Oh cool! I got 4th place! I do agree with what you say though. My timing was quite unsatisfying in the middle. I scritched it a bit because I was too excited while making the video. Thanks a lot! Congrats to everyone who got in the top 5! Cheers! ~Kadaj
Yes, as most of you have pointed out the game wouldn't work without Disney; that's why it's in there. I did understand that as I posted this discussion. I enjoy the Disney addition myself but Final Fantasy, or rather, more of it would satisfy me greatly. Going to the Deep Jungle with Tidus and Zack at my side would be quite cool. Or perhaps the assistance of Vaan and Balthier? Very nice. But from this raises a new discussion: if Kingdom Hearts can't survive (erm.. wrong word but whatever) without Disney then how about this: what Disney world that isn't incorporated should be in the game, in your opinion. I say that a really interesting world to add would be a world where you got turned into something, similar to The Lion King world, The Pride Lands. A Sora llama? For the Emperor's New Groove? Wow that'd be great. Cheers! ~Kadaj
Hey everyone, more discusion coming your way. What if Disney wasn't incorporated with the Kingdom Hearts series? What if it was only Final Fantasy? Would you be able to visit Dalmasca? Midgar? Spira? Or just Pixar? Monster's Inc.? Toy Story? Various anime worlds? Feudal Japan? Outer Space? Wealthy High Schools? Private Academies? What do you think? What adventures and tasks would Sora partake in if he were in a non-Disney world? "Task one: Find Kytes and Vaan and get them back to the shop." "Task two: Help Yuki knock out Zero or his blood-craving could cause his own death!' "Task three: Save Woody from Cid with the help of the other mis-shapen toys!" The possibilities are endless. What if? Cheers! ~Kadaj
That would be awesome. It'd be like... *SMACK*~rawr! Very creative. Also DP, lay off a little bit. 'My Faves' are as much of a discussion as anything. Just a bit of slack, please? Cheers! ~Kadaj
Ah yes i forgot about Fenrir. That was definitely one of my favorites. Top 3 defiinitely, behind Oblivion, in front of Oathkeeper.
Cool I'm Roxas. Of course, I'm going to feel the creators wrath because I chose "none of the above" for the Yaoi pairings question. Oh well. ^-^ Cheers, ~Kadaj
Which Keyblade? It's fun to pretend to be a part of your favorite game. If you were to be a fictional addition to Kingdom Hearts I or II, which keyblade would you like to wield? Whether it's as simple as the Kingdom Key or as intricate as the Ultima Weapon, there are endless choices. I love the Oblivion. I recreated it in wooden form for an anime festival and since then I've thought the design was even cooler. As well, perhaps the Oathkeeper, Kingdom Key, or Way to the Dawn. Or, if the keyblades aren't your favorite weapon, perhaps a Chakram? A Sitar? It's your choice. What would you love to wield? Cheers, ~Kadaj
Yeah, this was in another section but it was the incorrect one. Hey I was just hoping to recieve some feedback on my latest AMV featuring Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and "Break Me Down" by Red. As the description reads, I started Crisis Core a few months ago and a few weeks ago my friend showed me this song. I absolutely loved it and listened to it on my IPod again and again. So, what do I do? None of you really care that much but I combined two great things: Crisis Core and Red. Anyway, now that I'm done blabbering it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback. You can either reply through this forum or in the "comments" section of the video. Cheers, Kadaj http://video.kh-vids.net/recentvideos/7/298ce91c-ced9-4e95-830c-9ac700a8a118.htm
dang your kidding me. everybody is telling me different things; i dont think this post will ever find its correct home. thanks anyway.
Yeah, this was in another section but it was the incorrect one. Hey I was just hoping to recieve some feedback on my latest AMV featuring Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and "Break Me Down" by Red. As the description reads, I started Crisis Core a few months ago and a few weeks ago my friend showed me this song. I absolutely loved it and listened to it on my IPod again and again. So, what do I do? None of you really care that much but I combined two great things: Crisis Core and Red. Anyway, now that I'm done blabbering it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback. You can either reply through this forum or in the "comments" section of the video. Cheers, Kadaj http://video.kh-vids.net/recentvideos/4/298ce91c-ced9-4e95-830c-9ac700a8a118.htm
18... so young. it's always terrible to hear that such a young life was taken. even worse, he's the fourteenth teenager to be killed in London that year? so sad...
Hey I was just hoping to recieve some feedback on my latest AMV featuring Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and "Break Me Down" by Red. As the description reads, I started Crisis Core a few months ago and a few weeks ago my friend showed me this song. I absolutely loved it and listened to it on my IPod again and again. So, what do I do? None of you really care that much but I combined two great things: Crisis Core and Red. Anyway, now that I'm done blabbering it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback. You can either reply through this forum or in the "comments" section of the video. Cheers! Kadaj http://video.kh-vids.net/recentvideos/3/298ce91c-ced9-4e95-830c-9ac700a8a118.htm
Very well done, all of them. I could never choose between these amazing accomplishments. Good job and congrats.
Colton perhaps?
Thankyou very much!
Alright I know this sounds odd on such a site like kh-vids.net but I'm looking for Kingdom Hearts videos. I need versions without the subtitles and I've seen a few in the Video Portal so if any of you know where I can find said videos please reply to this post or PM me. ~Cheers!~ -Kadaj
There's a song on Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 called "Polovtsian Dances and Chorus. In my opinion, the anime that goes with it is absolutely beautiful and I'd love to watch it. Anybody know the anime?
Stepanie? Hmm let's see... Nathxepsie (Nath-zep-see), Tehnapsixe (Teh- nap- seeze), or... Hapsinetex (Hap-seen-ah-tez)? lol I have to admit. Those are all quite a mouthful. If I were to use my middle name I would be... Xamry, Yaxrm, or Raxym. That's a really good idea! Perhaps you guys can even try with your nicknames? I would be.. Xamy... I don't know what else. Try it out guys. There's nothing to lose.
As well as my previous characters I want to add Basch from FFXII
Pardon me if this is the incorrect section for this particular topic. I found this on the net a while ago and I thought that perhaps some of you guys would be interested. Kingdom Hearts 3 Story Speculation ::. This page concentrates on what we believe to be the strongest and most likely possibilities for the story behind the secret trailer in Kingdom Hearts II and the plot in Kingdom Hearts III. It's not confirmed by anyone and is mere speculation. Viewer Nos Lived inputed much of this information. Years before Sora's adventure, there was a great war. In a place between worlds, there were those known as "Chasers", those who had manifested great power and chanelled it through weapons they experly crafted known as the Keyblades. There were four Chasers. The Chasers all had to power to create, save, destroy and lock world's hearts. Their keyblade gave them enough power to unlock the energy of a worlds physical heart and be able to move from world to world. The Chasers began to follow their own ambitions. In the place between worlds, where all of their keyblades laid to rest, the four seperated. Two followed the path of light, bringing life to the worlds, following the paths of Light and Twilight. The other two, they grew unhappy and decided that those who did not respect them should perish. They followed the path of Darkness. They began to bring destruction to worlds, destroying them. One of the two Dark Chasers realized the faults in his ways and decided to back out. Much as Riku did, this Chaser follows the path of Dawn back to the Crossroads where he is forgiven for his ways. The final Chaser, the one they called Xehanort, would not give up, would not give in. The war began, it is unknown for how long this terrible time lasted. It has been recorded though and the Chasers are much like gods. The war was either between great armies or just between the four Chasers, either way, the Dark Chaser, the Dark Keyblade Master known as Xehanort fought against the others in a great Keyblade war. Xehanort was defeated, and with that, he lost something dear: his memory. Cast away he was born again by sleep. Waking up in the world of Radiant Garden, almost dead, a great Saint known as Ansem found him and offered his assistance. He promised to help him and when he realized the man's memory was gone, he offered to help restore it. The Chasers each had the ability to spread their power to a disciple or their spirits lived on through a bloodline or chosen ones. Passing their power on to make sure to Order of the Worlds was kept safe. One Keyblade went to the King of all the Worlds: Mickey. When Xehanort began to believe he was in fact Ansem, his fascination with the Keyblades grew. Unknowning even to himself who he was. When the Heartless were born and began to create chaos, Riku was chosen to weild the next Keyblade, to save the people from destruction while Mickey was in the World of Darkness. But, Riku's heart was tainted by his willingness to let darkness overcome him and the Keyblade was passed on to Sora. After being selected first and later overcome by Xehanort, Xehanort was able to harvest his power to reclaim his Dark Keyblade and thus, Riku was able to have his own. The final Keyblade was unnecessary until later, when the goodness and innocence of Kairi was able to bring hope to the other Keyblade Weilders and she too was chosen. Roxas only had ones because he is an element of Sora. After their adventures had ended, Mickey sends a troubling letter to Sora, Kairi and Riku. A letter that reveals Xehanort's next plot. That he has perhaps remembered his true self. A plot to destroy the other Chasers, a plot to be the one and only Keyblade Master. A great beast is sent to the Crossroads between worlds but is slain by one of the Chasers. The others appear from their selected paths and reclaim their Keyblades, as though they haven't been touched in a long time. They look to the road of Darkness and the shady figure of Xehanort moves forward. Through his time within Riku, he is essentially "reborn" and while Riku tries to remove him, he is never gone. With enough power he returns to the Crossroads and a great war is about to begin once again. One that will decide the fate of the Chasers and all of those who hold a Keyblade... Definitely seems like it's going to be an interesting game. If you have any comments on this please feel free to post them. ~Kadaj