Valor Wisdom Limit Master Final Anti
So weve all seen limit form. But has anyone seen limit form in the worlds where you wear a differnt costume. I wana see what mask he wears in haloween town what the colors look like in Space paranoids. Plus I would like to see the drives for chrismas town. D: So anyone got any vids/Videos of them?