lmao. tanks.
hahah. it's axel and roxas-y. :D
Heck yes. && the females. xD I even like him better than Riku or Axel.
Whoa. Do people actually come on here anymore? :o
yes, lol. although the Neopet looking thing is cute too - but not in the same context. xDD
I confess - I came for the sea salt ice cweam. :3
whoa. hardcore fighting. o.o
your icon is SOOO adorable! :3
This is a totally new group that I decided to create out of boredom and for the fact that I am just uber obsessed with this couple. :P
i just make that face alot. :P <-- ha. yeah, i'm trying to make it actually look somewhat good but it doesnt seem to be cooperating. hmph.
i like rain, too! :P and thanks, lol. i'm changing everything around and playing with stuffz. :D
yesh it was! except... we got rained on. D: oh well! :P
haha. awesome! :D
They're all awesome characters! ;) You mean Tohru from Fruits Basket, right?
who watches Demyx Time?! [:
I love roses - not sure why. And I know you guys are thinking "AND YOU LOVE RIKU, right?" but no... otherwise it would be Rose Roxas. xD Anyways, Riku is the name of my precious kitty whom I love. He was named Riku because in his litter there was three cats that I named conveniently Sora, Kairi, and Riku. He ended up being the Riku. But I do like Riku from KH all the same. x] Anyways, yeah - I just took two things I like and mushed them together.
I've completed a Kairi cosplay && I'm currently working on crossing as Roxas. :3 What are some of the people you're thinking of doing??
hahah. i'm just sooo lazy. xD but your profile looks good now - it's very coordinated! :D
hehe - i decided to go mini golfing to cure my boredom. o.o yes, that was random. xD
Lol. Yesh, yesh! I love video editing. :P You can check out my YouTube if you want. http://www.youtube.com/ThePepsiPsycho -- and if you don't...