omg those are hilairious! lmao
i like them all cause they all rock. envy lust gluttony wrath (HEHE!) greed sloth the fuhrer... oh wait i guess i only like 6 cause the fuhrer is an evil old man. in the movie his look-alike was pretty cool, but the homonculus still sucks. envy turned out to be a guy (creepy) but envy was a tragic brother, lust came out good in the end, gluttony was like a loyal dog til dante (stupid *#$&@) sloth took good care of wrath who was so cute! and he ended up making peace with ayumi, greed was evil but he was good anyway and he helped ed out... and the fuhrer was an evil old fat cow who did nothing except hurt mustang. my hate is eternal lol. ^-^
been wathching some more anime since i made this so im adding! edward elric inuyasha koga alphonse elric tifa lochart cloud strife teacher/ayumi winry yuna tidus rikku riku kairi lust rath envy roy mustang alex armstrong ryza hawkeye the list goes on and on and i wont burden you by continueing. never realised i like fullmetal alchemist so much... weird. if you have the eps tell me where you found them! (like, where you downloaded them!!!!)
number 1, what's your favourite part of fma? number 2, whos your favourite character? number 3, whos your fave homonculus? number 4, random stuff you love.. number 5, WHAT SITE CAN I DOWNLOAD FMA OFF OF! i loved the anime and i'd like to be able to watch it again without ordering it online lol.
already getting tons of people asking for siggys so you can mind your own business
Also remember that the X in your names would be pronounced as Z when your thinking up your Org name!
Hey guys. Okay, so I love making signature pictures so I'd love to make one for any of you and if you PM me I will!
Isn't Final Mix have the + because it's two games in one? If final mix is coming out in english (which according to a interview with Tomur I read about it is) then Re:CoM should be english too, shouldn't it?
You guys are deep. Here's mine. Name: Donxoby (nobody with an x) Hp: 3200 Exp.: 2500 Attcks: Can use Xaldin's lances, Axel's Chimra's and Zexion's agility Defence: Weak to water attacks Appearance: A mixture between the Twilight Town Roxas boss, Sora's shadow and a huge cat lion... thing That'd be a funny looking boss
If you could make up your own heartless or nobody what would it look like? My heartless would be the shape of a huge mouse with long ears like the neo-shadows with long claws, and blades on the tail for ground attacks and aerial attacks with the heartless symbol on its forehead. weird.
If i did it with my screen name it would be... hmm. this is kinda hard. Jakxad? Kaxjad? Daxjak? Dear god... lol Any suggestions??
Woot go Pokemon
I'm gonna add Inuyasha to my little list, and FullMetal Alchemist. WOOOOOOT! lol
I've always loved the more quiet and dark characters. Vincent, Cloud, Riku, Inuyasha, Sesshomuru, Archer and of course Kenshin. Some of these guys are more in front of the cape, but oh well. They're all kind of dark!
Wait, I also like Engxam and Genxem!
What is your favourite weapon from anyy of the FF games? I love Brotherhood, Tidus's weapon.
Elizabeth huh? How about... Theblazzi? Oh yeah. I think that's pretty cool! By the way, what's your real name Varcxen? That name is cool not gay.
My name would either be Xemnag or Nexgam. (My name is Megan!) What's yours?
I love Yusuke, Hiei and Kurama from YuYu Hakusho, Saber, Archer, Assassin, Rin and Shirou from Fate/Stay Night, Chiyo from Azumanga Daioh, and Edward Elric from FullMetal Alchemist. WOOT!
Jeez, I just keep adding to my list! Oblivion Oathkeeper Ultima Weapon Fenrir Kingdom Key Metal Chocobo Road to Dawn (Riku's Keyblade!) One-Winged Angel Heartless Secret Weapon The list goes on and on! I love Oathkeeper the best though since it helped me beat Seph in Kingdom Hearts II on Proud. ^-^