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  1. RoseRiku
    Profile Post

    yeah, it was. ^_^

    yeah, it was. ^_^
    Profile Post by RoseRiku for Rayku, Jul 1, 2009
  2. RoseRiku
  3. RoseRiku
  4. RoseRiku
  5. RoseRiku
  6. RoseRiku
  7. RoseRiku
  8. RoseRiku
    RRRRrrrrrachel Jean. [:

    Except without all the extra R's. There's only one. I'm just a stupid head. :3
    Post by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. RoseRiku
    Tie between Smooth Criminal and Thriller.

    I think I like Thriller just because of the music video.

    Post by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Music
  10. RoseRiku
  11. RoseRiku

    For one - if people happen to not like it for some reason, then they just shouldn't worry about it! It's none of their business.

    For two - maybe STRAIGHT people should stop having GAY children if it's such a big deal! *sarcasm*

    For three - Love is love. :3

    For four - Axel and Roxas need to get married, don't they? Haha...
    Post by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. RoseRiku

    Video My AMVs

    Yeah, so I know I figured I'd post up links to the best AMVs I did. *Which is only two.*

    I have other ones on my profile be these are the only ones I like:

    Far Away by Nickelback - Sora & Kairi ~ This Video Won Two AMV Awards At PortCon, Maine! :P

    Candle by White Tie Affair - Roxas & Axel ~ This Video Took Me 3942473 Years (or so it felt).

    Rest are on my YouTube Pro if you're interested. ;D
    xox Rose Riku
    Thread by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. RoseRiku
    Lea makes me think of the Princess in Star Wars.

    ...that's not right.

    ahahah! :3
    Post by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. RoseRiku
    he's quirky.
    he has red hair.
    he has cool thingies on his face.
    he is voiced by Quinton Flynn.
    him and Roxas are adorable. (i like roxie better than axel...)

    and just because.

    Post by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. RoseRiku
  16. RoseRiku
    thanks for all the welcoming replies! ;)

    i'm getting my feet wet on this forum right now - trying to edit everything on my profile and whatnot. i'm so busy making an AMV and doing a fanfiction right now that i don't have much time on my hands anymore. xD

    yayy for KH. ^_~
    Post by: RoseRiku, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. RoseRiku
  18. RoseRiku

    I'm Rose Riku (friends call me Roxie or Rose.) ;)

    I live and breathe KH. In fact - I should probably be going to one of those AA meetings, except it would have to be a KHA meeting. xD

    Anyways... it's one in the morning and I'm rambling. But if you wanna know a bit about me - I love cosplaying, conventions, and kitties. o.o


    You can also find me on: <-- KH VIDS! YAY! <-- KH STORIES! YAY!
    Thread by: RoseRiku, Jun 30, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. RoseRiku