[color=magenta]The Batman.
[color=magenta]Huh. Water balloons.
[color=magenta]Everyman. What word game are we playing anyways?
Batman. It's based on a fanfic she read. Mostly because she wanted to work on her art without having to write a story as well.
[color=magenta]2 times the pencils.
Not kidding. I'm betaing a comic right now. When she finishes a page, she sends it over. Within the day, it is spell checked and the art is gone over and suggestions made on licence plates. Then she edits, sends back, lather, rinse, repeat until it is awesome. Then a month later we go over it and realize we wrote "thought" instead of "though" and both somehow missed it and we freak out about how useless we are. Then we get paranoid and recheck each page and then business as usual. All thanks to Skype.
You should get their Skype. Then you can talk to them whenever.
[color=magenta]Hooray! Waiting is boring though. Hmmm... We should play a game. I'll start. Tomato.