Search Results

  1. feanaro
    Death Note is what I am watching on my own and Full Metal Alchemist with anime club at school, both are good but I like Death Note better :p. I am about to start Get Backers cause the manga seemed pretty good.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. feanaro
    Flashlight - Parliament/Funadelic
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. feanaro
    Shrieker left the mans apartment smelling much nicer. He was wearing some the man's clothes that were several sizes too big, but until he did laundry they were the only clean clothes he had. He took all the quarters in the man's house and left, heading toward the nearest 24 hour laundry mat.

    On the way he saw a necklace with amethysts inlaid in to it. "She will like that," Shrieker thought. He continued down the street looking more respectable than he had in years, albeit still in ridiculously over-sized clothes.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. feanaro
    Sweet Sacrifice - Evanescence. Darky if you keep putting up the same album with different songs so can I.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. feanaro
    Lithium - Evanescence, again
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. feanaro
    Absolutely, crainsawin', headmsashin', grenade-taggin' kill-takular. The most fun I have had in a long time. Great at parties, team battles take strategy to a whole new level far beyond the FPS. The graphic are the model that all next-gen should shoot-for. The controls are both innovative and intuitive (took me less time to learn then any other genre).
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. feanaro
    Xeitr The False Image, there is a spam zone for that kind of stuff, use it or have a nice cup of shut the f*** up. This is intelligent discussion, be intelligent, one more post like that and I will report you.

    I think that people are sometimes more themselves on site like this than in real life I know so many phonies at my school, that could potentially be cool people on the inside, but as long as they are phonies on the outside I will feel the same way as Holden (disliking phonies). Although, there are also a lot of phonies online, who just insult stuff to go with the flow rather than actually disliking it.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. feanaro
    Sex ed in school should the place where you get all the fact clear and cold, your friends should be there to joke about it with. If you get the information from your friends, they probably god it from their friends, and so on until you get to someone unreliable.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. feanaro
    Yeah definitely too much. Maybe if we had less busy work to do we could better on tests.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. feanaro
    Probably my favorite Zelda was Minish Cap for the advance. It had the all the coolness cartooniness of Wind Waker, but because it was on a hand-held no one could complain that the graphics were not, lifelike enough. It also remastered to old Nintendo idea of traveling between worlds. And finally the keystones, blade brothers, butterflies, and other power-ups made the game have more replay value then just collecting all the heart pieces or bomb bags.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. feanaro


    I heard really go things about crackdown and the commercial for it made me laugh. It is too bad that there will be so many people who will only buy it for the halo 3 beta invite. God, I wish had a 360.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. feanaro

    Death Note

    I have got three letters/words for that new intro: WFT! That did have some interesting elements but the fast paced song and fluid moves had nothing to do with the theme of the show. The old intro was somewhat weird, but at least the visuals and (to some degree) the song matched the tone of the show. This intro is for something more like Hellsing with s***loads of action not death note with its complex subtleties.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. feanaro
    Weight of the World - Evanescence
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. feanaro
    Shrieker awake to find that the newspapers that he had use to cover his coffin had not been effective as during his time away from it a pool of sick had appeared at the feet. The night previous he had not noticed because he had been so tired.

    Shrieker cleaned his feet off best he could, tonight he would be doing a lot of hunting. He crossed the street and and pressed random call buttons on the apartment building until he found someone he could "sweet-talk" into letting him in, a technique that he had learned from Selene but had never been quite as good at. Unfortunately, the man was an unemployed bricklayer in his forties, not even worth killing. Shrieker quickly knocked him unconscious with a blast of sound, and found his shower. Shrieker loathed to think where the man's soap had been, but he scraped off the top layer and used the soap just the same.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. feanaro
    Saule pushed play on the VCR, and . . . began watching Indiana Jones. Saule liked the movie , it had a lot of scenes out doors, and was not surprised when after about 5 minute "Indiana" began talking directly to him, of course it was not Harrison Ford, it was her, Media.

    "Did you find Wheeler like I told you?"


    "What was he doing?" 'Indiana' asked with a winning Harrison Ford smile.

    "At the time that I found him or before then?"

    "Whichever you think is more important."

    "Neither is really any more significant"

    "So, throw me a whip here, did Wheeler betray us not?"

    Saule thought for an imperceptible moment. Saule suspected Mr. Wheeler of something, he did not know what but he suspected him of it.

    "No." Saule said with conviction on his face but not in his heart.

    "Okay, since you are not going to tomorrows meeting I will inform you of some things. The first is that the old gods, according to my intelligence (which I have a lot of), the old gods are becoming more organized. Second, I suspect that it is someone who is uniting the old gods. And third, if you compromise my position with the other gods there will be consequences. No 'environmental activism,' are we clear?"

    Saule said something so cliche that he had to suppress a cringe, but he knew she would eat it up, "Crystal."

    "Good now ENJOY the movie, there are milkduds in the fridge, and remember I can kill you at anytime." 'Indiana' then kill a man. Saule knew her words were an order and went to get the milkduds.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. feanaro
    Something else to think about:

    If someone you really dislike in real life turned out to be a good friend online how do you think your relationship would change? Or the opposite?
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. feanaro
    It rained today. Now don't get me wrong, I love the rain so much in fact that when it is raining really hard and I have to run from class to class, my adrenalin begins to pump and I feel exhilarated. But when it rains and I get to feeling excited, I want to do something exciting. I wound up begging my friends to dare me to do something, anything that would be different from the norm; I even convinced my friend to go a few blocks out of the way just so that something exciting might happen.

    Nothing happened. I became a little depressed. All the adrenalin, gone to waste, unused. Its like when my heart starts raising and I get exited a space in side my opens up for some exciting and fun experience to fill, but when nothing happens I feel disappointed and a little empty. It was a real let down.

    I do not know what any of you can do about it, maybe nothing, but I felt like expressing it.
    Thread by: feanaro, Feb 26, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. feanaro
    Shrieker sighed thinking about Selene. He remembered her hair, long and strawberry blond. He remembered how that had been the first thing that attracted him to her, he had been looking out the window on that rainy night in Paris and, despite Paris being the city of lights, he could suddenly see nothing but her. He might have jumped out the window to talk to her, but his sister had stopped him, and had not seen her again for a long while. He also remembered the smell of her hair (he was not even sure that he needed the smell of the blood the track her now that he had smelled her again), his own personally intoxicant.

    Shrieker realized, that caught up in his dream-like thoughts, he had not noticed that sun rise would rise soon. He climbed into the abandoned building he had been staying in. his coffin was hidden under a pile of old newspapers so the homeless that frequented buildings like this one would not find it.

    Shrieker fell asleep thinking of what he could possibly do to prepare for his eventual leap back into her arms. He slept more soundly then he had in a long time.
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. feanaro
    I already hugged you once in the last hour (in the Lexa house) but here it goes:


    Ow, I think I hurt my arms, but that totally rocked! sorry to here about the crappy month, as I said earlier, mine has been not that fun either (aside from joining the forum, of course). I think you probably are having a worse time than me, but all the same . . . think I kind of know what you are going through.

    *hugs with less vigor and more soul*
    Post by: feanaro, Feb 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. feanaro
    I found what could be the best site for manga download, but I am not sure if it safe. Does anyone know?

    The site is:
    Thread by: feanaro, Feb 25, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga