[color=magenta]I try. That's normally what works for me.
[color=magenta]Fine. Give her a list of all your free days and tell her to pick one. If she's not available for any of them, pick a day three...
[color=magenta]Put it in her hands then. Tell her to pick a day and you'll free your schedule.
[color=magenta]I know. That's normally what I do. But people be weird.
[color=magenta]Some people just can't say no to people. It's weird.
[color=magenta]Ah. That probably means she doesn't, but doesn't want to risk insulting you with a "no". Give it a week. Or a month. She might want...
[color=magenta]I should. There's one downtown that's pretty good. And one on the south side. And one on the west end. And one on that one stretch...
[color=magenta]Yup. My library is terrible. Well, no, it's pretty good, but for practical comic reading purposes, it kind of sucks.
[color=magenta]Hmmm... A bunch of New 52 ones, a bunch of the more popular ones like No Man's Land and Killing Joke, some random ones that people...
[color=magenta]I just started recently. I'm trying to read as much as I can but my library is crazy limited and the online site I use doesn't have...
[color=magenta]I know. She was also the fourth Robin. The only girl Robin (besides Carrie Kelly, but that's an alternate future).
[color=magenta]She was in Batman Eternal as Spoiler, but I've never seen her as Batgirl, so this is really interesting.
[color=magenta]For the rest of Convergence, it's Stephanie. But Barbara is going back to it after.
[color=magenta]Kind of? Haven't gotten to Crisis on Infinite Earths yet. My library doesn't carry them... It's been pretty interesting so far. The...
[color=magenta]It's this DC thing where they're combining all their continuities and universes and having them fight it out. It's for two months....
[color=magenta]Not much. Work. Internet. Super excited because Convergence is a thing now. It's a DC thing. Yup.
First step: Take the little pack of flavouring that they give you and chuck it. Good. Now add your own stuff. Want chicken ramen? Chicken stock, sage, rosemary. Beef stock is good with dried chilis and cumin. Garlic powder, basil, oregano and pepper for all flavours. Soy sauce and oyster sauce are good options. For vegetables, add anything. Harder veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli) should go in when you start the water boiling so they have time to soften. Softer veggies (bok choy, snow peas, cabbage) or frozen stuff can go in after you add the noodles. Protein. Chop strips of meat, fast fry them and toss them in when the soup is done. Or just put them in the pot after you put in the noodles and let them boil into cooked-ness. Crack an egg into the soup after you put in the noodles. Not my favourite way of doing it, but my brother really enjoys. Adds substance. Or boil the egg, slice it and go from there. Of course ramen tastes like cardboard. It basically is cardboard. It's not good for you because there isn't anything in it. Adding stuff makes it taste better and will probably prevent scurvy. Have fun!
[color=magenta]On the plus side, I now know a lot of good Batman fics. So, what's new?
[color=magenta]Sorry. I haven't read it yet.
[color=magenta]Cool. Like that Fallout Pony one you sent me that one time? Which I haven't read?