What do you think would most likely happen after everone has had a drink...or two... and who it would involved... GO!GO!GO!
It's so bright outside >_<
http://www.swordsdirect.com/trident-swords.html but I don't have a credit card/paypal D;
[I want one!!!] D; (jk)
Well since my hard first semister is over (FINALLY), I have alot of extra time! I missed this site alot, but I had to study for my classes. Nope I get to spend time with my KH-pals! :=D:
After three horrible months without Internet and Kh-vids. I goten a Laptop for Christmas! so no more Dad messing up the Computer ever AGAIN! :D I just went through the news I missed (ALOT) I can't believe we have a podcast now! Once I get iTunes on here I'm requesting that! I hope someone atleast missed me alittle bit...
Avatar size: As big as possible image: http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff177/starlight2013/2009-07-21-180397.jpg text: Friends till the End font: Anything that fits really nicely... details: I want it on Roxas's face first then to Xion's then whited out light a shinning light then the Words come one-by-one Other: none Thanks to ever does this for me. It really means alot to me..
A friend I have know since 1st grade just killed himself last night. I been feeling mix emotions all day..... I don't know wheather I should cry, or yell at the world......... Yeah...... EDIT: Sorry I just relized what section I'm in Can someone move it for me?
What are we going to name this hacker attack? I say we name it KHVA- The Kh-vids Attack or maybe the Hack Attack 8D
Well I'm going to the mountians for a family Reunion (ungrettably) . I'll be back in two days. Bye till then. :P
Skip to 2:28 and you'll see what I mean lol
And no this is not a KHV dream, but it does have to with Kingdom Hearts and Disney.... Here it is: Okay I dreamed that Disney opened a Kingdom Hearts theme park at the beach front! It was divided into 6 different parks (It was basically shaped like a star from above so I'll tell where they are using Cardinal Directions). Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden in the Northwest Park, The World That Never Was in the North park, Destiny Islands on a man-made Island in the Northeast, The Land of Departure in the Southeast Park, Castle Oblivion in the Southwest Park, and Twilight Town in the middle park. Above ALL the parks is a Giant Kingdom Hearts balloon (It glows even in the daylight! :D) that is connect to each of the main theme of each park. Moogles (Yes even Organization XIII ones) are EVERYWHERE in the parks to help you, and give you information. Okay when you enter ANY of the parks for get a Keyblade Card. This cards tells your "Name", rank, and a picture of your Keyblade which you get to design once you’re in one of the parks at the Keyblade Arsenal, You can use the computers in the place to make your keyblade out of different parts from the Games or use the Tech-no-Sketch to create one from scratch. Then after to your finished a machine in the parks actually MAKES it (Don't know out of what) and you attached to a belt that goes around your shoulder around the park and take it home with you for next time. Okay time for details for each park. Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden: Okay the one thing that you see first is the Castle, On one side of the Castle is the way it looked in Birth By Sleep, while the opposite side looks like it did in Kingdom Hearts. The village looks exactly like it did in KHII even Merlin's house was there! Well in front of Merlin’s house Yuffie and the gang (expect Leon and Cloud) were informing everyone about how important it is to keep the place spotless from any Heartless or Nobodys, and if they see any, knock them out with your keyblade (There mechanical operated robots, not people xD) and bring back the heart they drop to them to receive a Radiant Garden Committee member sticker to put on you Keyblade Master Card. In the Castle to can find Ansem the Wise in his Computer room trying to debug it. He needs "your" help to help Tron delete the virus. He "teleports" you through a door. Tron meets you on the other side and then you get out your keyblade and started hitting the Heartless with everyone till the virus is gone. Merlin also has his own "Magic" roller coaster that goes around the whole park. In the Gaily, you can meet up with Leon and Cloud to play a Heartless-whacking mini-game with your keyblade. The Castle That Never Was: Ofcourse there’s The Castle That Never Was in the middle of the dark city (The towers there too, but it's being use as the Keyblade Arsenal). Well you walk up the bridge into the Castle you are meet by Xaldin who warns you to be weary of the Nobodys inside, tells you he has no control over them once you get inside, he rolls his eyes, and says continue on. You keep walking until you end up in Xigbar's Shooting Gallery which you attach your Keyblade to a holster and start shooting at the enemys of the Organization (But if you hit Larxene which is REALLY RARE because she's really fast, you get to steal everyone's score at the time and add it to yours.) Xigbar then awards the winner a Organzation XIII autographed sketchbook (Including Xian), Then you end up in Demy’s Rhythmical Dancepad where people can hang out, play some instrumental games, and dance to there hearts contempt with Demyx as there host. Next is Luxord's TCG room from card games of every kind is being played and with Luxord as their "King of Games". At the very tip top you can either watch Xemnas and Saix discuss "how much they miss there hearts and how they will do anything to get them" speech or you can ride the Nobody Racer which is a roller coaster based off the vehicle that Sora and Riku used to fight Xemnas with. Destiny Islands: Okay this is at the beach like in the game. The town is on the main shore while the Island is on the man-made Island. (The town is ALL shops) You take a ferry to the Island. You are welcomed by Tidus, Wakka, and Stephie. In the Island you can find Kairi teaching people how to make Goodluck charms. Riku and Sora are in the back of the Island. They really up kids for there teams for a race (Yes the same race in KH) because they want to see who the better Coach is. Aside from that you can relax, swim there, or even sit in Sora's, Riku's, and Kairi's favorite spot on the Paupu tree to hag out with your friends. Land of Departure: Okay you get into the Castle (Anyway in to the park you must enter through the Castle) you meet Master Erauqs (There are multiple) and he welcomes you to the Land of Departure then you follow him the exam room, since he is now going to test you to need if any of you are skilled enough to be ranked “Keyblade Master”. He gives you special glasses to wear, tell you to get out your keyblade, then he says begin. Orbs of Light and Darkness appear before and you have to destroy as many of them as you can in a limited time. (The glasses are actually making you see the orbs, and as you slash through the images, they send a signal to the score board to keep score). You can then adventure through the castle. When you get out side you find the courtyard, and then in the distance you can see Aqua and Terra sparing each other, and you can fight along side them too. You get into teams of two like Riku’s, and Sora’s game, put on foam armor, and then fight a opponent on the opposite team. If you keep walking down the field and find Ventus near a Giant Canyon. All armored up, and on his Keyblade Ride. He then invites you all to a race. You got into the “Hut”(It’s actually quite big) pit an armor design of your size (Aqua’s, Ven’s, or Terra’s), the armor then changes color to match your keyblade. Then you place your keyblade into an analyzer machine that then actually BUILDS your Ride to your design your ride. (When you’re done, they take them back apart to reuse every part again). You get on, and GO! If you beat Ventus, you receive a Trophy with your Keyblade Rise as the top piece. (Sorry, but I didn’t see Master Xahanort or Vantias ANYWHERE. D: ) Castle Oblivion: The only way to enter this park is through the same Path and Giant Door that Sora came in at in COM. When you walk in you are greeted by Marluxia with a empty smile and a “Hello”. You may ask him questions but only about the Castle and no other. (He was strict about this for some reason :/ ) You navigate through the door ways and chambers (It is a HUGE Maze that seems to change like every 10 minutes) you would eventually end up in Larxene’s Beauty Shop. Where girls can buy clothes, make-up and even get there nails done by Larxene herself. The further you go in you shall find Vexen’s lab, he sees you and wants to do experiments on you. He then sends his imperfect clones to fetch you (More like zombie’s then clones) You must find a exit in all the junk-up lab before they catch or you get experimented on (He actually just sends you back at the beginning of the maze. Like when you die :P). It could be ANYWHERE. (I found it in the lab coat cabinet! ;D ) You then either end up in Zexion’s Reading Corner (Where you read from his ENORMUS library) or Lexaeus’s Dojo (Where you can learn battle tactics from Lexaeus himself!) At the very end is Namine’s Art Studio, where you can either look at all her drawings or you can draw and have Namine examine it. Twilight Town: The Best for last right? Well the whole Town looks like it did KHII ( except there is no “back alley” or “Usual Spot” ). There’s lots of shops in the Tran Common area. Go to the Sandlot area to “Struggle”! (Like they depicted in the anime version) with Roxas, Axel, and Xion as Host. They also added Judges for some reason, but they were Setzer, Sifer, and ViVi. (I came in second and lost to some Hayner-looking guy……). The real Hayner, Pence, and Ollete were passing out Sign Up Forms. Head up the hill to the Tower. (You can buy Sea-Salt Ice cream near the bottom! :D ) Then head up the Tower to where Roxas, Axel, and Xion come to hang out at (They put up fences so no one would fall down). The Tower is even a working Cloak Tower, and when it rings you can hear it from ALL they parks. The parks also seemed to change to whatever holiday (Christmas, Halloween, 4t of July, etc) Well that’s my dream. I don’t know how I remembered it all, but I did! xD
[ I created a facebook account! Now I'm awaiting for my friends to accept my request......]
I NEED to make a facebook account because I feel really unconnected to friends lately because they always saying "So this happened on FB" or "Remember that conversion on FB we all had?" But my parents won't let because of "Predictor" issues (I think I'm smart enogh to not tell my ACTUAL location. :P ) Then my friend said if I make one, they'll never know since they don't have one. So should I obay my parents rule or should I make one behind there back and hope for the best? *I forgot "NEVER" in the 'Yes' choice box. Sorry for confusing you all!*
[I'm watching Shark week. Who knew sharks could fly?]
Since theres a LOT of beautiful Songs in BBS. I decided to make a thread so people expression there feelings in a description on one particular Song or a number of Songs from this Game. You can also rate that Song or Songs from a scale to 1 to 10 Rules: 1. Follow the KHV rules of this section (SPOILERS), along with the KHV Fourm rules 2. You must name the Song or number of Songs you like 3. Put the title of the Song like this -> "Title" 4. Your description needs to to make sense (MEANING NO TEXT TYPING, GANGSTER TALK, ETC) and must be atleast two sentences (REAL SENTENCES) 5. You can rate the Song or Songs, your choice. 6.You must have some sort of link to the Song or Songs. Wheather it be a Direct link, Youtube link, etc. 7. If you disagree on a person's view on a particular Song, don't shout or spam them about it. Nicely "Quote" them and NICELY say why you disagree. "Terra's Theme" Description: This song seems to really invengerate you somehow. I imagine that someone or an army is getting geared up before a great battle is about to come. The perfect theme for Terra and his adventure ahead. Rate: 10/10 "Ventus's Theme" Description: Spoiler The first time I heard this song I was very depressed. Now that I know what awaits Ventus, it actually fits pretty well. I was hopeing he have more of a "action filled" and "quick" theme, but I can't be picky. Rate: 8/10 "Aqua's Theme" Description: Spoiler I actually saw this as a perfect theme for her. After finding out what happens to her, and all the things she does just for her friends.... It really can bring tears to your eyes.... Rate: 10/10 "Unversed Boss ~ Version 1" Description: Does the word "DDR" flash in your head? I can really see me and my friends just trying to do this song on a DDR mat xD. To be honest, it sounds like a fast paced Tron battle song remix. Anyway, very energy filled and really balances out when the violin comes to play in it. Rate: 9.5/10 "Dearly Beloved - Birth By Sleep version" Description: 77Flashfire on Youtube- Couldn't have said it better myself. Just got one thing to add to it. The violins add even more affect to the song and really makes you want to cry your heart out instead of just getting teary-eyed. Rate: 10/10 "Vantias Battle" Description: To me, the first few seconds sound like some bizarre Metroid battle. Then when it transfers to that what sounds like an awesome action filled Avatar-TLA battle. (To be honest, they should've had something like this when Aang faced the Firelord) Rate: 10/10
Can you guess who finally gets to be in it? The Sun God, Amterasu! http://g4tv.com/videos/47620/Comic-Con-10-Marvel-vs-Capcom-3-Amaterasu-Trailer/ Other videos are HERE Even though I don't have a 360 or PS3(yet) I would like to say this one sounds really better then the other ones, and that they finally have Amterasu really blows my mind. Anyone else's view of the game so far?
I thought I saw Mike! [No seriously, me and my friends were at Water Counrty USA and we wanted to ride Jet Stream, well as we got our tubes and got in line. I heard this dude talking to his girlfriend, and the voice sound fimalia but I ingored it and continuesd to talk my friends. Well my friend Chris decided to to be an a**hole and tackle me while I wasn't looking ang I went into the guy infront of us. I said sorry and in looked up to see what I believe was Mike! I'm not kidding around! He talked, and looked like him! I asked him if his name was Mike but it was David. I would have told you guys sooner but I had internet problems. :P]
Did anyone miss me? I missed this place! The reason why I haven't been on is because our internet connection some how lost it's responder or something? Don't ask me, thats what the computer guy said when he FINALLY came after we called them two weeks ago.... Spoiler Anyway, for those of you who are wanting to know about about the pictures and Chapter 3 of my story (Link is in my siggy for those of you who don't know about it) I got one more picture to go of the next pictures I'm drawing and then I'm done with drawing my Orginal Characters, and I just have a few finishing touches to do to Chapter 3 and then I'll finish what few paragraphs I have left of Chapter 4.
My friend and I use to do this on Serebii all the time but that was before Serebii stopped working for me..... Anyway, the time has come to get that feeling back and share it with others! All you need is a Generation IV Game, a DS or DSi Then once you got all that, go to your "Pal Pad" on the game to get your "Friend Code" which is needed for this whole thing to work. Once you find it, post it on here so I can keep record of everyone's code. So everyone can battle as much as they want. Once we have enogh people for a tournament we'll start one, but until then we'll just battle each other. Recorded Players Friend Codes: Akua- 3352-0084-4523