Oh, Just chill, will you? Your fave keyblade from either game. If there was a part for both games in general, this would be in there. Let loose and be less restrictin! ^-^
Okay, so there are tons of "couples" in Final Fantasy. What couple is your favourite? I personally like Tidus and Yuna and Cloud and Aerith/Tifa. I guess he's kinda with both! Anyway, who do you guys love to see together? ^-^
Oathkeeper and Oblivion are definently popular. Also, I remembered the Pumpkin King keyblade that me and my friends have renamed the PUMPKIN WAND! lol.
There's a lot of fun stuff to do on this site so enjoy yourself and have a great time. Try going to the User Portal. There are a lot of cool videos on there. ^-^
Doesn't matter if you like one from the first game or the second. I personally ike the Ultima Weapon from khII, Oblivion and Oathkeeper. What are yours?
Yeah, he gets childish but he's just fun-loving. he's not too much of an idiot so no.
You rock hard
oh ya, I got Sora. And yeah, i tried to get Roxas after that and he is NOT gay with Axel. For shame. ^-^
You kill one nobody, you get one AP point. By the time you're at level 7 in Final Form, you'll have as fast as you can get in normal form. You also can keep flying without landing, until you try to go up a hill that is. It's awesome how fast you can go in Final Form. Also, the best place to level up in my oppinion is in the World That Never Was area with the scene where Mickey is fighting nobodies as he goes up the ramp and where Ansem takes off him bandage.. thing for the first time. Kk, hope that helps!
Okay, so everybody loves the hero, especially when it's Cloud. But who's your fave besides him in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. Personally, I love Sephiroth, and obviously Kadaj is a fave too! I find it kinda funny that somebody as dark and powerful as Vincent would have a name like Vincent Valentine, but I love him too anyway. Who's your fave?
yes, that helps A LOT but i don't have slow or delay attack or any of those. i haven't even heard of them.. i guess I'm too weak to ever get this battle over with. :(
Hey y'all/ I could SERIOUSLY use some help with the Bevelle Guardian Beast, Evrae. Can't seem to take her down so some tips to getting past her would be highly appreciated! Thanks guys!
Pardon me, but who's Nex? ^-^
Hey guys what program should I use for making AMV's and FMV's? Right now I use Windows Movie Maker but it just isn't doing much for me. I need a program that will blow y'all away! Ok, thanks a lot. And get back soon! ^-^
Okay, so obviously if you're in here, there must be an anime you're interested in, right? So what's your fave of them all! Shout it out, and give other people an idea of the anime out there that they could be watching. :) My fave is YuYu Hakusho and Fate Stay Night
Hey All. I'm finsishing up my list of loved animes as the series begin to come to a close. I've watched: Fate Stay Night YuYu Hakusho Rurouni Kenshin Inuyasha Deathnote Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon (hey this was a long time ago! :P) I watched about 20 eps of FullMetal Alchemist but then they took it off youtube. By the way, I'd much appreciate if this anime was available on youtube! Thanks y'all!
Hey all. I'm just wondering when Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ is coming out in english. Can't wait to play it! :)
If you had hair like Cloud they would have to invent hair cement. lol. I love Lulu's hair. The bun with all the braids and junk like that. My hair is exactly like Yuna's. (same lenght, part, etc.) except my hair is blone. :)
Seph all the way.. Sephiroth was so hard but I managed after unatural hours of training in Proud Mode (god i actually went all the way to lvl 99) I finally beat him. He was no doubt the hardest for me and the easiest was... hmm... Xaldin.. somehow. I beat him on my first try in Proud Mode thinking it was just a lucky shot until I replayed the game again about a year later and the same thing happened. By the way, the guy who says "Dance water,dance!" is Demyx. :) By the way... does Cloud ever come back after you defeat Sephiroth? He just kinda dissapeared with Sephiroth after Tifa showed up and I haven't seen him since....
I'd vote for Deathnote if it were there, (Ryuk is so cool!) but I went for YuYu Hakusho cause it's just that cool. Not to be a bit, loser fangirl or anything, but Kurama is hot and Hiei is hilairious. No emotion whatsoever on his part. I saw a video on youtube that was described as "All the sexy people of YuYu Hakusho. And Kuwabara." :) lol