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  1. Number72TheMonkey
    To Me Or In My General Opinion. I Think That Kingdom Hearts 2 is Better Than 1. And I Know What You Guys Are Thinking. (who is this idiot?) Well The Reason Why I Think That KH2 Is Better Than KH1 Is Because. You Pull off good combos, 3 Difficulty Settings, 1 More Shortcut, New Worlds And Nobodies. KH1 Is Okay but Some Parts of it Is a bit of disadvantage. 1. You Have to go at a certain level to defend. 2. The Secret Bosses Like Kurt Ziza and Phantom. 3. Only Have Normal and Hard. (not really good for Beginners, but it's only a mistake right?) and I Also Explain Why Did I Put That (Who is this idiot?) It's Just That i'm Nearly 15 in august and that doesn't mean i can fit in after the bday. I Do Read the rules. I Just try to understand them clearly. (My Apologies) Put your KH Opinions here. thank you. i'm sorry if some parts of the post is a little off.
    Thread by: Number72TheMonkey, Jul 17, 2009, 53 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Number72TheMonkey


    Hi, I Dont Really All Care For Myself. But I Do Care For This Site Since it's A Good Site To Get KH-Videos. but that isn't the Only thing that the site is good for. It is Socailable in the Site. Just Trying to Fit in Can Be Difficult At Times, But A Bit Of Hard Work and Thought. You Can Overcome Anything.

    Anyway this Thread Is About Problems You Starting To Have in The Internet or Outside the Internet. So Please Do Comment and Discuss Your Problems Here and I'll Try To Answer Them If i have the Spare Time. Problems Like. Reputation, Creativity Corner, Cyber Bullying, or Any Other Problems. (I'm Trying to be a Decent member of this site who has Minus Reputation)

    Please Discuss Your Problems Here... and I'll Try to Do Something About It.
    Thread by: Number72TheMonkey, Jul 17, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Number72TheMonkey
    This Is My Second Creativity Please Enjoy this... I Dont Think It Has to Relate Anything Much To The Game. I'm Just Exited for The English Version...
    *Sits Down Waiting For Comments*

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Xion Returns
    My Name Is Xion, I Have Done Terrible Things, It have affected nearly everyone, Someone very familliar has appeared, Forced Me, Tortured Me and Turned Me Against The Organisation... It Feels Like someone is pushing me the cross the line. But Instead I Have Gone Too Far... I Must Do What's Right. This Time Someone's Going to Pay for it. Roxas One of my best Friends I Met in the Organisation Has crossed the line instead and I Met my End. I May have Faded Away, But They Can Laugh for all i care... Cause The Real Xion is Coming Home

    Chapter 1: With A Vengance

    It Doesn't Work That Way, Destroying the One You Loved, Expecting to Forget it, The Memories ARE Coming Back and I'm one of them. So Roxas Are You Ready To Die? And Fade The Same Way I Did! Or Forgive Yourself for Crossing the Line And Serve Me. Roxas Didn't Have Much of a Choice, He Knew He Killed Her, He Knew It Was Mean't to be this way... Forgiveness is Not Exactly the Answer when not doing a friend a favor. Xion Clearly Spoke "Well? What's It Going To Be?" Roxas Wasn't Very Big On Decisions. Roxas gone with serving Her because He Killed Her On Perpose. It's Roxas Fault, It's His Responsibility. Xion Asks Roxas "What are you waiting For? You Killed Me, Remember?"


    "Uggghhh My Head Hurts" Roxas Complaining When He Just Had A Headache. Xion was Fading Away and Wanted to tell him something. "No... Xion But Why?" Roxas Spoke Sadly. "The Organisation Created me as a Spare, In Case You Betray Us, but you know now Dont You?" Roxas Still Spoke Sadly "It's All My Fault, I Should've Gone with you, I Should but It Was Too Late" Xion's Legs Started to Freeze. "What?" Roxas Frightened of Xion's Death. "It's Okay, I Will Always Be With You, If They Try To Erase Me From Your Memory, Dont Let Them" Xion Spoke During She's Was Fading Away. "Who's Them Exactly?" Roxas Sadly Questioned Xion. "There Are 3 People Who Forced Me Into This, DIZ, Namine and Riku" Roxas Angrily Spoke "Those 3?! Where Are They?!" Xion Tries To Speak But It's Nearly Too Late, "There In That Mansion In Twilight Town" Xion Strokes Roxas By His Face "One Last Thing" Roxas Dont Want It To Be Late, "What Is It?" Xion Tries To Speak Full But Still Fears that she might be too late... "Roxas I Love You..." Her Hand Falls Roxas Catches It. "Dont Fade From Me" Xion's Body Nearly Consumed Fully By Ice, Roxas Attempts To Save Her by Using Cure, But No Effect has Happened! so He Made one Last Decision, "Xion... If You Can Hear Me... Or Feel Me... Before You Disappear... Just One Thing to Do Now..." Roxas Wasn't Really Focused On Love So He Gave Xion One Last Thing. A Kiss. Roxas Confidently Press His Lips on Xion's and there the Kiss Goes. Xion Now Fully Faded Away... But a Shell or Some sort Was Left Behind as A Memory, A Keepsake or a Promise. Roxas Sadly Tries to endure it "Xion..." A Tear Emerges from Roxas Eye down to his Chin. Roxas Drew 2 Keyblades and Turned the 2 Into Oathkeeper and Oblivion and Runs to The Mansion Crazy For Revenge Of His Fallen Love.

    Flashback Ends

    Xion Spoke Confidently "You remember now? Roxas Restored His Confidence. "You're Alive Now..." Xion Spoke Annoyed In Fact. "What's Your Decision? Die or Serve Me?" Roxas Took the Serve Her Choice "I'll Go with the Second Choice" Xion Confidently Spoke "Good, Now Come With Me..." Roxas Gave Xion a Reminder "but what about that kiss?" Xion Just Remembered The Part when Her Hand Fell, "Yes and I Saw That..." Roxas Spoke "I Thought you Loved Me!" Again It Jogged her Memory. Xion Turns Back to Roxas "You Remember Everything now?" Roxas Tries To Speak Up "Yes Everything that happened to you" Xion Notices Everything The Happened to Her and The Events Inside the Organsation. "Now I Remember, I Was All Because of Riku, Namine and DIZ" DIZ Laughs and Appears. "Now That isn't quite Nice" Namine Appears "Xion! I Thought You Wanted To Know The Truth!" Riku Appears Annoyed "What About Kairi?!" Roxas Draws 2 Of His Keyblades Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Riku Notices that Roxas has Two. "Two!?" Riku Draws His Soul Eater and the Way to Dawn. Roxas Chuckles "Talk About Power of Darkness and a Keyblade" Riku Attempts To Attack But Foiled By Xion. Riku Glares at Xion "What The? 29 Weapons?! You Have Go To Be Kidding Me..." Xion Equips Most of the Organisations Weapons Even Dual Weilds them If She Wants To. Xigbars Guns, Xaldins Spears But 18 This Time, Vexen's Sheild, Lexaeus Tommahawk, Saix Claymore, Axel's Chakram's, Demyx Sitar, Marluxia's Scythe And Roxas Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Roxas Looks at Xion and Amazed of her new ability. "Heh Screwed..." Xion Chooses Her Choice of Weilding And The Rest Act Like Floating Defence and Offence.

    Sorry If This Is A Bad Attempt or Serious Story I Done Please Dont Take It Too Much...
    Thread by: Number72TheMonkey, Jul 14, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Number72TheMonkey
    Number72TheMonkey aka: RoboMonkey720 (My Youtube Account)

    Does Anyone Want to Make a Machinima With Me? For Those Who Dont Know.
    Machinima is a Definition of Machine Cinema. By Using a Game Engine for Using Movie Purposes, Like Halo 3 is a Decent Game to Film Since it has Threatre Mode Because of it's Free Camera, If You Want to Record A Video, you will need a Recording Device. And NO I dont mean a Cell Phone Cam Corder, because it looks Unproffesional And ****** and no one is going to take your movie Seriously. I'm Not Going Too Far in one Post so Here's The Videos That Will Explain it for you
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    I Didnt Create those Videos Jon Did or DigitalPh33r.
    Please Comment. *Waiting For Something*
    Thread by: Number72TheMonkey, Jun 14, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Number72TheMonkey
    :type: Hi People I Have a Question to Ask. What do you Think of Gears of War? post your answers here or discuss it here your choice...
    Thread by: Number72TheMonkey, Jun 11, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Number72TheMonkey
    KH358/2 Days: Fate

    This Is My First Poem Enjoy :D

    My Name Is Xion
    I Have been Recruited Into The Organisation
    I Dont Really Know Why Am I Created?
    Was I Really a Spare?
    Or Someone To Replace Someone who Escapes the Organisaton
    A Keyblade Master.
    I Have Memories that Isn't Mine
    I Can't Possibly Endure It
    I Just Dont Want The Memories
    I Only Want to Be Together
    With Axel and Roxas
    But I Have Met My End
    The Memories Had Me Caused Terrible Things
    I Decided To Leave The Organisation and Settle It
    In Twilight Town, Ask Roxas One Last Thing
    Destroy Me and I Will Speak The Truth To Him
    I Met My End But I Will Not Forget My Friends
    Roxas and Axel, I Must Fade,
    I Must End It
    Stop The Memories From Wreaking Havoc
    Affecting Every Weak Mind Throughout The Worlds
    Who Am I Really? A Mere Copy? A Duplicate?
    Someone Who Resembles The Same Person?
    No One Else Would Really Know, Would They?
    Roxas You Did What You Had To Do
    But I May Have Faded Away, But I'm At Elsewhere
    Somewhere By The Heart of All Worlds
    One Thing That We Call Kingdom Hearts

    This Poem is Done By Me (Number72TheMonkey) But If You Want Something To Listen Something Sad and Dramatic Here's The Link Read This 3 or 4 Times and Tell Me What You Think? The Reason Why I Done Xion Because, I Found Her a Particular Interesting Character In KH358/2 Days. Reminds Me Of A Character Who Had a Trajic Fate (Like Cosmo in Sonic X).
    Thread by: Number72TheMonkey, Jun 11, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Archives