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  1. feanaro
    Are we talking about only 1-4 liners because I have some pretty good ones that are actually more like short stories.

    If it is only really short ones, then: "I'm really sorry I chopped off your boyfriend's arms. Need a hug?"
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. feanaro
    I really like the Trigun dub. The guy who voiced Vash is a seasoned pro. I have never heard the dub for Hellsing, and I am not even sure if there is one, but the Japanese voice acting did not do justice the story, so pretty much anything would be better.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. feanaro
    Saule stood spaced out in the store for a minute and could not tell why. He was sleepy and running low on power, but he was usually that way anymore. Something else was influencing him canceling out the little power he had left. Saule shook it off and went to the juice aisle.

    Saule hated florescent lights they were about as bad as night itself. At least night was true to itself and only night, florescent lights flashed on and off never making up their minds, a sensation that would probably annoy a god of darkness as much as him. Saule made a mental note that if the god of florescents showed up at the meeting Saule would give him (or her) a swift kick in the butt.

    Looking into the supermarket refrigerator, Saule noticed that they were totally out of orange juice. Saule needed a little taste of the sun (which every orange had), now, even though sunrise was only a few hours away.

    He knew that this additional annoyance was perfectly in sync with every annoying thing that had been happening over the last day. This was different, Saule was now genuinely on the point of despair. He banged his fist into the wall next to him without vigor, and walked as if to leave.

    It was then that he noticed the hooded woman standing in line, who he had been completely oblivious to earlier. She had the last orange juice in the store! Saule completely ignored the tall man in a black coat not far from her.

    'I have been having the one of the worst days ever, I think I deserve that more then her' Saule thought, and he picked up a candy bar so as to have an excuse to stand behind her in line.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. feanaro
    Saule was tired and needed to clear his head; he was also out of food. He looked at the TV and felt around in it with his mind, Media's attention was elsewhere. Saule left his room, with his traditional attire.

    He took the nearest "path" out of the hotel. The "paths" were a route that a god could use to leave the hotel and go to one of the endpoints in LA. The end point that this "path" went to was a supermarket, and it was a short one.

    Soon enough Saule was off the "path" and in a group of people walking down the street. Even though Saule in his bright close stood out like a sore thumb, because of the way that the paths had been made no one would notice him, at first. Saule quickly went into the supermarket; he felt vulnerable outside at night.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. feanaro
    The vampire hunters won, but barely. One lone woman hunter was left standing. She began to run down the tunnel with Shrieker trailing a safe distance behind.

    Shrieker pasted the corpses of all the other vampire hunters, if you could call them that. They were all young and looked untrained. Also, for the most part they looked to be only from the poor side of town (with used clothes and such). Hunters used to be mostly priests and the higher class who had lost loved ones and gone on vendettas, but these folks looked to be neither. The leader must be very desperate to use such troops knowing that many would be lost.

    Shrieker was surprised the woman he was following had not taken the first manhole she found up to the surface, that was unlike someone who had just been trapped in the dark with a bunch of vampires. He continued to follow.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. feanaro
    Saule woke up in a cold sweat from dreams of oil and Indiana Jones. Saule looked over at the clock, it was a little past 3:00.

    "2 hours . . . that is just great," Saule thought aloud. Try as he might, Saule could not get back to sleep. Saule stood and went over to his makeshift kitchen and heated himself up a can of soup.

    'This is really f*** up' Saule thought, 'Maybe I should not have agree to work for her, maybe I should have worked for the nerd, at least he is not as smart as her and has flawed information. Of course, those were the factors that made me decide on Media instead.'

    It was then that Saule noticed the letter that had come though the hole in his door, apparently while he was sleeping. Saule picked it up and read it. He then smiled, at least he had one friend. It was a letter from zephris, the wind power goddess, his "sister" saying that she was in town and would like to see Saule before the meeting.

    "does everyone know where I live?" Saule asked to no one in particular, and shuddered think of what it would be like if that were the case. Saule needed to clear his head and decided to go for a walk.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. feanaro
    Who invented emoticons?
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. feanaro
    Shrieker jumped into the nearest manhole cover, and strait into hell. When he reached the bottom, he could hear it, and within seconds because of his echolocation he could see it. From what he could hear, a group of vampires had returned early from hunting to find a group of vampire hunters setting up, but not done with, a trap. The bloodshed had started immediately with heavy casualties on both sides. It was all out war from what Shrieker could hear and he had missed the first few minutes when the major killing had happened.

    This was none of Shrieker's business, and he would not get killed so close to reuniting with his love. He headed in the opposite direction from the battle, but one of the hunters spotted and followed him.

    "This city is really going to the dogs," Shrieker said and then released a localized sonic wave at the man behind him, knocking the man to his knees, "Why can't we all just get along. We are sharing a city with a goddess you should be more respectful and not cause so much discord. You should be begging to be her next meal not fighting, not that you can hear me what with you eardrums shattered" Shrieker then proceed to break the man's neck, and push the corpse face first into the sewage. Shrieker then hid in the shadows hoping, for the first time in his life, that the vampire hunters would win so that he could have someone to follow.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. feanaro
    Shrieker walked past a 24 barber shop and could not help, but get a quick cut. The shower had done wonders, but did not rid of the mats and tangles. He had his black hair cut to a more manageable length.

    Shrieker was back on the street within a half hour. As he flipped a coin to himself he thought "Why have I been living in the gutters for so long if I can live like this?" The question went unanswered.

    Shrieker remembered something he had heard from one of the homeless people he had spent the last few nights in the company of (they were the only ones who knew what was really going on in the city). He had heard that a hunter was in town that had really been taking care of business. "The life of a powerful hunter would be an excellent gift for my sweet," thought Shrieker. With that thought in mind head to the train station to deposit his good clothes, and the necklace in a locker, he was going to go into the sewers.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. feanaro
    Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. feanaro
    Got to go for a classic: "I lost my phone number; can I have yours?"
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. feanaro
    3455 - the thread will never be done
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. feanaro
    I really hate those commercials that appear every holiday season. "Happy Honda Days" might be the only time I actually considered shooting the TV.

    I also hate commercials for episodes of a show that air during other show, because is I missed an episode the commercial for the next episode can spoil the end of the one I missed before I can see it on youtube.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. feanaro
    Yeah, people look for familiar shapes everywhere (ex. constellations), but the most common thing to see is a face. The most recognizable part of the human body is the face. The face is the place people look during conversations (unless you are a boy in puberty).

    We identify each other's emotions through the face. We learn to identify subtle expressions that represent emotion, and those expressions become rooted into our minds subconsciously. Our minds then begin to appear in places other than faces, and are the reason we know that :-) is happy and that :-( is sad. And this all happened when we were babies :).
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. feanaro
    Saule collapsed in to bed, and his frail bed collapsed a little too. He had finally finished the movie and She had decided to let him sleep and turn off the TV. He set his alarm for six-ish, around sun rise, 5 hours would do just nicely. He took off his shorts and Hawaiian shirt in exchange for some pajamas, and pulled the covers up to his neck.

    His last thoughts before he went to sleep were of what he could possibly do the next day.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. feanaro
    "Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants."
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  17. feanaro
    This is something I wanted to do, but is also a response to the "best swordsman" thread. pretty simple question: who is the best with a gun of all anime characters. With two categories:

    Most Talent (as in the best shot with the most finesse):
    Most Bada** (pretty self explanatory):
    Thread by: feanaro, Mar 1, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. feanaro
    Between the Rent and Me - Snowden
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. feanaro
    To the End - MCR
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. feanaro
    Shrieker now had clean clothes. He quietly changed in a back ally, thinking about his next steps, he would get some money, then he would get that amethyst, after that he get some flowers (hopefully jasmine, the night bloomer), also he would buy a new suit (even with his clothes clean he did not look that great), and finally he would find a nice meal that they could play with and eat, maybe a hunter or a virgin (not a nerd, too greasy).

    Shrieker returned to the gem store, only to see a rather well-off looking woman buy the necklace he had wanted, with cash. Shrieker smiled. He followed the woman Shrieker used his voice to imitate a police siren and the woman ducked into a nearby ally. Shrieker smiled again. "I knew she stole that money! Nobody buys expensive jewelry in cash!"

    "Been a while since I had a hot meal," Thought Shrieker as the blood dripped down his mouth. "Looks like I get to kill two birds with one stone," he though as he pride the purse from her still warm fingers, and found a lot of cash and the necklace.
    Post by: feanaro, Mar 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home