Saule got into the car, and before even closing the door, he reclined the seat, moved it as far back as possible, and adjusted the headrest. He then closed the door and put on his seat belt. "The Regina is not on any traditional maps. So, unless this car is somehow as special as we are I will have to give you directions. Just head toward Pasadena for now."
*filled with sarcasm*Wow, it was impossible to guess you name Sara. I would have never checked your sig *still filled with sarcasm* Hey, you live near me. Please don't hunt me down and kill me for being sarcastic*not filled with sarcasm . . . honestly* nivek si eman ym
Believe, Disturbed
"Messenger? No. Radar putter-back-onner? Yes. You found one of the few restaurants that She did not have an outpost in. And this close to the meeting with old gods in the city, and especially in your case Mr. Wheeler, she does not trust you (not that she trusts anyone)." Saule looked at Mr. Wheeler's Prius. Although it was not as clean as solar power it was certain; it was cleaner than most things on the road. "Nice car." Saule commented, and circled around to the passenger side placing solar panels in each of the wheel holes he passed.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Good Charlotte
Manic Depression by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
The answer The problem is the step where he divides both sides by (a-b) a=b so (a-b)=0 and since you cannot divide by 0 the logic is fundamentally flawed in this case he said that (a-b)/(a-b)=1 which is the same as 0/0=1 which is not true. QED The problem here is a fairly common misconception that I myself had for a while. The belief that squareroot(a+b)=squareroot(a)+squareroot(b) put in context: 49+144=193 squareroot(49+144)=squareroot(193) or squareroot(193)=squareroot(193) not squareroot(49)+squareroot(144)=squareroot(193) which is not true although squareroot(a x b)=squareroot(a) x squareroot(b) Sorry to nicklamda and Shadow
I am personally very awkward around people when I see them out of context, but there is a really good example that relates. One summer I went to a camp that was very into emotionally expressing yourself, and I revealed a lot about myself and some very personal feelings. Afterwards I never thought I would see any of them again, but it turned out that one of the girls who was at the camp also went to a school near mine. So we would see each other on the transit sometimes and I was always worried that she might bring up something that I did not want to talk about in front of my friends. It has not gotten much less awkward for me.
Saule stood next to Mr. Wheeler in the elevator, trying and failing to whistle "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park which had somehow gotten stuck in his head while he was in Wheeler's apartment. Saule looked at Mr. Wheeler who looked as though giving a ride to a person who had invaded his apartment and had a chance of having been sent to kill him was the last thing he wanted to at god-knows-what-hour o'clock. Hey, who wouldn't look that way? Saule tried to put Mr. Wheeler's mind at ease. "I was not sent to kill you. I was only sent to find out where you where. You had dropped completely off Her radar, and believe me, there are very few places in this city that are off Her radar." The elevator came to the parking garage.
Okay I accept that it would be a but much to cover in one post so let's start small. Who were the aliens? I my opinion they were in fact somehow linked to the divine.
What if you met someone that you knew from the site in real life in safe context like you both found out you went to the same school. Not that one your friends recommended you to the site but that someone you had not known outside the site met you on the outside. Do you think it would be awkward? (a lot of people share some pretty personal stuff here) Do you think you could have a friendship online and have it transfer to the real world? Do you think most people have different personalities online? How different? P.S. I'm not sure if this is "intelligent" enough for "intelligent discussion" so I put it here anyway.
Does anyone no what the H. Lain is supposed to be about and what it all means? I have some ideas, but I want to see other people's first.
Saule could see that Mr. Wheeler was tired, and he was was tired too as a matter of fact. She had made him stay inside doing work most of the previous day and his power was fairly low at the moment. He also remembered that the oil gods might possibly be in town, and hated to admit but he was afraid of them. Saule would have to phase his next question carefully. "I don't know the 'The Commodore,' but he sounds awesome. Listen, my hotel, the Regina, is all the way across town and the public transportation is shut down at this hour, so could you possibly give me a ride or let me crash on your couch?"
I like it. It's sad that someone who stands so tall and never tires can in the end be so impotent, helpless, and hopeless. Pretty ironic that someone whose purpose is to cast light has such a cynical and dark outlook on life. Reminds me of the old Ikea commercial with the desk lamp:
Saule clicked his glass against Mr. Wheeler's breaking off another small piece. Saule found the least sharp place on the glass to drink from and did so. Saule looked outside, and thought, hating himself for being so cliche, It's been a long night. "Who do you know personally that will be there tomorrow? Any friends we might have in common?"
"The train god in question was a her, and her name was Pacifia. I had only met her once, but she was alright. She was always one of the cleaner ones, and she was strong and proud even though the days of cattle ranching were long gone when I met her. I was glad to her she took some of them down with her." Saule had lied about meeting her although he had heard what he said to be true. Saule wished to gain Mr. Wheeler's trust, and hoped that showing that he cared for someone would do that. Saule picked up the bottom fragment of his glass (which still had a little juice in it, amazingly enough) and raised it up. "Here's to her." he said
Saule bit back a cringe at the mention of the oil gods, and hoped that Mr. Wheeler did not notice. "I ask because She does not trust me that kind of sensitive information, to be honest. And" Saule leaned forward in a confiding manner, "I do not blame Her, I do not like Her that much." Perhaps that little confession would convince Mr. Wheeler to trust him. Saule hoped that telling Mr. Wheeler the truth about his feelings toward his employer. He looked at it this way: if Mr. Wheeler believed his confession then Saule would have won his trust, but if Wheeler did not believe him then there was no harm done anyway. "What do you think of the latest reports? I heard that two kitsune and a train god were killed in Dallas a few days ago. tensions certainly are high." Saule liked small talk it gave him a chance to think. Not that this "talk" was necessarily "small," in the fighting that was going on was of great importance, but Saule did not really care about Mr. Wheeler's opinion.
Saule realized he was not getting anywhere by asking Mr. Wheeler directly, so he decided to change the subject and try a more subtle approach, on a different front. "Who do you think will show up tomorrow?"
Saule hoped that he had not he had not estranged Mr. Wheeler, with his outburst, but that was the one thing that always set Saule off "That is not as detailed an answer as I was hoping for." Saule said. What he meant was: "I was hoping that you would say something that I could use to my advantage." but he did not say that. "Are there anymore details you can remember?" Saule, hoping that Mr. Wheeler would not remember that Saule had said earlier that he knew who Mr. Wheeler had meet with, added "What was she the god of?"
"TERRORIST GROUP!!" Saule screamed, jumping out of his chair. Saule might have hit Mr. Wheeler had it not been night and had Mr. Wheeler not had information Saule wanted. "We were saving the planet from the evil corporations that were slowly destroying it, and while we were the ones labeled terrorists, they sat in an ivory tower led by their god of filth!" Saule regained his composer and sat back down. He reached for his drink only to realize that he had knocked it off the table in his rage. "But that part of my life, as it were, is over; now I am Her errand boy." Saule gave a weak smile to show that he had calmed down, "I am sorry I am normally very calm, but please, we were an 'environmentalist organization.'" OoC: I wish I could go to a concert; I likes the Linkin Park.