Happens all the time-- Cold.
Hug for you cause I don't roll that way. :D
I win! yay...
Banned for being offline right now.
Member No: 2488
One. You really must hate us...
...Lol :D I'm super mega special wicked bored..
TwentyTwo. Okay Okay...I really want those books...:(
:3 I feel loved! Lol..Whats up?
Twenty. Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!
lol Super mege special wicked awesome secrete handshake!
Iris GooGoo Dolls
Seventeen..almost had what?
Kiss for pkl.
SixTeen.. Ugh...
A Hug For You.
Forteen. Told You.. >.>
Ten. Your going to get it this time..
Kiss. Well that suck..
Eight. Bleh I'm bored :|