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  1. feanaro

    Death Note

    Actually, the death note series was not like one the the other series where the writer will just put random things that have nothing to do with the plot in meet the monthly quotient (not that there something fundamentally flawed with that, it worked for Ranma 1/2), that kind of thing work not work for Death Note.

    Very good anime and very good manga although I am not quite done. Probably the most original premise I have seen in a long time. *spoiler alert: anime episode 18*It is intense without even having action scenes (although there was this one fight scene with Light and L that I though was totally overdone and out of place, the episode friends). *spoilers end*

    Anyone who wants the manga it is all right here:
    Death Note manga
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. feanaro
    Shrieker could not find anything that would lead to Selene's whereabouts. He was now a mix of angry and extremely disappointed. He was so close and yet could not get any closer. As he though this he heard the person behind him get closer.

    In his anger, he thought of killing the person behind him and was getting ready to do just that when he heard her voice, her melodious unforgettable voice. His heart would have skipped a least half a dozen beats if still beat. It was Selene! There could be no mistaking it.

    He thought quickly of turning around and jumping into the arms of the woman he loved. And then they would get married (not in a church), go into the hills, and have lot of little dhampires, and they would all sing everyday and live happily ever after . . . forever. At least, that is what he hoped.

    But he realized that they were in an ally, smelled and looked terrible, and she had walked in on him dumpster diving; the reunion of two "lovers" had to be something romantic and epic and this situation was neither. Shrieker did not want them to meet this way but he also did not want to lose her again.

    Shrieker had to think quick; she had just put her hand on his shoulder.

    Shrieker pulled his shirt up over his nose so as not to be seen, and turned around smearing the blood of the man he had found on Selene (he could track the blood later, any vampire can track blood). Shrieker then proceeded to jump to the nearest fire escape climbing up
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. feanaro
    Shrieker heard someone behind him, but payed no notice. He searched the body with great vigor trying to find something, anything that might lead him to Selene's position.

    As he worked Shrieker, talked to himself, "I've got to get her something . . . a present! . . . something to show that I care . . . and that she should be with me! . . . maybe the still beating heart of some young thing."

    Shrieker remembered when he had first seen her back when he was human. He had thought it was love at first sight . . . but things got a little complicated and he wound up a vampire. He wondered if she still looked the same as the last time he saw her, god (the word hurt his mind a little to think) know he did.

    He still had the same messy, dirty hair only a little more so than a few years back. He still alway wore the cuff of his shirt up as though to hid his face which looked as though it had a one time been handsome. And his eyes had not changed, his eyes still made him look so lost and out of place that no one had every asked him for directions.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. feanaro
    Name : Leon "Shrieker" Markovsky
    Age : 130ish
    Sex : male
    Abilities : keen hearing, can use echolocation, perfect pitch
    Powers : can create really loud noises, strong sound waves to stun and knock back enemies.
    Sire : Selene (cleared with Gharanth)
    Purpose in being a vampire : Obsession with Selene

    "I can't believe the stuff that people just throw-away these days!" Shrieker thought as he sucked the last few drops from the man he had found in the dumpster. "At least the guy who threw out the policeman finished him to the last bit of blood, but this one practically still has a pulse! what a waste . . . well not a waste anymore." Then Shrieker tasted something familiar.

    "Selene killed this man." He though with an insane smile.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. feanaro
    Bathwater - No Doubt
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. feanaro
    Saule put the key in his door, and opened it into the small hotel room.

    "Home sweet home," Saule said.

    The room was "sweet" in the same in the same way that walruses were covered in yellow pokladots. The was a single bed with sheets stained with god knows what, there was a tiny bathroom, the door had a shotgun (or possibly something else) hole in it. There was a rickety desk with maps and diagrams spread on it in one corner with an old bible underneath one of the legs to stop the wobbling, and in another corner was a makeshift kitchen consisting of a plug-in frying pan and a mini fridge. About the only thing nice in the room was the TV.

    Saule had decided that a TV was needed to connect him to the outside world a he was currently afraid to go out much (even though going without solar power was bad for him and without enough of it he needed food, and hence the makeshift kitchen).

    Saule was a god, but he sure did not feel like it. He almost wished he could have stayed at Wheeler's for some company. Wheeler seemed like a nice enough guy.

    It was then that Saule noticed the video tape lying on the floor near the place where there was the not-so-covered-up hole in the door. Saule picked up the video, saying aloud "What is it this time? I haven't even sat down." Saule then sat down and, put the video in the VCR.

    OoC: since I have not posted in a while this one is extra long. :p
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. feanaro
    If Naruto was a Demon, then it would be Inu-Yasha hands down (the backlash wave only works on demons), but as it stands it is harder to call. I think Inu-Yasha is the way to go because the wind scar can kill many copies of Naruto, and I bet Inu-Yasha's nose could pick out the real Naruto from a group of clones. Although Naruto has the power of the Nine-Tailed fox in him, if he used it Inu-Yasha would simply respond with the backlash wave because the nine-tails is a demon.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 19, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. feanaro
    Funny, creative, and original: the whole package
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 19, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  9. feanaro
    That site only has the latest. I was looking for early ones too.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 19, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. feanaro
    This actually happened a few months ago. This is probably the first story I wrote that I was actually proud of. I wrote in an email to a friend totally stream of conscientiousness, so it is not perfectly edited. Remember this is a true story, and here it goes:

    I had a weird experience today. My eyes were bothering me, so I put on my sunglasses to keep the sun and wind out; it was about 5:30 PM but still light. I was hungry so I went to the burrito shop a couple of blocks from my house. I got to this annoying five-way intersection where the lights take forever to let people cross. I had started to space-out: looking up into the hills, when this woman asked if I wanted to cross. I looked up, and the little white man on the light was walking. I would have missed the light if it had not been for her, so I said thank you. She replied that she liked helping people. It took me about 20 seconds to realize she thought I was blind. Blind! It must have been the sunglasses, the staring into space, and the missing of the light that made no sound!

    At that point I was too embarrassed to correct her. If I told the truth I thought that she might think I was some kind of a grifter: going around town pretending to be blind to take advantage of people's trust. Also, she would probably feel very stupid for thinking me blind! Even though all the reasons that I should not tell her I decided to tell her but by that time she half a block away in the opposite direction I was going, I could have caught up to her but by then it would have been too late and it would have only confirmed the things I said earlier for her.

    Now I don't know if I should feel bad for fooling a kind, thoughtful, blind-people-helping lady or if I should feel good for making someone's day by letting them help a blind 17 year old (I know I feel happy after helping someone out). What do you think? Another interesting thing is that she I met the woman 3 blocks form my house so, odds are that she will see me walking around without not blind and think I was trying to con people by pretending to be blind. Should I pretend to be blind every time I go out, so she won't find out the truth? I hope I never see her again.

    There is a chance that she was just being helpful (but it is unlikely because of all the evidence that pointed to my being blind) and that all this is just a testament to my own insanity.
    Thread by: feanaro, Feb 19, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. feanaro


    Totally rocking band!

    Some of their stuff is a little too "rough" for me (like the last little part in Down With the Sickness), but overall totally kicka**.

    The guitar is awesome, but the vocals are so amazing with such great range the guitar is overshadowed (not a bad thing).

    I am currently having a love affair with Believe which I have been playing repeatedly for the last few days.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 18, 2007 in forum: Music
  12. feanaro
    Pain - Jimmy Eat World
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. feanaro
    Say What You Say - Eminem
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. feanaro
    I will probably regret saying this because I for the most part hate Disney sequels (expect toy story). I for the most part find this to be an excuse to make more money off a long franchise, but, judge me if you want, I also think that the idea for this movie is an interesting one.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  15. feanaro
    I read a lot of the manga (1-12) and I got kind of bored with it. It just seemed like the plot was too slow; example: they spent life 3 volumes talking about going to the beach and then when they finally went it was not that interesting.

    The other thing I have to say is: "I want Kyo's pants." . . . not like that, you dirty minded person; I want the pants he has so that I can ware them. those pants would make me look super cool.

    Example: feanaro walks up to a group of fine women and they say: "Is it hot in here or is it just you?" and feanaro responds: "Oh, it's my pants . . . my pants are whats hot in here." Don't take that out of context.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. feanaro
    Death note all the way!

    Although it is starting to get worse I still think it is freaking awesome!
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. feanaro
    Does anyone know where I can et some One Piece scanlations?
    Thread by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. feanaro
    Saule now had a legit reason to hope that Mr. Wheeler live longer although He already had a good enough reason to want Mr Wheeler to live. Mr. Wheeler had made a good impression on Saule despite the "terrorist" comment.

    Saule watched Mr. Wheeler car leave. He had had the kindness too turn down his sound system as to not wake the other gods in the hotel. Mr. Wheeler was right about one thing: it had been a very long night and Saule needed rest and he silently headed toward his room.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. feanaro


    There was a case I heard of that a woman working at Macdonald's was goth (black everything clothes, make-up, and accessories). And the manager said that she would have to stop dressing that way because it "Did not fit the Macdonald's image." And she replied by lodging a complaint that said that they were impeding her "freedom of religion."

    From what I hear "goth" is not really a religion, so was her claim B.S.?
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. feanaro
    I personally say power drill. You run back till the staple gun is ineffective and do faints until they are out of ammo.

    Plus a staple gun is not lethal anyway unless you hit the right spot. Although I did not say that it was a fight to the death, so I guess that point defeats itself.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone