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  1. exile0025

    bunny skillz

    i dont know bout u but this bunny has some mad skillz
    Thread by: exile0025, Feb 20, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. exile0025
    i found this pic a while back and just now i thought about posting it.
    i dont remember where i found it(it as 2 years ago)
    Thread by: exile0025, Feb 14, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. exile0025

    Busou Renkin

    has anyone heard about it?
    its not bad.
    Thread by: exile0025, Nov 30, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. exile0025
    which is better?
    Thread by: exile0025, Nov 30, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. exile0025
    as the title says
    its called phantasy star universe: Ambition of Illuminus
    dose any one know anything about it?
    all i know is its release date 11-20-07

    (is this the right place for this thread)
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 27, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. exile0025
    i need help downloading these songs,dose anyone know where i can download them?
    i would like them in full version

    1.moonlight,from megamanx6
    2.sky2high,from air gear or never,from astro boy
    4.over soul,from shaman king
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 21, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Music
  7. exile0025
    its what the title says.
    you can make and post more than one made by the dream avatar at
    or something else(if you do,post the site)or your own artwork.
    just 2 rules
    1.have fun with it
    2.put some feeling into it
    here's 2 of mine.
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 21, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. exile0025


    i was wondering why are some peoples user name is a different color?
    if i posted this in the worng place im sorry ididnt where to put it
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 19, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. exile0025


    whats your fav quotes

    ''that almost look heroic sir''
    "a momentary lapes i asure you"

    beast wars
    "one lonely turncoat battleing on against impossible,odds im almost touch,fortunitly such moments past quickly"

    yu yu hakusho
    "id say this'll hurt me more than it dose you,but i dont like to lie!''

    jak 3
    ''you know the drill"
    "yeah we do all the work,you take all credit"

    "sir what are we eating"
    "that information is highly classifide but i blieve its code name is..mashd potatoes"
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 14, 2007, 47 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. exile0025
    as the title says
    did anyone notice the outfit the guy with the helmit is wearing looks alot like rikus dark outfit
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 10, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. exile0025


    i've been checking this place for a week and decided to join
    i hope i make a friend or 2
    Thread by: exile0025, Oct 9, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures