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  1. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Some are for my New Story "Organization XIII: Rebellions" and a link is located on the logo in my signature.

    * Also the reason I took pictures of them is because my scanner was being ******ed :P

    Princess Jessica (Her real name is too-long and I don't feel like typing it for now xD But her nickname is Jessica)


    Sacred Garden (This will be a really important place in the story at the end)


    Shelby- The Flaming Gale (Shes one of five main characters from my story)

    Elisha- The Artistic Ilussionist (He's also one of my main characters, and yes his hair is in his eyes. They always are xD)

    Ginyru- Dragon King of the Hevanly Ocean

    Terria- Daughter of the Earth (She has two forms!)

    Plant form-

    Earth Form-

    The Shade- Wanderer of Non-reality

    The Cold Feathered Viper of the Abyss
    (This one took the longest because of detail! Also it has a long title I know, still trying to give it a name though.)


    Heres one I drew about a dream I had before Summer vacation started.
    Werid but kinda cool xD

    Werewolf Dream


    Comments, comments, and more comments! But nothing too harsh okay?
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Jul 2, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Akua WaterDragonKing

    Oh Roxas.... xD
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Jun 23, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Five young teens from our world are transported into the world of Kingdom Hearts, gain certain abilities, and are recruited into Organization XIII. They then find out they aren't even Nobodys and yet even when Xemnas the leader of the Organization said so. What are they planning, and why are they even planning for? Guess you'll have to read to find out!

    I do recommend people listen to the music titles/links above the paragraphs so people can get more FEELING of the certain moments.
    (In the End by Linkin park)


    Jordan Rain
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Still Drawing
    Elements: Water and Light
    Weapons: Trident and Cross sword

    Rachel Hill
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Still Drawing
    Elements: Plants and Earth
    Weapons: Shield

    Althea Glacia
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Still Drawing
    Elements: Ice and Darkness
    Weapons: Small Sythe and Hidden Dagger

    Shelby Flareson
    Age: 15
    Elements: Fire and Wind
    Weapons: Bow/Arrows and Staff

    Elisha Illusmen
    Age: 15
    Elements: Nothingness and Illusions
    Weapons: Sketchbook and Pencil dagger


    Chapter 1: Beginnings

    ( By the Sea )
    “Finally, school is over!” Jordan, a semi-long light brown haired boy with blue eyes, medium built tan body, and wearing white and blue Hawaiian swimming trunks, said happily as he and his four other friends headed towards the beach. Elisha, a short dark brown haired boy with hazel eyes, medium/slim built almost pale body, and gray swimming trunks, was sketching in his sketchbook like he always did. Shelby, a long white blond headed girl with green eyes, slim tan body, and was wearing a pink and white bikini top and swim skirt, was telling Althea, a semi-long black haired girl with brown eyes, slim pale body, and was wearing a light blue one piece swim suit about how dramatic this one girl on the last day of school was, and then Shelby acted it out by pretending to jump and cry. Althea giggled at her friends act then turned to Rachel, a long with slight curls brown/blonde haired girl with vivid light green eyes, slim somewhat tan and muscular body, and wearing a dark green and light brown one piece swim suit, who said “I’m just glad to be out of Ms.Pope’s class. One more essay, and I would have killed her with that ‘lucky’ pencil she always carries around in her back pocket!!!” The group laughed at her comment and continued to the beach.

    The Sun was shining bright above the cloudless sky, and light was dancing off the oceans surface.

    “Hey, I’ll get the drinks and stuff while you all get the Usual Spot ready.” said calmly said to his friends as he headed towards the ‘Beach Shack’.

    The others headed towards there Usual Spot, which was located under two palm trees. Elisha sat under one of the palms and continued to draw. Shelby, Althea, and Rachel laid out there towels and sat on them and continued to talk ‘girl’ talk.

    Jordan slowly walked from the ‘Beach Shack’, skillfully carrying a surf board with drinks balanced on it, as if he’s done this dozen of times. He got to the Spot and placed the surf board carefully down then started to pass out drinks. “One ‘Coconut Water’ for Elisha, one ‘Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri’ for Althea, one ‘Coke Float’ for Rachel, one ‘Amp Float’ for Shelby, and one ‘Vanilla Shake’ for me.” Jordan then sat down in the sand next to his friends, as they all enjoyed there drinks.

    Shelby was the first to first her drink, so she put the empty cup in the trash, put some tanning/sunscreen lotion on, and then started her tanning process.

    Althea put her Daiquiri on Jordan’s surf board, and then asked Shelby, “Hey Shelby, can you put this sunscreen on my back please?” She then took out a bottle of sunscreen.

    “Sure” Shelby responded as she took the sunscreen and was about to put the sunscreen on her friend when she saw the label and she read ‘SPF 150’. Shelby busted out laughing “What the hell Althea!?! SPF 150?” she then showed her friends who laughed a little then continued to there drinks. Althea tried to get from Shelby but Shelby kept her away with her arm as she read more off the label. She then laugh harder this time and let go of the bottle, which Althea snatched up. “Emoland?!? You got that from Emoland!?!?!” Elisha stopped drawing and looked up at the girls with an odd expression. Jordan choked on his Shake then started to laugh also, and then Rachel smacked him in the back of the head. So he stopped laughing and rubbed the back head with a hurt expression and said “Ow…” quietly.

    “It was at half-price and I had a coupon from Sunday! I also can’t help it if I burn easily!” Althea exclaimed at her blonde friend who was laughing so hard she was crying.

    “Ignore her, Althea. Besides I do to sometimes even with sunscreen.” Rachel said to try to calm the shouting Althea, but they continued.

    After about ten minutes of Shelby’s and Althea’s ‘Episode’, everyone calmed down and continued to enjoy the day.

    Jordan looked up at the ocean, got up, and grabbed his surf board. “Wave time!” was all he said to them as he headed towards the water. As soon as he got in the ‘Nice waves’ started to come in. Jordan quickly paddled into the waves and quickly started to surf the waves the sea provided him.

    “How does he do that?” Elisha asked as he watched Jordan shred the waves.

    “Do what?" Rachel asked as she continued to read ‘People Magazine’.

    “How does he know when the good waves are coming and when the good waves aren’t coming? I ask myself that question every time he does that.” Elisha told his friends his thoughts.

    “Hell if I know.” Was all Shelby said as she turned onto to her stomach.

    “Maybes he’s half fish or something.” Althea commented as she finally finished her drink, and then threw it into a trash can a few feet away from them.

    “Let me ask you a question then Elisha. Why do you draw?” Rachel asked with a slight smile as she put her magazine down.

    “I guest it’s because I feel connected to drawing, and I get to create whatever I want.” Elisha replied honestly to Rachel who finished her Float and threw it away.

    “Well maybe Jordan has that same connection to the ocean.” Rachel explained to her friend as she sat back down. “Also maybe it’s the same connection I have to my gardening, and Althea’s connection to Ice sculpting in the winter. Maybe there all meant to be.” Rachel explained as she turned around to see Shelby with a can of Hairspray and a lighter as she was about to cook a Sea gull that was sleeping on her purse. Rachel waved the bird away before she could do anything then gave her a dissatisfied look. “Let’s hope it’s not the same connection with Shelby’s Firebug obsession….” she sighed as she face palmed herself.

    “Hehe, sorry old habit.” Shelby giggled as she put the stuff into her hand bag, and then turned over to continue to tan.

    As so as the waves stopped and settled, Jordan headed for shore and put his board head-up in the sand. He jogged over to his friends then shook his head crazily as the water from his hair drenched everyone.

    “What the f***!!” “Jordan!!” “It burns!” “My drawings!!” yelled his friend as they got wet.

    Jordan laughed as he sat next to his friends then happily said “It’s just water!”

    “Well maybe we didn’t want to get wet just yet.” Rachel snapped at him as she dried herself off. “I mean look at Elisha! You got his drawing wet and now he’s traumatized!” she pointed to the artist.

    “My precious…..Oh my precious….” Elisha quietly said over and over again as he hugged the Sketchbook.

    “Yeah what Rachel said! Now I got to put more sunscreen on!” Althea complained as she lathered more sunscreen onto herself.

    Shelby just plain out stuck her middle finger at Jordan and plainly smiled about it.

    Jordan just ignored Shelby’s insult and looked at the sun lit ocean that seemed to dance with glittering lights. He continued to look out at the horizon when something bright green washed up on shore. Curiosity got the better of him as he got up said “Be right back.” And head for the shore.
    Jordan came slowly back to the group with something hidden behind his back.

    “Jordan what do you have….?” Rachel asked as she tried to see what he was hiding behind his back. Althea and Shelby also looked up to see what he had.

    “Nothing…..” he replied with a sly smile.
    Elisha looked up and saw exactly what he had, and looked terrified as he covered up his sketchbook with his towels. “Don’t you dare-!” he was then cut off as Jordan revealed the green beach bucket that was filled full with water then splashed it onto his friends.

    “You! B****!” Shelby scream seeing her second handbag now soaked. She turned to him and launched herself at Jordan, who was laughing and running towards the ocean water.

    The others then put down there stuff and ran/splashed into the warm ocean water. Shelby was straggling Jordan when the others then tackled into them. Making them all go below the water. They all came back up laughing at each other at what just happened. They stayed in the water for quite some time while swimming, playing water games, and scaring each other (Elisha scared Rachel and Althea, making them think they were getting attacked by a shark).

    ( Hesitation )
    Then the Sun started to set beyond the horizon, making the water of the ocean turn a dark orange. They head for shore and started to collect there things when Elisha noticed something missing. “Where’s my sketchbook!? I had it right here!” he told his friends as he went through his stuff.

    “Don’t worrying Elisha. We’ll help you find it.” Rachel comforted him as she helped her friend search. The others then pitched in to him when all there stuff was together and ready to go. Shelby then was it on a sand dune a few yards from them.

    “It’s over there dumba**.” She sourly said to her artistic friend.

    “But he never went over there.” Althea pointed out to Shelby.

    “Who cares. Elisha just grab it so we can go.” Shelby sourly said again as she grabbed her now dry handbag.

    Elisha happily jogged over to the sand dune that had his sketchbook. He reached down to grab it with his left hand when a large black hole appeared beside it. A solid black hand came out, grabbed his hand and started to pull him in. Elisha screamed “GUYS HELP!!!!!!!” as he grabbed his sketchbook with his other hand and started to smack the hand with it. To no anvil, it didn’t let go.

    ( Tension Rising )
    The girls screamed at what was happing to there friend, his other four friends ran to hm. Althea was the first one to reach him, so she grabbed him and tried to pull him out of the hands grasp. Instead the hand pull Elisha into the hole, and now all they could see was Althea.

    The other three finally got to her as she yelled “I still have him, but now I’m stuck!”

    Shelby grabbed Althea by the waist, Rachel grabbed Shelby by the waist also, and Jordan did the same to Rachel. They all started to pull with all there might.

    Elisha slowly came out of the dark hole yelling and screaming “Get me the hell out! Get me the hell out!” over and over again.

    “Almost there…!” Jordan muttered with frustration noticing Elisha almost out of the black hole. Just as they were almost out of harms way, the black hole got three times bigger. Outstretched came an even bigger hand then before that reached out for them.

    HOLY S***!” Shelby screamed as the hand came closer to them.

    “Hold on to each other!” Rachel told them as the hand finally grabbed them and pulled them into darkness……..
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 23, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Akua WaterDragonKing card didn't work to well......
    Mother isn't happy....... Grounded for two weeks but if grades go back I get to get back on.....So bye...
    For now.....
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 10, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  5. Akua WaterDragonKing
    I wont get 300 post now, since someone de-posted me. What did I do? I didn't break any rules! I was having such a good day till now........

    EDIT: Sorry ment post. Just so mad....
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 7, 2010, 55 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Akua WaterDragonKing
    [And Hopefully have a name change!!! Hopefully........]
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 6, 2010, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Akua WaterDragonKing
    [Where do black people get there names? Do they go to a word scrambler, and put in a few letters? I mean come on! Who would name there child Shequita? Tyoguga? I get it if you just came straight from Africa but god......]
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 5, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Akua WaterDragonKing

    You know KHV

    [Alot of us normal members would be Premiums if post in the Spamzone counted :P]
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 5, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Akua WaterDragonKing

    A friend of mine just showed me this (Not telling names) while they were searching.
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, May 3, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Akua WaterDragonKing
    By Slime......

    I lmao for ten mintues after this.
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Mar 29, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Is something bad going to happen....
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Mar 22, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Okay yesterday in Geometry, I had an Idea to draw Axel and Larxene fighting against each other. Drew Axel first and finished him that night. The next day in Spanish Class I colored him with colored pencils very nicely, then I started on Larxene (It didn't start out well, had to erase like 10 times for her head and face.) Then my spanish decides to take the picture, tear it up and throw it away!!! She told me to "pay attention" in spanish. I was about to punch her dead in the face while in my head I said "YOU *****!" but instead my friend got me first and calm me down......(Shes really good at that) I been mad ever since this........Still am actually. I started another......but It's not the same! :cryinganime:
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Feb 19, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Akua WaterDragonKing
    EDIT: OMG.......I hit the 'U' when I was spelling "Haiku" for the title........If a Mod sees this please fix this.......Please....
    I'm making this a place where people can rate and reply about my Haiku's, and maybe right some of there own!
    Don't be so mean about it either. If one is bad just tell me or the other person it is. Just don't curse me or them out about it. Okay? Thanks, and enjoy!~ Akua

    The Beach

    The Ocean is calm.
    As the Seagulls humm their tune.
    Tranquility sings.

    The Pack

    The Wolves howl their song.
    As the moon shines alnight long
    Dawn's door greets them all.

    The Light

    Can you feel the Light?
    Flowing through your own skin?
    Protecting your Heart......
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Jan 12, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Akua WaterDragonKing
    This Story is based after my Rp (But I was going to make it a story first but got to impaient) Hope you all like it! And don't forget to comment on it!

    .:Rise: of:the:White:Wolf:.​

    Long ago when the Eight Gods of the Elements decided to make a World of there own. Where they would watch there children grow and thrive. First the Goddess of Fire, Farhene along with the Earth Goddess, Gaiena, formed the firm land. Saika and Sirenus cooled it down with there Icy and Cool winds. Gaiena then brought forth the plants of this wondrous world. Neptunis made the Oceans and Rivers of the World, while Thora made Rain Storms,both of them making it so that life could continue. Godith and Zaries, created the laws and Balances to keep the world together. Then Godith created the Sun and Moon, while Zaries created the Starry Sky that only shows at night."

    After a few hundred years after they created it, and watched there world grow, they decided to give it Life that could inhabit and take care of the Earth. Neptunis created the Fish and Sea Creatures in the Oceans and Rivers. Sirenus and Thora created the Birds and Creatures of the Sky. Saika created creatures who could withstand the Chillness of her territory. Farhene created creatures that could withstand and even live in Fire and the hot molten Earth within it. Gaiena created the creatures of the Forest, Plains, and Mountains. Godith wanted to create beings that looked and acted like the other Gods and himself, each one with there different personalities, and special in there own ways, but could not live forever. So from Godith's light, he created Humans, and yet he wanted to create one more being. He saw the Wolves in Gaiena's forest. He asked her if he could use a few of them. She happily agreed to her brother. He took some of his Humans and the wolves and turned there bodies and souls into light and started to mix the lights together. Once he was done, he created the Werewolves, to Guard and protect this wonderful World of there’s. Zaries saw this and was angered by it, so he created with his anger......Vampires.

    As the Gods watched, the Vampires suck the Life out the Living beings they created, just to feed there never ending hunger. The Werewolves fought back, but as more died, more became Vampires (But the Werewolves), so they were out-numbered. The Gods saw what was becoming of there World as Life started too died. So all of Gods, even Zaries who finally saw through his anger, decided to choose a being who may control all there powers, and protect the World and there brotheren. They chose a Werewolf Leader named Clawsren, to take the post. As there powers were infused in him he lost all the color of his hair and fur, all was left was a White coat, and with all the Elements stirring in him and with his will, his Eyes turned a Dark blue. Clawsren attacked the Vampires with the other Werewolves, and created a shield to keep them out of this Mystic area and only them. Peace came quickly afterwards, and the Earth started to heal. For thousands of years there was Peace..........Until the shield broke.....

    The Vampires came and broke the shield that keep them out and attacked the Werewolves and other inhabits to have there land and stop the all the good they were giving to the land. The King of the Vampires, Thane, and all his Mages and Swordsmen defeated The White Werewolf, but as he died he said he would one day he will be reincarnated with enough power to overthrow the Vampires. Then he disappeared into white light and was gone. After that event the Vampires have enslaved the Werewolves for centuries. Treating them like nothing but servants and outcast. The Werewolves finally broke from them and started a War against them, to make sure they are never enslaved again. Now they are loosing very badly, all of them believeing the White Wolf will never really return......

    Now our story shifts to a little Galley name 'Silver Moon Inn' where our story begins.


    "What are we to do? Our men are dying, and the sick are not doing so good either, and were still fighting...." said a Brown haired man as he took a sip of rum from his mug.

    "Yes.....but what else are we to do? Go up to the Vampires and surrender with our tails between our legs? I don't think so!" a dirty blonde waitress said as she collected what was left of her costumer's meals from different tables. "I mean we can't quit! If we do, then everything will go back to the way it was! When we Were's we treated like dirt under our feet."

    The man smirk, "You keep right on thinking that, you well know we are all doom."

    The woman slammed the dishes onto the counter. "Don't say that!"

    "You know it's true!"

    "No! It isn't!"

    "The only thing that can save us is the White Wolf of legend." he sighed as finished his rum.

    "That’s not true and you know it Brian. A werewolf as white as the heavens with eyes blue as the sapphire sky, and powers beyond that of a Mage or any living creature? That’s impossible." the lady said as he went back to wash the dishes.

    "That’s why I said it Jessica. It's impossible to win now....." Brian sighed as he grabbed his walking stick.

    "Brian! What did I just tell you..."

    "MOM!" came a scared voice from one of the back rooms behind the counter.

    "Jordan?! What wrong?!" his mother said as she ran to his door, Brian right behind her on his cane.

    "It's happened......." moaned the boy behind the wooden door, which was locked.

    "What happened?" Brian asked as he got close to the door to hear better.

    "It's happened Uncle Brian.......I shifted......." came shaky voice again.

    "You shifted?! Into a wolf!? Finally?! Show us lad!" Uncle Brian glad what was happening.

    "Yes my dear son show us!" his mother said cheerfully

    "Okay..." the door show a pure White Wolf boy with Dark Blue eyes.

    "Oh my dear moon......How?" His Mother said as she cover her mouth and looked at her brother, who looked back at her both confused.
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Dec 30, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Akua WaterDragonKing
    So far I drawn three......I am now drawing the Main Evil character and the Older version of Riku



    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Dec 1, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Akua WaterDragonKing
    I got bored at Lunch the other day and drew this. Pretty good huh? lol
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Dec 1, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Finally! I'm fifthteen and have a car!.......But not able to drive it yet.....
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Nov 29, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Akua WaterDragonKing
    I want a Pokeman name to! :why?:
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Nov 24, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Okay......I feel ******ed to ask this......but I forgot how to make a picture in a sig, a link also. Can someone help me?
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Nov 24, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Akua WaterDragonKing

    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Nov 19, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone