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  1. feanaro
    Saule walked into Mr. Wheeler’s kitchen, opened the average sized refrigerator, and gasped when he found the largest refrigerator interior he had ever seen.

    “He must have connections with the food storage gods or something!†Saule thought.

    Saule poured himself a glass of orange juice and poured Mr. Wheeler a glass of soda. Afterward he stuck four small solar panels in different hard-to-see places in the kitchen.

    Saule walked back into the room with the glasses in hand, and sat down handing the soda to Mr. Wheeler.

    “Who am I?†Saule had repeated the question for dramatic effect, “I am Saule Posse, or do you mean my name when I was human that was . . . umm . . . Saul Mathew Ariganello. Perhaps you mean my god name and my ‘story’ as it were, but that is something I tell to people I trust and I do not trust you, yet. Maybe a show of good faith can persuade me to change my mind.†Saule took a sip of his juice and out it on the table. “So are you going to tell what happened or notâ€
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. feanaro
    “Let me lay all the cards out on the table. One, I know that you had dinner with an old god tonight, but that is all. Two, neither of us particularly like my benefactor. And putting one and two together to make three, if you tell me who you dined with and why; I will not tell Her that the incident happened at all.â€

    Saule still had no proof that the person Wheeler had eaten with was an old god; Mr. Wheeler had played it very close to the chest, and Saule was impressed.

    Saule leaned back in his chair and after almost falling backward sat up again. “Why don’t you consider my proposal while I get us drinks? Where is your icebox and what will you have?"

    Saule may have been impressed by Mr. Wheeler's coolheadedness, but he was still trying to keep Wheeler off balance.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. feanaro
    "How could you let it get so out of hand? The meeting is a secret, but it will not be if more incidents like that one occur. She does not want old gods in the city right now."

    Saule took off his sunglasses, and looked at Mr. Wheeler unblinkingly.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. feanaro
    Someone who has very bad *ahem* cough
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. feanaro
    Saule took a seat. He could see his forwardness was annoying Mr. Wheeler which was exactly how he wanted things to be, if Mr. Wheeler took a passive stance Saule would be in complete control of the conversation.

    "First let me ask you question. Have you seen anything interest on the news lately? . . . No. she had to stop all the news bulletins about all the cops who were burned alive at the mall, and instead there is some stupid special interest story about the spiritual aspect of cat fish or something. She may be interested to know what happened."
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. feanaro
    Saule stepped through the door; it seemed as though Wheeler had been telling the truth when he said he was alone.

    Mr. Wheeler looked somehow "bigger" than a man his size should be and Saule felt slightly intimidated, and would much prefer to have Mr. Wheeler sit down.

    "She does not want anything in specific. I want you to think of this more as a, shall we say, social visit, although I would like to know a few things. Would you like to sit down?"
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. feanaro
    Mr. Wheeler had not said anything incriminating, but Saule was not ready to give his bluff up yet.

    "At the Chinese restaurant, you were having dinner with someone you should not have had dinner with."

    Saule had been examining the room over Mr. Wheeler's rather large shoulder and now attempted to step through the door without an invitation to investigate further.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. feanaro
    Thanks for your help, all of you.

    Gharanth: thank you for the compliment; I have tried many avatars and I the one I have now best. I also like yours, and in fact I was once (and to an extent still am) known as "inu-yasha boy" at my local comic shop.

    Mr. Boom: Like the avatar! Grasias for speaking mi language. I was having fun before you told me to so just for you I will stop having fun.

    *Roxas*: You have one of the coolest pictures of Itachi I have ever seen; where did you get it?

    Mish: Thank you for the info about the rules.

    The_Burger_King: Thank you for the info about the rules.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. feanaro
    "My name is Saule, although I very much doubt that is of very much significance to you. I saw you earlier tonight in a very compromising position" Saule was lying through his teeth (he personally had seen nothing), but he hoped that his ploy might trick Mr. Wheeler into tipping his hand.

    "I imagine you know who I work for, and what kind of trouble you might be in?"
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. feanaro
    Saule talked to the waiter at the Chinese restaurant, and learned that a man matching Wheeler's description had eaten with a woman who the waiter seemed incapable of describing properly.

    This information led Saule to believe that Mr. Wheeler could have been meeting with a god, probably an old one. Thankfully there were no security cameras in the restaurant and Saule had told no one that Mr. Wheeler had been there.

    Saule would have given Mr. Wheeler the benefit of the doubt in most cases, but he had to find out the truth, because in Saule's current position an advantage was a must.

    Saule headed toward the nearest metro station to go to Mr. Wheelers last known address and clear things up. After short, god ability boasted train ride to a station that had been closed some years ago and a quick walk, Saule came upon Mr. Wheeler's residence, and gave a fast, but loud, knock on the door.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. feanaro
    Saule stood talking to the police officer, but was getting nowhere. It was apparent that this man would give him no information of value without the proper incentive. After emptying his wallet Saule knew that the On Star in the had asked for directions to a Chinese restaurant about an hour ago. From what he had heard about Mr. Wheeler's eating habits he imagined he was still there and would be for sometime.

    He had been sent to follow Mr. Wheeler after his benefactor had seen the comution in the mall and lost track of him. Apparently, three old gods were spotted in the mall and there was a worry that Mr. Wheeler had done like one of his SUVs and flipped over to the other side, and should that be the case Saule had a very distasteful job.

    Saule sighed and wondered if this had really been the choice after the unpleasant incident several years (or maybe months, time traveled kind of funny anymore) ago.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. feanaro

    Soy un newb

    Anyone who can tell me what to do should be not afraid to not help me
    Ohh and by the way my name is feanaro please leave message at the bottom. . . of the page . . . where there is a message box.
    Thread by: feanaro, Feb 1, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. feanaro
    Starting a character

    Name: Saule Posse
    God Name: Solaris
    God of: Solar Power
    Culture: hippies?
    Background: An engineer who decided that simply working on solar power was not enough and devoted himself to ridding the world of unclear energy. He started a group with an ultimate goal the same as his own, which use guerrilla tactics to stop oil drilling and nuclear power research. Martyring himself to the cause, Saule sabotaged several dozen oil tankers, dying when accidentally looking into the sun, he blinded himself and fell from the tanker to his death. The order he founded still exists but is no longer willing to resort to any means for the cause, but he, even past death and as a god, still is.
    Appearance in human form: medium height (5’10”ish), mess blond hair, always wears sunglasses to cover his eyes that look like sunglasses themselves, usually wears a Hawaiian shirt, (rather long) shorts, and flip flops, his nails are black
    Appearance in god form: very tall (7 foot or bigger depending on the lighting), all skin black with white line patterns running all over his body, has a scar on his chest, looks somewhat similar to the twilight people in the new Zelda game: TP.
    Weapons: black dagger (actually very brittle but when changed with light energy pack a punch)
    Abilities: Able to see through any, charged, solar powered devices, Body is covered with an almost invincible (to melee attacks) in the light, can power electric devices . . . other surprises yet to come (actually just one), does not need to eat, can see well in dark, can create flashes of light
    Weaknesses: When in dark has limited power supply, not actually very physically strong (brittle in fact), fear of heights (because of the way he died)
    Alignment: New (but not averse to working with old gods.)

    Baby's first post, these are the times we cherish!
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home