Nobody's name is weird; just unique. What is your name?
Ooh Vivian is a pretty name. How about... Vanxivi? Or Navivix?
Wow some of you guys have some seriously awesome names!
Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this but I heard about a forum that had a link to a site where you can download transitions and effects for Windows Movie Maker. Anybody have the link? Thank you! ~Kadaj
I'm pretty sure you're referring to Rude. Yeah he's pretty awesome!
Don't worry about it. I've always liked the name Michelle...
How about Kymelxbir, Xylebrimk, Lebrymki, or Belkixmyr?
Wow lol Kadaj and Cloud.. kind of odd but this is a place with no rules so I ain't gonna complain. I'd like to add Ashe and Vaan as well as Lenne and Shuyin. They were kinda together til a tragic end but Zack and Aeris as well.
All the songs that I knew of before this post were the Cloud, Roxas, Sora, and Gir song. Do you guys know of any others? ^-^ Omega Kawaii Cloud Song! (Omega Cute Cloud song if you care.)
Liz... let's see. How about Xilz, Zlix.... wow that is a tough one. Xilziez would work if your name was Lizzie... Anybody else have some ideas?
Unfortunently my friend has taped me to the chair and taped my eyes open to watch a lot of videos (waaaay untrue lol) so I have seen a whole lot of muffin videos. They're just so easy to make parodies out of. But ya never know. I may have seen it but I may not have so send it my way!
That was absolutely hilairious. Thanks for showing!
Everybody needs to laugh so here are some videos that my friends have showed to me and ones that I dug up on my own. The first one seems pretty drugged out to me but still very enjoyable. The second one contains a bit of coarse language but nothing extreme. Pretty much the life of an idiot. The last one is well made and very cute. Not nearly as funny as the other two but the last part will probably make you laugh. Forehead Shavecut Pistacchio Pudding The Sora Song Enjoy! ~Kadaj
Wow everybody loves Vincent. Most people go for the more quiet and dark type. (If I'm judging people than I'm quite sorry) I'm also adding Zack. He may not be a very often seen character in Advent Children but I know his story and I gotta love him. I wish he could have carried on in to the movie but it was definently a good plot twist.
I'd have to say Hollow Bastion or The World That Never Was. I love the depth and fragile details put into each of the Kingdom Hearts worlds and the twisting and confusing pathways throughout. ~Kadaj
Everyone is touched by an anime and goes on a craze after finishing it. Dektop backrounds and such. Want others to find the interest in a specific anime? Well, here's the place to do it. Spread your favorite anime with your favorite characters, a quick summary and maybe even some of your favourite moments. (Try to keep from giving away too much and spoiling it!) What's mine? I would have to say Fate/Stay Night with Shirou, Saber or Archer being my favorite character. It's rated 18A, but it''s only bloody and doesn't have any of the porn horrors you see in some animes. Emiya Shirou was saved by a man named Kiritsugu after a huge fire erupted in his home city in Japan. Kiritsugu, his adopted father died a few years later and Shirou inherited everything. Soon there were murders showing up and he wasn't happy about it. He soon finds himself backed against the wall facing a strange man. Without meaning to, he summons a servant girl named Saber and is flung into the Holy Grail war of Seven Masters each with a different class of Servant; Saber, Archer, Lancer, Berserker, Assasin, Caster, and Rider. He has to get the Holy Grail and it definently isn't going to be easy. Here's a video that goes through just about the entire plot. It has spoilers. Actually quite a few but if you want to just see what the anime is all about without actually watching it then this video should be good. If not then just search it up on google or wikipedia. Enjoy! So what's your favorite anime? Why did you like it? Who's your favorite character? ~Kadaj
Is your name Sarah? How about... Xashar, Raxsah, Xarsah (ooh I like that one!), or Arxash?
Yep that's right! Except you got the "e" and "a" miixed up. Megan is correct. Is your name Michelle?
Alright. So we all know that in Kingdom Hearts the members of OrganizationXIII mix up their names and add an X which is pronounced as a Z in the word. (With exceptions.) For example, ZEMNAS. So mix up your name and add the X and see what different names you can create. There may be over one hundred for a single name. Try it out and see what your OrganizationXIII name is! My name would be Xamgen, Xagmen, Magxen, Genxam, Negxam etc. I think I'm going to go with Genxam or Xamgen. Anybody know what my name is? Have some fun with this! ~Kadaj
Hey everybody. I've been hunting through the internet world and I've come up fruitless in my search for Rurouni Kenshin full episodes in english. So there's my request. If anybody can tell me where I can download Rurouni Kenshin english episodes in full then I'd be very grateful. Thanks a bunch! ~Kadaj